Strength of Relationship~4

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Third Person's Pov

Outside the room

Ranya was struggling with Hardik's grip over her shoulder. Manish said, "Bhabhi cool down! I know Mahek will surely do something!" Hardik nodded his head and said, "Yes Miss Agnihotri I umm mean Rano!" Ranya was constantly crying when Hardik hugged Ranya tightly. She was astonished but still she badly needed a shoulder to cry so she hugged him back and cried her heart out.

Hardik's Pov

If something happens to Varun then I will take all responsibilities of Ranya. Varun don't worry I will search appropriate groom for her marriage. Why the hell am I thinking all these? Mahek is the best doctor, she will not let anything happen to Varun.

Inside the room

Third Person's Pov

Mahek gave him defibrillator treatment. Varun's heart responded for the sudden jerks given to his heart by Mahek with the help of  defibrillator. 

(For the people who don't know about defibrillator is I'm enclosing an image!)

Mahek placed the oxygen mask over Varun's mouth. Varun was feeling better now. Mahek opened the door. Ranya rushed to her and said, "Mahek how is bhaiya!!", she cried while jerking her. "Bhabhi!! Bhabhi listen to me Mr. Agnihotri is out of danger!! Believe me! You can meet him after 2 hours." Ranya hugged Mahek and started crying. "Thank You! Mahek! Bhaiya is everything to me and you saved my bhaiya once more.", Ranya exclaimed. Hardik hugged Mahek and said, "I'm proud of you Mahi!"

Jasprit's Pov

Oh he is a brilliant doctor I see. Before few moments she said Varun's heart has stopped beating now he was out if danger. Mahek said, "You people go down I will come after some time." Ranya was not ready to leave the place at any cost but Hardik somehow managed to take her downstairs with us.

After 2 hours

Third Person's Pov

Varun was now fine. Mahek was sitting in the room for his observation. She called Ranya and others to the room as now he was fine. Ranya finally cheered up seeing her brother alright.

After a week (Day of Karwa Chauth)

Third Person's Pov

Navya, Titas and Ranya were preparing for the Karwa Chauth. Mahek was just wondering what the ladies were doing. All the boys except Varun were sitting in the living room. Varun was still sleeping in his room. Hardik suddenly got up and went to his room. Mahek came to the living room and said, "Where did Bhaiya go? He was sitting here only?" Jasprit said, "Oh Mahek! Please have a seat here." Mahek sat down next to Jasprit. Rahul said, "Mahek why were you searching for Hardik?" Manish said, "You can also ask us. We are also like your bhaiya." Jasprit frowned and said, "If not bhaiya we are like your friends." Manish smirked at Jasprit. Mahek said, "Rahul Bhaiya and Manish Bhaiya, actually I wanted to know about Karwa Chauth all the bhabhis were saying." Jasprit said, "I will make you understand." Jasprit narrated the full story about Karwa Chauth to Mahek. After Jasprit ended with the history of Karwa Chauth both Mahek and Jasprit had an eye lock, which didn't go unnoticed by Ranya. Ranya becomes happy but at the same time scared as she thinks the consequences if Hardik comes to know about Jasprit's and Mahek's love. Manish and Rahul also gets happy to see their friend Jasprit finally fell for a girl. Suddenly Ranya plays a loud music and both Mahek and Jasprit come out of their trance. Hardik came to the living room for the sudden loud music. Hardik sees Ranya dancing with Mahek and soon a smile appears on his face.

Hardik's Pov

I'm still confused between what should I do. I never felt like this before for Navya which I feel for Ranya. I feel like I can sacrifice everything for Ranya. Shut up stupid heart what are you thinking. Navya I will make you mine at any cost. I called up Ranya and asked her to accompany me to my room. Ranya and I came to my room. I said, "Miss Agnihotri no need of Karwa Chauth as you know very well we are just acting so you can come to my room and eat whatever you want I have biscuits and chips. "Mr. Khanna no I won't do that I will keep this fast for my love.", she stated which directly pierced my heart making it break into pieces. I didn't know how to react should I be happy or be upset. I always wanted Ranya to get married to an appropriate groom. Does she like Jasprit or may be Rahul? I will try to know it and fix her marriage accordingly. 

Third Person's Pov

Jasprit said, "Mahek umm I mean can you come with me to my room?" Mahek said, "Yeah Sure why not?" Mahek and Jasprit went to Jasprit's room. Jasprit said, "Mahek can we meet at the cafe today 5 P.M. please?" Mahek said, "Yeah Sure!" Mahek smiled shyly and ran towards the living room and Jasprit followed her. 


The duo went on a coffee date where Jasprit proposed Mahek and she said a Yes to him. Mahek to her surprise fell in love finally. It was a new feeling between the two love birds. Thousands of butterflies jumped in their stomach. Their heartbeats were racing for the sudden new feeling in both of their hearts for each other.


 After a month

Hardik was discussing with Ranya about his plan when Jasprit overheard their conversation. This enrages Jasprit and he hires goons after Mahek and decides to lead the gang of goons after her wearing a black mask over his face. Jasprit forcibly holds Mahek's hands and pins them to the wall of Mahek's cabin while other goons locks the cabin from inside. Jasprit holds her neck forcibly so that she can't scream while other goons tie her hands. Jasprit forces her but she suddenly kicks in his weakest point he screams in pain. She recognizes his voice and said, "Ja Ja Ja Jazz?" Her eyes filled up with tears. Jasprit suddenly realized his mistake and opened her hands. He ordered the goons to leave them alone. Mahek scratches off the mask from his face and slaps him and faints in his arms.


Hey people this is the second last chapter of my short story. What will happen next will Navya and Rahul be able to pardon Hardik. Will Hardik realize his love for Ranya? Will Mahek forgive Jasprit? Will Varun be able to make it to Mahek?

Please turn the white/grey star orange and please keep commenting guys...

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