↠ woman [dream] ▪︎ oneshot

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part 2 ! exams are finally over and you can finally have a time off. you decided to spend it with dream. tommy is also a part of it.

i guess there are curses? there's always gonna be swear words. cheesy writing as usual. THIS IS UNEDITED!!

just realized that the titles are so weird out of context. i don't know but i just feel like it's weird. ANYWAYS- this was very cute imo. hope you guys liked it!!


After weeks of cramming your butt off, it was finally paid off when the start of your spring break came. Dream immediately requested for you to stay at his house for the whole 10 days in which you instantly obliged. Now, all of your belongings stuffed in bags were with you when you arrived at his front door.

Dream didn't waste another time and helped you with your luggage, and you thanked him. You followed him as he trudged towards his room, not knowing that Patches was idly trailing from behind as well.

You only noticed that the feline was present when it began rubbing itself onto your panted leg. In response, you picked Patches up, cradled her in your arms, and marched towards Dream's bed, plopping yourself down with the cat landing beside you.

With a huge stretch, hearing some of your bones pop, you finally felt comfortable after so many weeks of staying up so late and trying to juggle your school life and teen life. It must've been a treacherous week but it'll all be worth it.

You just realized that it's just you and Patches in the room. Dream was nowhere to be seen. His absence made you feel cold, you could really use a cuddle right now...

A yawn left your mouth. You could also use a bit of a nap. It's long overdue now, anyways. So as you let your eyelids drop, sleep overcomes you.



You felt your whole world shake. You slowly open your eyes to see Dream standing so tall over you. Your senses get immediately flooded with the smell of Chinese food, the cold air of the room, your dry mouth yearning for hydration, and chill music playing from his Spotify.

"What time is it?" You groaned out, looking at your watch. It's only 15 minutes since you closed your eyes but it felt you've slept for 8 hours straight yet you're still tired.

"Wake up dummy, I bought Chinese food."

As you suspected, Dream brought take-out. "I could've cooked us something?"

"Well you're clearly asleep and the fridge is unfortunately empty today."

You hummed and watched as Dream took something out of the paper bag. He gave one to you after checking the label before taking one for himself. He sat on the foot of the bed as you sit up against the headboard.

When you opened the box, a wave of slight heat and scent engulfed your face. You immediately smelled- mmm noodles.

You and Dream ate wordlessly, the chill music occupying the silence. It was really comforting. Dream smiled at you as he slurped up a pile of noodles and you couldn't help but chuckle a bit in which he stopped chewing to say, "Stop laughing," with his mouth full.

He sounded absolutely ridiculous.

"I mean it. Stop." He was laughing himself too. "I'm actually gonna choke on these dumplings if you don't stop laughing."

"Stop talking! Don't talk when your mouth's full." You playfully berated him before finishing your set of meals. You carefully stood up and went to his gaming desk where the huge paper bag still lies. You eventually found the two cups of iced tea so you took yours in exchange for the empty noodle box.


Minutes later, you found yourself in the same position as Dream, sitting up with your one leg propped up and scrolling through Twitter.

Dream spent much more time on the site than you ever did, whereas you spend more of your time either on YouTube or Tumblr.

You'd show him art about his Internet persona. Sometimes you would comment out loud on how the artist nailed a specific detail of your boyfriend's face. Other times, though, you would question how they managed to picture him wearing a mask with so much complex clothing when all he's wearing right now are his merch hoodie and basketball shorts.

Still, you love him dearly.

The two of you spent the rest of the day being in each other's arms, admiring one another's points and marks with such proximity.

Eventually, it was just comfortable silence. Dream rested his head on your chest as you went and thread your fingers through his blond hair.

"I forgot something," He mumbled into your skin.

"What is it." You lazily replied, continuing to brush his curls.

"Mom's comin' tomorrow... to visit. She... always does, ev'ry Tuesday..."



That was the first day spent. As you and Dream laid carelessly on his bed, the time flew by until it was a bit after midnight. Dream found himself waking up to the cold. He instinctively held you closer until there was no more space between the two of you. But all of a sudden, he couldn't sleep. That's fine, he said in his mind. He could just scroll through Twitter until he feels sleepy again.

So there he was, looking at tweets that popped up in his timeline. Every once in a while, someone would message him whether it be from Discord, Twitter, or other messaging apps but Dream didn't have the energy to reply to anyone right now. Plus, it would be quite a struggle to type with one hand because his left was being crushed under your weight.

He looked down to see you squirming a bit, your eyebrows slightly raising. He watched as your eyes slowly opened and he immediately twisted his phone away from you. "Go back to sleep." Dream softly whispered.

"What are you doing?" You mumbled with a tired voice, closing your eyes.

"I'm trying to go back to sleep, that's all..." When he planted a kiss on your forehead, you didn't reply, which means you're fast asleep. Eventually, Dream followed you after turning his phone off.

The next day, you woke up to see Dream on his PC playing what seems to be Minecraft (duh). You tried to bury yourself under the covers to go and continue to what feels like the best sleep you had in a while, but you told yourself not to waste today. Dream's voice occupied the short silence, signifying that he's talking with someone.

