Chocolate Strawberries

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Eira rushed downstairs, her brown locks glittering in the rays of the sun, "Coming Mom!" She yelled, a big smile plastered on her face.
"Good Morning Zoe, did you sleep well?" 'Mom' asked.
Zoe hummed as she took a bite into her pancake, "Who knew human food would turn out to be so tasty?" She said all focus on her food.
"That's easy, it's because I cooked it." Mom said raising her hand as if the Queen of England, except they were in New York.

Zoe laughed, "Anything on my schedule today?" She tried to mumble, a whole mouthful of food she tried to overcome.
"I found out every normal human goes to school and the neighbors are starting to get suspicious so I found you a school..."

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Zoe stood up from her chair, her eyes were now red-ish. This action made mom a little frightened.
"Okay, Zoe, calm down. School is not so bad, you'd make very many friends. Plus, Ms. Jones will stop coming to our doorstep 'asking for sugar'." Mom said laying out all the points why Zoe should go to school.

"But...I...I don't think they'll like me. Plus, I hate humans, they're so...humany." Calmed down, she said continuing on her pancakes.
"Well, you've never actually met a human before, this could be your chance, you need to get out there, show the world what you're made of...unless it's your true identity, NEVER reveal you're true identity." She pointed a serious look on her face.
Zoe sighed, "I know, I know Mum."
"Do you agree?"

After a couple of squeals, hugs, and lectures, Zoe and Mum were going shopping for...human clothes, is that what they call em'?
They got in the car, driving in absolute silence, but they seemed used to it. "Hey, I know this song," Mom said.

"I'm jealous, I'm overzealous

When I'm down I get real down
When I'm high I don't come down
I get angry, baby, believe me..." As Mom was singing, Zoe took off her headphones and listened to her. She then smiled, knowing that at least when she was older, she wouldn't have a terrible voice.

"Come on Zoe, you should sing too, it really helps clear the mind." Mom pleaded.
"Fine...but just this once."

"...'Cause I got issues, but you got 'em too

So give 'em all to me and I'll give mine to you
Bask in the glory, of all our problems
'Cause we got the kind of love it takes to solve 'em
Yeah, I got issues
And one of them is how bad I need you..." Zoe got lost in the music, besides her parents and well, herself, music was her best friend.

They got to the shopping mall and Zoe sighed, then rolled her eyes. "Why do we have to do this again?" She mumbled, but enough for Mom to hear her.
"Because when I was your age, I never got to do this stuff. Now, you'll have to live those days for me, C'mon let's go!" Zoe was dragged into the mall and all those people made her feel...nauseous.

"Oh, My Glitter! These are the best dresses I've ever seen!" Mom squealed as Zoe pulled out her handkerchief and took a few honks before she turned back to mum.
"Oh C'mon Mum. I hate dresses." She pouted.
"But...but...fine." Finally giving in, mum shoved the dress back.
"Hey what about this one?" Zoe pointed to a piece both she and her mom would love...

In the dimly lit room, with no furniture whatsoever, there was a girl kneeling on the floor, her eyes all red and puffy. She seemed to have an object in front of her, looking at it, it didn't seem to be all that valuable, but to her, it was.
She felt a hand on her shoulder and when she looked back--

beep! beep! beep! beep! beep! Zoe groaned as she slammed the alarm next to her bed, shut, "Why did mom buy me this again?" She slid off her bed, and entered the bathroom, 20 minutes later, she was out, which means now it was 7:20 a.m. 

It seemed to be pretty comfortable so she wore sneakers to go with it, grabbed her cute backpack, phone, pencil bag, books, and some other stuff. She walked to school because she needed some fresh air. Her phone gave her all the instructions to where Jasmines Academy was, so if she followed them properly, she'd get there without any problems...

She passed by some lakes, and some orchards, nearly reminding her of Evermoor, except these features here on earth weren't even compatible with the ones of Evermoor.

She arrived at the gates of her now, 'school', took a deep breath, and entered, where she found her class, took a seat, and prepared for whatever was in store for her...

Thanks for reading this chapter, very short if you ask me. What do you think Zoe will find in her new class?. Will she ever make friends?

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