Strength of Relationship~2

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Third Person's Pov

Hardik and Ranya soon reached with Varun to the hotel and Hardik asked the hotel service men to help them taking Ranya's brother to his room. They all took her brother to Hardik's room while Hardik and Ranya followed them.

Mahek's Pov

Where did bhaiya go leaving me all alone here. Suddenly I heard a bell, it must be bhaiya, I rushed to open the door. I was in my half t-shirt and shorts. I knew it must be bhaiya so I didn't put on the shrug before opening the door. I opened the door and saw people from room service carrying a weak man. I said, "Make him lie down on the bed quick." The man looked at me weakly. I ran inside the washroom, I put on a skirt and covered my upper body with a shrug. I came back to the room and found Bhaiya sitting with a girl. She also seemed weak. Bhaiya held my hand and said, "She is Ranya, my love interest but the destiny had been harsh on her. Her brother Varun got ill and was diagnosed with heart disease." I said, "I will treat Bhabhi's brother. But first they should eat something and Bhabhi come with me I will give you my clothes change into them, as these clothes are not comfortable for sleeping. Bhaiya order the dinner." Bhaiya nodded his head and Bhabhi came with me. 

Hardik's Pov

I'm sorry Mahek, I've to use you. I discussed all about my plan with Ranya. Rahul now you are finished. You've no right to snatch away my Navya from me. 

Ranya's Pov

This man is indeed a God for me but how can I harm someone unknown. This man is planning to break a marriage. Breaking a marriage is a grave sin. I followed Mahek. She is really nice, sweet and a innocent girl. She gave me some comfortable clothes to wear and went outside the room. It was a suite. 

Third Person's Pov

Mahek came back with her stethoscope. She checked up Varun. She said, "Bhaiya we need to get some of his tests done. Tomorrow is my joining at the City Hospital so we will admit Varun there then if we need to operate then we can do it there." Hardik nodded his head in acceptance. 


Third Person's Pov

(After a week)

Varun was admitted to the hospital, Mahek took Varun's case. Mahek became busy with her patient Varun. Varun also liked his doctor a hell lot as he felt that he was recovering under his doctor speedily. Here on the other hand Hardik was planning to destroy both Rahul and Navya's life. Rahul lost his job for Hardik's hold as a business tycoon of the company where Rahul worked. The disturbed Rahul didn't know why he lost his job, he started going to bars and night clubs. He became alcoholic and started torturing his wife Navya for silly reasons. Navya never knew this Rahul before. Rahul started extra marital affairs with high profile prostitutes. Navya lost all her hope of getting her old Rahul back. She didn't understand why Rahul suddenly started behaving weird suddenly. Navya was always taught by her Mom that after girls get married they've to become very strong and must deal every situation very calmly. Navya started writing songs and singing them. Titas who was her best friend suggested her to record them and upload them on YouTube. People started loving songs written by Navya. She used to hide her face and sing her songs in the name of Aaroohi Chawla. 

(After 3 months)

Mahek treated Varun to most of the extent so that she could conduct his operation. Varun was now ready for operation. It was Mahek's first open heart surgery in her career. Mahek was too much scared for the first surgery of her life. She took the blessings from Hardik and then from Ranya and moved towards the hospital. Ranya and Hardik also came to the hospital. Mahek and other doctor took Varun to the operation theater. Ranya out of tension hold Hardik's hand firmly. Hardik being a gentleman made Ranya sit down on the chair and comforted her. He said, "Varun will be fine you don't worry Miss Agnihotri." Ranya nodded her head. After 2 hours Mahek came out of the operation theater and hugged Hardik and said, "Operation Successful!" She pulled away from Hardik and hugged Ranya too. Mahek said, "Bhabhi you can meet him whenever he gets back his senses. Here on the other hand Hardik finally made all the papers and hired a high profile prostitute to seduce Rahul and make him sign the property papers. After few days the high profile prostitute seduced Rahul and made him sign all the property papers. Rahul unknowingly sold his house to Hardik. After a week Hardik checked out from the hotel with Mahek, Varun and Ranya. They went to the home which Hardik purchased recently. Navya opened the door. Hardik pretended to get shocked to see Navya in his newly purchased home. Mahek said, "Bhaiya who is she? And what is she doing in our home?" Navya got more confused and Hardik said, "Sis she is one of my college friend Jasprit's sister Navya but I'm myself confused about what is she  doing here." Navya said, "Hardik Bhaiya it's Rahul and my home!"

Hardik's Pov

Enough is enough Navya. What did you call me? Bhaiya? I'm bhaiya only for Mahek and Titas not for you Navya. I controlled my anger somehow. I took out the property papers and showed them to Navya. She went through the papers keenly and saw I really own the property. Navya looked at me helplessly. Mahek said, "Navya you are bhaiya's best friend's sister so please stay with us here only and you know what Bhaiya is getting engaged very soon with Bhabhi." she pulled Miss Agnihotri and further added, "Navya meet Ranya, my Bhabhi and Bhabhi she is Navya." Navya smiled. Wow Navya how can you smile hearing about my engagement. Navya you are silly, haha Rahul ka patta kat dunga mei and I will marry you only Navya.

Navya's Pov

Suddenly I noticed a weird sort of smile on Hardik Bhaiya's face. But what the hell I'm thinking. He can never snatch our personal property on purpose. It just happened because of Rahul's  foolishness.


Hey people here goes another chapter. I hope you people like it. Please turn the white/grey star orange and please keep commenting guys.

Crazy_Cat_88 and Adisa_HP [2 of my heroines!]

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