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A/n don't worry the pic at the top got nothing to do with this I'm just forever a Stydia stan😮🖤


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I ran as far as my legs could take me.

My lungs were having a hard time taking in any air.

My hair was sticking to my sweaty forehead.

My feet were about to give up on me at any moment.

But I just couldn't stop running.

I finally stopped myself when I got to the ice cream parlor.

Chance and I's favorite ice cream parlor.

I walked in and took a seat by the window and stared outside and just let myself cry.

How could I have been so stupid!

Why did I let myself think it'd be smart to hide my feelings!

I close my tears eyes and think of how dumb I've been for the past month.

I caused myself this pain.

- 1 month ago -

I decided to not give into my feelings just yet. I need to know if Chance actually likes me as well!

"Here goes nothing."

I walk into Chance's place and hide the carnival tickets behind me. I'm going to ask Chance out. Yep, totally not breaking down into a full on anxiety attack on the inside.

I walk up the steps and knock on Chance's door.


"Hey Chancey!"
I say as I open the door and walk over to Chance who's sitting on his gamer chair playing COD on his new PS5 that he got for Christmas from Ashlynn.


He turns a little and hugs me and I hug him back and kiss the top of his head.

"So...Chance do you have any plans this afternoon?"

"No, why?"

"No reason..."

He gives me this look as if he knows I'm not being honest, which I'm not being.

"I have two tickets to the carnival, wanna go with me?"


I squeal and do my little happy dance in my head and give one of the tickets to Chance. I walk out of his room after saying goodbye to go get ready at my place.

•3• time skip

Chance and I have played almost every single game and had a lovely talk on the Ferris wheel.

We were driving to our favorite place which is the ice cream parlor.

"So the-ere is this new girl in my thera-apy group."

Chance's therapist suggested Chance should go to therapy seminars with other people who could relate to speech impediment like my Chancey. But they also invited in people who've recovered from theirs.

"Really? What's her name?"


I smiled happy for him.

If only I knew what's come out of their encounter.

- 2 weeks after -

Chance and I haven't hung out ever since he met Norah. I don't want to admit it but I'm so jealous! I ended up admitting it!

I've never met Norah but I've seen her whenever I went to go pick up Chance from his therapy group meetings. She's so pretty and perfectly thin with a tiny waist!

I'm over here with a small but chubby tummy and huge hips to compliment my large bottom and my 30 DD cup sized chest.

To say the least I was really curvy and seeing Norah made me self conscious.

I put up a fake smile as Chance entered my car again.

"Hey Chancey."

"Hey Lee."

Before we used to talk about everything and nothing. Now he doesn't even speak to me.

I feel my eyes tear up and I accidentally let a small sob escape me. I blink my tears back and cover my son with a fake cough.



"Let's go get some ice cream."

I was shocked to say the least. I let out a small smile and nod my head.

We get to the spot and order the usual.

Before I know it my best friend is talking to me again. I smile and laugh at what he says.

Until he talks about Norah.

Apparently Norah recovered from her speech impediment two years ago and had a really terrible story on how she she got it in the first place which did make me feel bad for her but then he said how she told him that she's like his best friend which by the way ticked me off a little because he's my best friend!

She said she's lucky to be the most special girl in his life which had me wondering if he replaced me due to the fact I have no idea what having speech impediment is like.

Because I realized that while he spoke about those things, he never mentioned me being apart of those.

- 2 months later -

I tried to get Chance back but it seems he's happier with Norah. Chase and Ashlynn do text me wondering why I no longer go over to their place but I'm just not ready to meet my best friend's replacement for me.

I spend most of my time with Aubrey who's also been replaced at this point with Norah.

The other half my time I spend crying in my bedroom.

Like right now.

I was sobbing under my blankets when I felt them be pulled from me.

I look up and see it's Aubrey and Ashlynn.

"Niña what are you doing here?! Get up! Ahora! We going to my house and we gonna eat and watch movies. Okay?"

I nod knowing I won't win with Ashlynn.

I dress in grey sweats and white T-shirt and go to Ash's place and see Chase in the living room and I hear laughter from Chance's room.

"Is she..."

"Yeah, I don't really like her though. She's so rude."

I widen my eyes a little but then shut off my emotions. He left me all alone so why should I care about who he's interested in. I would never leave him alone even if I was with someone because I know how much he needs me.

But I guess he never thought about how much I needed him.

Selfish bastard!

Before I knew it my anger has clouded me and I'm standing in front of Chance.

"So I guess you forgot who the fuck has had your back from the moment you came to Georgia, huh?!"

"W-what do y-"

"No! Don't interrupt! I've literally had to endure not having my best friend for two months!"

Chance looked guilty and I turn my eyes over to little miss Norah.

"Who are you?"

"Leia Scott, Chance's so called best friend. You must be Norah."

"Yes I am, and I'm Chance's best friend. You must've been a stand in."

Well at least one thing I've learned is, Norah is a bitch.

"Excuse me, that attitude is so ducking uncalled for Miss Norah."

"Well it's what you are gonna get! Because not only are you being mean to my best friend but also my boyfriend."

That's when I dropped it all. I stared at Chance as if to tell me this is a joke.

She's rude. Narcissistic. And has no manners.

He wouldn't date a mean person like this Norah chick.

Would he?

"Is this true Chance?"

Chance looked at me and gave me a tight lipped smile.

Then he nodded his head.

I have no idea when...but I found myself running.

- Now -

I should've been honest with my feelings since day one. I should've told him about how I feel that day we went to the carnival.

"I hate this."

I kept repeating that over and over.

The guys I love is with some rude bitch and that guy was also my best friend.

I hang my head down as I grip the chains that hold up the swings.

I just let out sob after sob.


I look up and see someone I didn't think I'd see again.


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