You tried your best to make your exit as quiet as possible but as soon as you sat up, Dream turned to you. "I'm muted. Good morning."

"Good morning." You smiled as you gave him a warm embrace. When you pulled away, he was leaning forward until you had to stop him and leaned back yourself. "Morning breath."

He pouted which made you laugh a bit, ruffling his hair. You've finally exited his room and went to do your morning routine. As he said, there's going to be a visitor so when someone knocked on the door, you hurriedly opened it and his mom immediately smiled at you.

You notified Dream about his mom by texting because you were too lazy to go back upstairs and you're actually helping her prepare lunch. After a minute, he came bounding down the staircase and greeted her with a hug. The lunch was filled with stories and chats. You asked her about Drista, she asked you about college, she also asked Dream about his week here, and so on.

Dream had to go back upstairs because he's on a call, so that left you with his mom. She was eating grapes while you took care of the dishes. It was a comfortable silence. Sometimes, she would compliment you about how you managed to balance your studies and your relationship with his son, which made it slightly awkward, but you appreciate it.

Patches was there, and she was a great distraction. Dream got down again to change the cat's water and that's when his mom said that she has to leave because she has to go somewhere.

It was a little bit after lunch when you followed Dream back to his room. "What are you doing?"

"Playing Minecraft with Callahan. Well, I was, but Calla had to leave, so."

You nodded in acknowledgment. "Can you teach me how to play the game?"

He looked at you with an unreadable expression. You couldn't tell if it was disbelief, surprise, or excitement. "Yeah, sure!" Dream pulled you by your wrist and you were taken aback by his energy. He sat you down on the chair and leaned down to reach the mouse. You could only watch as he exited the server and made a new world. "There." He let go of the mouse and you replaced it with your own hand.

"What should I do?" You began to move the mouse and now the character was turning around.

Dream moved closer and told you his keybinds. You were trying to listen to the different keys he listed but it was difficult with his hot breath against your neck. You didn't want to show him that you were distracted so you immediately recall him telling you that W, A, S, and D are used for moving. So you did.

"Look at you, moving." Dream said behind you. You rolled your eyes at the comment while using the spacebar to jump around. "Beat the game."

"Wh- I just started playing!"

"I'll teach you, duh." Dream quickly retrieves a spare chair and placed it beside you as he swiftly sat down and leaned towards your shoulder. "Okay, go to a nearby tree and break it down."

Your character was walking until he had to tell you to use R for sprinting. You did but being a first-timer, it was quite difficult to control your character but you got in front of the bark nonetheless.

He instructed you to break the tree down with the left mouse button. The whole run was a very tedious process with Dream's instructions and your slow response but eventually, you managed to make the portal and went to the nether.

The two of you were in front of the computer until it was already late afternoon. (You kept dying from the piglins so Dream had to switch and fight it off for you) He showed you how to time the critical hits and you tried to do it but you would fail.

Still, Dream would encourage you and tell you that you're still doing a good job. "Doing greater than I was when I was first starting." He would say.

You wanted to snark back and say that "No one helped you when you were starting so that's not really a fair comparison." But you restrained yourself.

When you had the last hit on the ender dragon, Dream let out the loudest scream. "Let's go!" He clapped so hard for you. His energy was so unmatched and it is bursting that he had to stand up from his chair.

You had no choice but to celebrate it with him. Although you died a bunch of times and had to switch with him, you're still proud of yourself for finishing the game. You can see now why he loves the game. It was fun.

A discord call interrupted the cheering. Dream leaned forward and tabbed back to the app and the both of you saw the name Tommyinnit calling...

Dream answered. "Hello?"

"What's up, Dream? Why did you call me?"

Your boyfriend laughed beside you. "You called me first, Tommy."

"I'm about to go live for a minute. Do you have your girlfriend with you?"

"Why do you want to talk with her so bad?" Dream wasn't frustrated at all. He was just confused, amused, and worried at the same time. For all the good reasons, you hoped.

"You're making me sound like a wronged, Dream. I just want to show her around the SMP. Maybe hang out with Tubbo."

Dream muted his mic before turning to you. "Are you okay with that?"

You suddenly felt a bit nervous. You thought that you would never really fit in around these YouTubers, you only find comfort in Dream. But you also thought that these are just teenagers who want to hang out so maybe you should give it a try.

"Just be yourself." Dream would always say.

"Yeah, sure." You said. "Could be fun."


After Dream joined the Dream Team SMP Discord voice call with Tommy, and Tommy began streaming, you hoped it would be smooth sailing, but knowing the streamer's personality, you had to prepare yourself for his dynamic behavior.

"I'm gonna go get my laptop. I have to edit my video." Dream placed a chaste kiss on your forehead and left the room.

While Tommy was deafened after informing you that he's going to 'start the stream and greet the boys', you experimented with the controls of the game. You were jumping up and down with Dream's Minecraft character, clicking around and crouching rapidly. You pressed F3 as Dream told you and you saw your character spinning and dancing.

