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Clarys P.O.V

"Why in the hell would you tell me 16 years later!" Jace screamed at the top of his lungs. "Oh Sush you'll wake up our daughter!" I replyed. "Yea one I didnt know I had till five minutes ago 16 damn years after shes born, Does Simon know?" He asked crossing his arms. Looking at him I sighed and shook my head no, "No but he suspects I mean its Not that hard to tell she has blonde hair for angels sake" "So why now why tell me now?" "Because she'll be 16 anf her powers will be in, She has no idea, All she thinks is that shes athletic I dont know what to do, Plus her boyfriends not mundane I actually dont know what he is I've never met him" I replyed. "So Simom could have played Mundane Daddy" he replyed gruffly. "But Simons not her dad You are, and shes not mundane....85% Nephilim and 15% Demon, and what does it matter? It matters because cause I love you and lets face it Simon loves Isabelle its always been that way...but when you refused me Simon stepped up....I mean me and him only once and Alexis is the result of that or so he thinks" I replyed. His blue eyes bore into me searching for lies and finding none. "Your telling the truth" I nodded and suddenly I was there in his arms a strong and steady body holding me up his lips came close to mine. "I love you to Clary" was herd before they met with mine. Pulling away he leaned his forehead against mine "Tell her we want to meet the boyfriend" hew whispered.


Ok So Mortal Instruments what do you Dr think? Good or bad?

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