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Angelina sat quietly on her bed in the female servant's quarters. Ioana told her it was best not to do her duties for Lady Minah. The noblewoman had tried to kill her the day before; Minah hated her. The young woman believed there was no hope of gaining the noblewoman's favor since she didn't want her child to live. The thought of the infant plagued her mind, and she wanted to see if the child was doing okay. 

She remembered that instead of working with Minah, Angelina could ask other servants to help them with their duties. She didn't know who to ask, but then an idea came. The young woman eventually got off her bed, exited the quarters, and crept into the halls. Servants were seen cleaning different parts of the castle, and two female servants talked to each other in the corner of her eye. "Excuse me, ladies." The two women stopped talking to one another and noticed Angelina. "Forgive me for the intrusion but doe either of you know where the library is?"

The servants looked at her from head to toe. "Hey, you are that woman who can speak the stories," said one of them.

"Oh, I thought you stayed in the room I was in."

"No, you must be in the west wing, but we also have an east wing quarters for servants; there are many of us. Anyway, the library will be in the second level of the castle, you must go lower of the castle."

"Thank you." Angelina was curious about certain things and wondered if the women knew anything. "I was wondering if you heard anything about Lady Minah?"

The women looked at one another. "We just heard that this morning, Lady Minah became mad. One of our friends told us that Lady Minah had left her room in total disarray. From what we were told, she looked insane that the Voivode went to her and put a stop to her madness."

A terrible feeling traveled down to her stomach. Even though Minah did try to kill her, she couldn't bring herself to hate the noblewoman. Being married to Vlad wasn't easy since she was pressured to give him a son. People in the past were very ignorant and uneducated about disabilities and genetics. Angelina slowly accepted that Minah couldn't be blamed for feeling like she did. "So...what ended up happening? What did Vla- I mean, the Voivode decide to do with his wife?"

"We don't know, but there might be a possibility that she might be sent away. The Voivode is a prideful man."

"I see. This was ver saddening to hear. Anyway, apologies for interrupting you ladies and thank you for the directions."

"No trouble at all. Perhaps you should visit our quarters and tell us some of your famous stories."

Angelina nodded and said her goodbyes as she went on to find the stairs leading to the second level of the castle. As she went down the stairs, she couldn't help but feel pity for Minah. "I need to speak to Vlad about what is happening. If he's going to send her away, there is a possibility that he might kill her to find a new wife. I need to speak for her."

One down the second level, she was surprised at how small it was. There were a couple of small windows, but they brought some light. There weren't many people, but a couple of female servants were sweeping the floors. Angelina walked through the halls as she was stared at. She looked at each room to find the library, and when she arrived at the last room, the door was closed, but Angelina slowly opened it. 

Her eyes widened in awe. The library was small but looked comfy. There was a fireplace in the library's center, with bookshelves on the left and instruments on the right. A bear rug covered the wooden floors, and some stag heads were on the walls. It was simple but felt comfortable. "Wow, I didn't think the library would be this small, but it looks homey. The closer she got to the fireplace, that was when she noticed there was a small seat with a pillow on it. On the left side was a tiny fireplace; Angelina squealed in excitement. "This is my dream fireplace!"

"Am I interrupting?" asked a masculine voice. 

Angelina gasped as she turned to the door, fearing it was Vlad or Alexandrei. It was neither, and she put her hand over her soldier and said, "Bioan! Jesus, you almost gave me a heart attack!"

Bioan chuckled as he entered the library and closed the door. "Apologies, I was looking for you, and I asked around to find out you were here. What ar you doing here in the library? No one is allowed here but the Voivode and the cleaning servants."

"Oh, uh, Lady Ioana wanted me to ask around if anyone needed help, so I decided to come here to see if anyone was cleaning." Angelina looked at the books, went, and touched them. "No one was here, but I couldn't help but admire this place. I think this is the most peaceful place in this castle."

"You know how to read?"

"Yes, and I assume you don't."

The young man shook his head as he looked at the books. "If I could be honest, I always wanted to be a priest; it is more peaceful than a soldier. My family was against it since they needed money but you know the rest."

"Oh, but you're no longer a soldier. Doesn't that mean you have a higher chance of becoming a priest?"

Bioan shook his head. "One needs to start training at a young age so it is too late for me." He looked at the books and couldn't help but admire them. He couldn't help but feel slightly jealous of Angelina, who knew how to read. "Anyway, I was looking for you since I heard about Lady Minah. It was said that she attacked someone and I couldn't help but think it was you."

Angelina cringed at the memory of that day; having one's life almost taken away by someone else was a terrible feeling. "Yeah, it was me."

"Can you tell me why?" She dreaded it, and Angelina couldn't tell another soul about the baby. She didn't know Bioan well and feared he would tell others, which could lead to something disastrous. "Does it have something to do with Lady Minah's child?"


"Lady Minah has been pregnant for a while, and she should of had the child by now. I assume something happened with the child."

The young woman felt sweat on the back of her neck. She could lie, but Bion would find out eventually. "Y-Yeah. The baby was born unwell."

Bioan was quiet but thought it was best not to press on further. "I see, well, I wonder if it is god's punishment."


The young man was silent as he slowly walked to the bookshelves and touched some books. Angelina noticed that Bioan looked slightly uncomfortable. "Remember when we were both imprisoned, and I told you I was accused of being a spy?" Angelina nodded, and Bion continued. "It wasn't entirely a lie, but I also had to lie a bit to escape death. Before my imprisonment, I walked around the castle instead of b being in the soldier's barracks. I tried to sneak in the kitchens to steal some alcohol. However, I accidentally arrived to Lady Minah's quarters at the dead of night. That night, I saw someone; it was Lord Alexnadrei."

"Alexandrei? Well, isn't it common for him to go to Lady Minah? I mean she must also be informed of politics."

"Yes, to some extent, but what I've seen, Lord Alexandrei didn't look like he visited to speak about politics. From afar, I heard them converse. Lady Minah said that she feared that the Voivode may learn the truth about the child. Lord Alexandrei tried to convince her that the Voivode would never know and that what they did was supposedly a mistake."

Silence reigned among the two; Angelina tried to process what she was told. Her heart began to race. "S-So, what you are trying to say is that...?"

"Yes, there is the possibility that Lord Alexandrei and Lady Minah may have been intimate."

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