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Special chapter for trottinghorsess

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Chance (ง'̀-'́)ง

"Don't you dare speak badly of chocolate chip mint!"

"I-it's just w-weird!"

"So is peanut butter and vanilla but I keep it to myself!"

"Oh sh-shush."

I body slammed Leia to the bed and all you can hear is her giggling.

I smile as I hear her laughs and hug her while she grabs the remote for the TV and puts on Criminal Minds.

"Ooh Reid is fine as hell-oh but so is Morgan!"

I roll my eyes at her fangirl-self and just let my mind wander off.

It's been almost a year since everything happened and Leia and I are almost done with college.

In one more year Leia will get her degree for photography and I'll have mine for writing.

I've also realized my speech impediment is better. I can talk to strangers with almost no stutter.

"Chance, I'm sleepy can you turn the TV off please?"

I reach towards the night stand next to me and turn the TV off and hold Leia closer to me as she falls asleep.

I run my fingers through her hair as I fall asleep as well with her being my final thought.


"Are you sure you have everything?"

"Yes Ash I'm sure."

"Really? Then where's the box full of all your books?"

The cheeky smirk I had on my face fell as soon as I realized I had no idea where I placed my box full of my books.

Ashlynn sighs and grabs it from the kitchen where I stupidly placed it and set it in my arms.

"I seriously have no clue how you will survive without me knowing how your mind works."

I chuckled and hugged my sister-in-law.

I'm officially moving out. I'm 21 turning 22 and it's time I learned how to survive without Chase and Ashlynn.

I found an apartment that's not to far from my campus and also like a fifteen minute drive from my brothers place.

Leia says she'll move in with me but her mother and father came back from wherever the hell they went this time and are saying it's a bad idea.

Basically she wants to leave and they're on her case over it. As usual.

I placed all my boxes in the trunk of my car and closed the door. I tune around and see Chase holding Ashlynn who looks like she wants to murder me for some reason now.

"He's what's wrong Ash?"



"Yes. Who said you were allowed to grow up and leave me."

I laughed and hugged Ash again.

"I love you Chancey. Mi bébésito!"
{my little baby}

"Oh come on Ash. I know your basically like my mother but we knew I'd have to live on my own one day."

"Yes but can't that day come some year in the farther future?"

"No. I love you both okay?"

My brother ruffles my hair and Ash wipes her tears. I turn and walk over to my black Tesla and look behind me once more at the house and two of the people that saved me when I was at my lowest.

I got in the car and drove.


"That should do it."

I tell Aubrey and Leia as we finished arranging my apartment after 7 hours.

(Chance's room)

(Imma only show the important parts of the apartment)

The aesthetic was grey, white, and black since those are Leia's and mine favorite colors.

Leia's parents are leaving soon again and that's when she'll move in.

"It's just crazy how they won't let their 21 year old daughter be free!"
she claims.

"They just care about your well being Lee!"

"Yea Aubrey's right."

"They care far to much about me even if they are never there!"

Leia dramatically fell on top of the couch as Aubrey laughed and picked up her bag.

"Well I've got a date with Maddie so later."

Aubrey's been talking to some girl named Maddie over the last few weeks and she's recently asked Aubrey out. Aubrey seems to really like her so that's good.

"Bye Aubrey."

"Bye sexy bitch!"

I laughed at Leia and watched as Aubrey closed the door.

I sat down next to Leia on the couch and watched as the TV loaded, adjusting itself to the new area.

Leia then groaned and laid her torso on top of me.

The sparks that radiated when we touch excited me.

I guess my feelings for Leia have grown from best friend to something more.

I've known this for a while though.

I mean how can I possibly not have feelings for her she's made me so happy since I met her almost two years ago.

"I'm so sleepy Chancey."

I smile down at her and run my fingers through her hair and watch her doze off.

I sigh and think about all the chances I missed of me admitting my feelings for Leia to her.

But the real question is;

Would Leia like me back?

I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't.

What if the sparks are only one sided?

What if Leia has feelings for some other guy?

What if she only sees me as her stuttering best friend?

What if I'm not good enough for her?

That last one woke me right up from the nap I never knew I took.

I look back at my lap and see Leia still sleeping on my lap.

Deep breathes Chance.

You can do it.

Tell Leia how you feel.


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