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"They look so good!" I smile ear to ear, taking a picture.

"Hey Leia?" Chase grabs my attention. "Don't take Chance's ways to heart. He was severely abused by our parents and constantly smacked him if he ever spoke a word, so that's where his speech impediment came from. They grew heavily into drugs when he was five, I was ten, so they didn't communicate with him whatsoever and he would get whipped so hard if they heard him talk. I was always told to keep quiet, but I was always there for Chance. I've tried so hard to get him to talk throughout school, but he mentally and physically couldn't. I've gotten hit a few times as well for trying to reach him things." he sighs and my face falls into horror. "He just got out of two weeks in the hospital because of our parents..." he trails off. "They finally got attested. Chance is still in shock and fear, so just be patient... he has horrible trust issues, and I don't mean to sound cocky, but I'm all he trusts."

I try to form words, but before I could speak, a pumpkin is smashed all over the concrete.

"Chance..." Chase's eyes widen.

"How c-c-could you, Chase?" Chance begins to tear up. "I-I trusted you with t-t-that" he looks at us in severe disbelief, storming off.

"CHANCE!" we all shout.

"I'm gonna go get hi-"

"I think it's better if I do that..." I look at Chase before running inside really quick to grab my keys and drive after Chance. "Hey!" I shout out my window since he didn't get far yet.

"L-Leave me al-lone" Chance says.

"Chance, please! Get in the car. We can drive around and talk this out" I offer and he stops in his tracks.

"H-how d-do I know y-you w-won't hu-urt me?"

"I promise you, Chance your the first friend I've made since I was 14. I won't hurt you."

Chance stays silent before eventually climbing into the passenger side of the car.

I drive around until I finally decided to break the silence.

"I won't mention any of what Chase told me if you'd like."

"H-he ha-ad no r-r-right t-to men-t-tion tha-a-at."

"I agree, it should've been for you to tell when you felt it was time."

Chance nods and stares at the scenery in front of us.

"You do believe me when I say I won't hurt you, right?"

I stop at a red light and look at him. He slowly turns his head and looks back.


I smile and get back to driving. We stop at this cafe and enter it.

"Wanna eat?"


We get to a table and sit down and wait for our menus.

"N-no f-f-friends s-since fourt-te-en?"

I lift my head and stare at him. I give him a nervous smile and nod my head.

"I use to have this best friend, her names Madison, we were super close and have been together since we were eight. When we went into middle school, she sorta became bitchy. When we were 14 I called it quits with our friendship because I couldn't handle her rude ways and it was affecting me."

I paused and saw him staring intently and he placed his hand on my own as if saying continue.

"In high school she'd pick on me and spread rumors. It got to the point where my ability to interact with others was terrible, I learned to stand up for myself because no way was I going to be a pushover. Now here we are in college and I finally made a friend."

I look at him and he gives me his cute little smile.

"And there's no way I'll ever lose my only friend."

The waiter comes and drops off our menus and we order. Still holding hands.


"This is really good right?"

Chance nods his head and puts another spoonful of cake in his mouth. We both decided to eat this big chocolate cake together and it's just the best thing ever.

While grabbing another spoonful I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"What's wrong Chance?"
I look and see Chance staring at something behind me so I spin and see this hood looking guy staring right at me.

"Sorry it's just you caught my eyes."
I smile kindly and wave.

"My names Ace."
"Well Leia, I was just walking in and my eyes instantly found you so please take charge of you giving me a beautiful scenery."

My cheeks flushed and I giggled at him. I'm not the girliest but come on that was kinda cute.

"All right I'll see to it."

Ace smiled and walked away and I turned back to Chance.

"He was sweet right?"

Chance shrugged and I looked at him with a smile on my face and he gave me a mouth closed smile due to all the cake he's trying to chew.

I jokingly rolled my eyes and payed after eating. We got inside my car and drove back to Chance's.

"Y-you l-l-like tha-t-t guy?"

"No, I don't even know him he was just being friendly probably thinking he could score a quick lay. But we're smarter than that, right Chance?"

He nodded his head and hugged me tightly and I did the same.

"N-night L-Lee."

"Good night Chance."

He got out and I drove back home. I parked my car and walked up the steps of the mansion. Quiet. Something I'm used to hearing in this big house. Absolutely nothing.

I go inside my room and take off my clothes and take a quick shower. I put on my PJs and watch some Full House before turning off my lights and turning on my night light.

My phone buzzes and I check and see it's Chance asking about homework.

I smile and before I know I'm up late, just texting my already best friend.


No cap this chapter was everywhere. But now y'all have a better understanding of Leia and Chance and how their friendship works and more about their personalities.

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