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Geo: it's getting late

Octavia: *yawn* thanks for everything

Geo: *put his hand to Octavia shoulder* it sure does

*octavia blushed a little bit*

Stolas: already tide them up and for extra protection, I used holy rope

Geo: well stolas you need have a very long talk about via and don't bring any lies, bring her the whole truth

Octavia: I'm mentally prepared and geo is here for me for emotional support *didn't realize she holding hand to geo*

Stolas: very well then, you know why me and your mother don't like each other

Geo: (oh no don't tell me they force arranged marriage) please don't be worse

Stolas; we been arrange marriage and make an heir

Octavia: so you and mom don't loved each other.....

Stolas; even after Stella abuse, your my hope to keep going as well for blitzo since he's my first friend and crush

Octavia: ........

Geo: I'm here Octavia, don't let your emotions overflow

Stolas: no wonder via like you

Geo; I already experienced depression as well my friends personal issues

Stolas: your a good person geo

Geo: i always help my friends

Omega xis: I'm having deji vu

Geo: heh.....

Octavia: are you gonna fully divorce mom?

Stolas: yes and I don't want you separate you but it's your choice if you stay with me or have a routine with your mother and me

Octavia: I'm gonna stay with you for good

Geo: I can respect your choice Octavia

Octavia: now, how bare you gonna do with IMP?

Stolas: don't worried I already planned it for their consequences and lying

Geo: huh?

*3 OOOPART come out from geo*

Geo: zerker, ninja and samurian what are you doing here?

Stolas: I can feel the power

Octavia: woah 0-0

Zerker spirit: we can feel the presence

Samurian spirit: we heard it everything

Ninja spirit: including blitzo and the mu power

Geo: damn

Samurian spirit: we can make the consequences those 3

*look at unconscious moxxie, Millie and loona*

Ninja spirit: we will bring the horrible nightmares to them

Zerker spirit: those 3 are good test subjects for vessels if we ever encounter a worthy holder

Geo: I know I'm very worthy to used tribe forms but it's time for others get it

Samurian spirit: of course your always have our power and we won't removed it, you can keep

Geo: are you sure about it

Ninja spirit: yes

Octavia: wait, only a worthy can hold it right?

Zerker spirit: you don't have the potential to have us if your wondering

Octavia: understandable, wish I can hold it and transform one

Geo: it's because I em wave change?

Octavia: yes

Stolas: so what you gonna do to them?

*3 spirits sparkled and shoot yellow, green and red lazer to unconscious loona, Millie and moxxie*

Geo; oh! You're doing that but a different way

Omega xis: we don't want to experience it again

*inside of millie area*

Millie: we're am I?

Samurain spirit: your punishment that you did to blitzo and attacking our holder

Millie: is this fucking blitzo then he deserves it

Joe: we're very disappointed Mildred

Lin: we taught you very well but we were wrong

Millie: ma? Pa?

Sallie may: we all like blitzo and this wasn't for him we wouldn't hate moxxie a lot and even not part of the family

Millie: .....

Lin: seriously he protecting your from embarrassment and fucking on lust restaurant!

Sallie may: it's only lust related and not any romantic stuff

Millie: it was romantic for moxxie did to me

Joe: he could've chose a different restaurant and ring!

*rainstorm appear of no where*

Millie: huh?!?!

Samurian spirit: their telling the truth, if this wasn't for blitzo stand up you two been laughed off a lot

Millie: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Samurian spirit: your test vessel is completely and let's see if you can survive yourself!!!

Millie: ugh!!!

*a fire canon shot but Millie barely dodge it*

Millie: *turn around* you?!?!?!

Tribe samurian: are you afraid of yourself?

Millie: you copy me!

Tribe samurian: it's because your an dummy for me to test it out and you better prepare if you don't then you will die

Millie:  AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

*inside of moxxie area*

Moxxie: why am back to greed ring?

Zerker spirit: to your worse nightmare

Moxxie: aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!

Zerker spirit: I think someone will to you

Crimson: *loaded his holy gun* well isn't my failure of my son *smirk* your following my footsteps to destroy it

Moxxie: I won't forgive you what you did to mom!

Crimson: kinda hypocritical of you since you beat up blitzo

Moxxie: you never met him

Crimson: that's true but we're inside your mind

Moxxie: wait...... your an illusion of my actions!

Maria: how could you!

Moxxie: mom!?!?! *crying*

Maria: I've teach you how to treat peoples nicely but now your acting like your father

Moxxie: mom please let me explain

Maria: no I've seen it all, blitzo protecting you from humiliation

Crimson: you did an amazing job for being an idiot

Moxxie: I'm just mad at him!

