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A ten-year-old Vlad was in a dark and cold dungeon within the Sultan's palace. He was being punished for speaking back to his teachers who tried to teach him Islam. The child had no interest in learning the faith of his enemies. When Vlad refused to listen or recite the prayers, the teacher got a wooden stick and beat him. Usually, the boy would tolerate the beatings and know the consequences if he tried to fight back. 

The memories of his teacher yelling profanities about him, his religion, and his family. Vlad didn't care what they said about his father; he hated him for making him and Radu political hostages. However, speaking ill of his mother and older brother was too much for Vlad to bear. His hatred and rage overwhelmed him, so he gathered all his strength and ran toward the teacher, who was elderly. The older man was shocked that the lad dared to attack. The old man didn't fall immediately and believed he could push Vlad away; it was the opposite. The young boy grabbed the teacher's hand and bit it so hard that his teeth made their way past the skin. Screams echoed throughout the room, and the older man got his hand free and dropped the stick.

Vlad remembered when he immediately grabbed the stick and struck the older man; the collision to the skin echoed. The hit made the teacher fall due to the pain and shock as he witnessed parts of his skin gone and blood ushered out. The memories of being severely punished for not wanting to learn the ways of the Ottomans came through his mind. The boy continued to hit the elder repeatedly until parts of his clothing ripped. He would not stop until more blood spilled. "You have spilled the blood, my people! The people of the true god! Where is your Allah!? Why does he let you tremble beneath me!"

Suddenly, the doors were slammed open; guards heard the echoes and saw what Vlad had done. They immediately stopped the boy who screamed profanities against Allah and those who worshipped him. That was three days ago, and since then, the boy wasn't given any food or water. Not only that, Vlad was given whip lashes that scarred his back; blood drenched the back of his clothing. The pain was something he was used to, but he believed that it was nothing compared to the humiliation that he and his family suffered through. 

The prison doors were opened, and two guards entered. "The Sultan has returned from his campaign and is angered by your actions. He has ordered for you to meet him in his quarters."

Vlad's eyes widened as the guards grabbed him by his arms; he struggled to get away from them. "No! No! No! NOOOOOOO!"

"NO!" Vlad sat up from his bed, looked over his environment, and realized he was safe. Sweat dripped from the back of his neck; his heart pounded rapidly. 

"Hey, are you okay?" The Voivode looked to his left and saw Angelina standing beside the bed. "I was about to leave since daylight was approaching, but then I heard and saw you talking and yelling in your sleep. It looked as if you were having a nightmare."

"It is nothing."

Angelina wanted to insist on knowing what Vlad dreamt about but believed that it was best not to press the issue. "Okay. I don't want to force you to speak about it. Is it okay that I can leave?" Vlad eyed her but nodded as his heart slowly calmed its rhythm. He usually tried to get a rise out of her, but the nightmare ruined his mood. His thoughts were interrupted when Angelina called out to him. "Look, I didn't like what you made me do, but I know that you don't care. However, I know that you have secrets within yourself that you feel that should be kept hidden. If y-you ever want to talk about your nightmares, you know that you have ears that are willing to listen." The young woman walked out and closed the door. She immediately walked away from the door until Ioana was seen from afar.

"Morning, child. I am glad to see that you are well."

The young woman refrained from blushing; she couldn't stop thinking about last night's events. "Yeah, sure..." Angelina wanted to forget what happened so Ioana wouldn't suspect something was amiss, but she was curious about something else. "I-Ioana, I saw Vlad talking and yelling as he slept; it looked as if he was having a nightmare."

Ioana sighed, "He always had difficulties with nightmares. When he and his brother were kept as political hostages by the Sultan as children, I know that the Voivode went through much trauma, but he won't speak about what happened to him. He fears that others might use his trauma against him; nightmares were something that the Voivode always suffered through." The older woman looked at Angelina. "Be patient with him; I know that he will express himself. The Voivode needs someone to hear him."

Angelina was conflicted about whether or not to be patient with Vlad, but after what happened last night, she didn't know how long she would be able to last, keeping her humanity.

When the morning arrived, Vlad stood silently before the mirror as his servants finished dressing him. He was silent, and the servants dared not speak, fearing their Voivode's wrath. Then, there was a knock on the door; one of the servants opened it. Alexandrei entered and bowed. "Voivode, good morning."

"What news do you bring?" asked Vlad nonchalantly.

Alexandrei knew that Vlad was not in a good mood, but he knew what was about to be said wouldn't make it better. "Voivode, I received word that Sultan Mehmed sent envoys to speak with you in his stead; they will be arriving within five days."

Vlad chuckled humorlessly. "He sends his dogs to speak before me than himself. Sultan of the World, but he cowers to speak before me."

"Yes, Voivode. At least you have more qualities of a leader to handle matters. However, there is something else you must know; Lord Radu had just arrived in the castle and wishes to speak with you."

Everyone was silent; they knew that Vlad and Radu weren't close. Vlad bit his lower lip as he squeezed his hands into fists. He calmed himself down but let out an emotionless smile. "Well, I cannot let my younger brother wait any longer. It has been years since we have seen and spoken to one another."

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