You giggled at yourself before stopping and just noticed Tommy staring at you. You looked at Discord to see that he's been unmuted but didn't say anything. The silence was broken by him snorting and laughing. You simply crouched in front of his figure and the kid laughed louder, making you chuckle as well.

Tommy decided to give you a tour around the SMP. The two of you met some lovely folks that joined VC and heard your voice for the first time. You noticed how they weren't remembering you as Dream's girlfriend. They would've called you that, but instead, they referred to you with your name which you appreciate a lot.

You followed Tommy to a spot where he claimed was his most favorite spot. Your characters ended up on a bench with a jukebox beside it.

When Tommy clicked on the box, your poor ears were met with loud tunes. You yelped as you thrashed the headphones from you. Tommy laughed in the background of you struggling to turn the sound down.

"Dream!" You called out. You turned around and recoiled when you found him sitting on the bed, with a laptop and spare headphones. He didn't seem to hear you the first time, so you waved in the direction of his sight.

"Dream," you said softly, still flapping your arms at him. Tommy hears the ruffling and scampering on the other end of the call. He tried to give you instructions but he was still laughing.

The man perked up when he sees you in his peripheral vision. He removed one-half of his headphones as his eyebrows raised in question.

"How do you-" you silently motioned to the monitor and pointed to ears still ringing. He rose from the comforter and trudged towards you. You watched as he hunched over you and took the mouse, adjusting the sounds.

Wordlessly, you mouthed him your thanks. He hummed in satisfaction and went back to bed.

"Tommy?" You said. You glanced at Discord to see he was deafened and there was a new message.

Tell me if you're done. Might leak something personal

You smiled, grateful, as you replied to him-

u can undeafen now

"Hello?" Tommy entered.

"Hello," you replied, which Tommy took the chance to change the topic to the lore of the Dream SMP.

You listened as Tommy passionately talked about the history of the server. He introduced so many other characters you've never met, trying to remember their names, but you're bound to forget them later on. He took you to the different parts of the server and Tubbo eventually joined the VC, exchanging greetings with each other.

You find yourself amused because these are two kids all hyped up about a game called Minecraft. It was very entertaining, and now you know that the reason why they are so popular was that they deserved it.

You didn't get many of their inside jokes; like the o7 one or the 'Jack Manifold is bald' one, but at the end of the tour, you had to admit that you had so much fun.

"Yeah! Glad you had fun," Tommy replied. After a moment passed, he asked, "What did you think of Dream's new song, Dream's Girlfriend?"

You had to think for a moment. You remembered the times when Dream talked to you about it and you were 1000% supportive of his decisions, and when he showed you a sample of his songs and what he want to name it, and when he asked what you think of his lyrics and what you want to change.

But you don't know which of his songs are out right now.

"Which one?" So you asked.

"What the hell!?" Dream bellowed from the background, clearly caught that he was watching the stream with a seemingly huge delay for him to react plenty of seconds after the question. "Don't listen to her, Tommy. Don't believe anything she says!"

"Woa-" Tommy erupted into chuckles. "Is Dream just lurking behind you, uh-" He stopped. "You know, I wish I could call you other names instead of 'Dream's Girlfriend'. It's rather a mouthful- and quite unfortunate that we can't shorten it to something more creative."

You nodded a bit. "That's... true."

Silence ensued. The two of you sat in VC wondering what name to call you instead of the long, unnecessary nickname.

"Dreamfriend- ugh, no."

You snorted at his attempt, then again, you can't come up with anything good either. "I don't know, Tommy."

"GIrl.. Dream- ugh for fuck's sake. Nevermind, I'm just gonna call you Tubbo- wait, no-"

"What?" You let out a confused cackle. "Uhm, you can call me... I don't know, your favorite color?" You recoiled and tried to take back what you said, "I'm sorry that was lame, you can-"


You paused. "Huh. That's actually kinda cool."

"I was gonna say transparent at first."

You gave him an amused scoff. "Are you serious?"

After a moment, "No."

You shared a round of laughs. He told you that he's going to end stream now so he bid you goodbye. It was quiet when Tommy had to deafen. You idly moved around the grass and jumped on the wooden slabs.

"Are you done?"

You muted your mic before turning to Dream. "You miss me that much already?"

He wordlessly pats the space beside him in his bed. You rolled your eyes but obliged as you stood and walked towards him. "I was afraid you're gonna end up obsessed with that block game."

"Like you? Never."

"Psh, I'm not obsessed."

"Sure, keep telling that to yourself." You settled yourself deeper into Dream as he continued editing a video. You asked him about it and he told you that it was gonna be a new Youtube video. You then apologized for not watching his recent videos because of exam week, Dream told you that it's fine. You then replied, "Is it going to be finer if you watch it with me?"

Dream lets out a hearty chuckle. "Sure!"

"You seem excited," you noticed. "You won in that Manhunt, didn't you?"

"Heh heh, I'm not gonna tell you." After beats of silence, he nudged you, "So. Blue, huh?"

You buried your head in your hands as your face is flushed in embarrassment. "Shut up."

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