Maria: you didn't realize what he suffered? He literally helped you escape in jail

Crimson: you know I don't gave a fuck and expect the jail make you stronger but nope *laughing*

Moxxie: I'm not you!

Crimson: yes you are son

Maria: your just a mini copy version of hi—

*a sword stab threw her heart*

Moxxie: mom?!?!

Maria: *coughing blood* I should've abort you or abandoned you..........

*maria fall down *

Crimson; see that moxxie, you did it and you cause it *laughing harder* it's your fault!!!

*crimson head been cut off*

Zerker spirit: heh

Moxxie: why copy my body?!?!

Zerker spirit: your vessel test *smirk*

Moxxie: you murder my mom!!!

Zerker spirit; you killed her moxxie it's all over your hand with blood

Moxxie: no you did!

Zerker spirit: your such a coward and relied to others, do you remember blitzo save you? And you repay him by hurting him and take his business

Moxxie: he always interfere our personal life

Zerker spirit: it's because he never experienced it and he tried his best

Moxxie: oh shut up I've seen this drama shows

Zerker spirit: your right moxxie it's just *punch moxxie face* a *kick him* drama *eletric shock* show *slash at moxxie with electric shock*

Moxxie: arh!!!!

*finally loona mind*

Loona: ugh..... where the fuck am I.......... 0-0

*the orphaned place*

Loona: no....... NOOOOO!!!!

*attacking the jail bar*

Loona: I don't want return this shit place!

Owner: your time is up loona

Loona: what?!

Owner: yeah after that red imp see you what's his name? Oh right blitzo he's interesting to adopted you which to my surprise

Loona: 0-0

Owner: sadly he have second guess since I told him you have issues

Loona: grrrr

Owner: if you don't follow the instructions you will be force to put you down

Loona: you can't put me down bitch!

Owner: this is your last warning

Loona: tsk! Fine

*loona been kicked out the orphanage*

Loona: now fucking great, I'm homeless

Ninja spirit: that's just the beginning

Loona: *look around* where the fuck are you!

Ninja spirit: he given you shelter and love but you shove them away

Loona: because he wouldn't let me free!

Ninja spirit: you didn't realize how lucky you got, other hellhound would've loved it have that chance

Loona: why you telling this bullshit!

Ninja spirit: because

*a shuriken almost hit loona*

Ninja spirit: life isn't easy and appreciate you got

Loona: grr! Why do I look like a shitty Halloween costume

Ninja spirit: hmm the vessel is completed.....

Loona: I'm fucking kill you!!!

*many shurikens about to hit loona*

Loona: *trying to cover herself* I hate my life!

*back to the real world*

Samurian spirit: the vessel is complete

Ninja spirit: despite those disgusting creatures we finally found ourselves a future holders who can hold us

Zerker spirit: thank you geo, stolas and especially Octavia without those test subjects we wouldn't have found our new holders and make them berserk and be a mindless husk to control

Geo: no problem I've experienced it and hope for the future holder can handle it

Omega xis: hope the holder is a good person and used it for good like geo did

Geo: I remember when dark phantom used Luna as a bait

Stolas: *reading his grimore* since you guys are finished I'm take those 3 to my place and have a discussion

Octavia: if blitzo was there he would've enjoyed it

Geo; let him do it to himself

Omega xis: what's your discussion those 3?

Stolas: depending if they give up and give me the new owner if imp

Octavia: dad are you serious?

Stolas: I don't know much about assassination but I do know about business which they struggle a lot

Geo: make sense

Stolas; for further cautions there's gonna be new changes that blitzo wouldve mind

Octavia: remember dad your gonna give geo a Asmodeus crystal

Stolas; I will get his sooner

Geo: well it's was amazing despite being interrupted

Octavia; don't worried about it

*the 3 spirits disappear*

Geo; look like I have them thanks to the OOPART

*a portal appear*

Stolas; let's go via before these asshole wake up

Geo: see yah via and hope we can hang out more

*right before she left, she quickly give a kiss to geo cheek*

Octavia: *blushing* thanks

*portal close*

Geo; 0-0

Omega xis: you okay kid?

Geo: I should go home right now

*walked to his house*

Hope: how's the Azeroth tears?

Geo: Octavia just kiss me to the cheek

Hope: ....... Congratulations geo! My son have a girlfriend *hug her son* we can have a discussion with your father later

Geo: im still processing it

Omega xis: uhm this is getting than i expected it

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