𝟬𝟬𝟮, admiring from afar

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chapter two !
❪ admiring from afar ❫


"LYDIA WAS FOUND," Stiles's voice spoke through Aurora's phone. She was packing her stuff at the hospital after she got confirmation that it was good for her to go back home.

"Really? That's great news." Aurora said while she placed her hospital gown in her bag. She was changed into her normal clothes and it felt good to have taken off that hideous gown.

"Yeah... she showed up naked! Naked, Rory. It felt like I was dreaming."

Aurora rolled her eyes with a smirk. "It's cute that you still have a crush on her." She zippered up her bag and threw it over her shoulder.

"I do not!" He exclaimed. Aurora gave her phone a pointed look and Stiles practically didn't believe himself either. "Okay, fine, maybe I still do."

"Well, I have to go Stiles. I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"School already? Why don't you wait a few days?"

"Why? I missed a couple of days when I almost died. I'm ready to go back." Aurora shrugged and made her way to the door. "Gotta go, bye!"

She hung up the phone and walked out of her room. Her family was waiting outside with smiles. "Ready to go back home, sis?" Levi placed an arm around her shoulder.

Aurora smirked and the family walked down the hallway. "Yup!"

AURORA WOKEN up the next morning. Her alarm clock beeping repeatedly. She pressed the 'off' button and huffed. Two knocks came from her door and she sat up.

The door opened, revealing her mother, Rachel. "You're up so early." She walked in and sat on the edge of her bed.

"Yeah, well, I wanna look good and tell everyone that you can still look pretty after an almost death experience." She gave her mother a sarcastic smile.

Aurora shook off her covers and stood up from the mattress. She went over to her closet and picked out a black flowery dress that will look good with her tight leather jacket.

"Sweetie, are you sure you wanna go back?" Her mom asked her. "You can take an extra day off."

"No mom, it's fine. Really." Aurora assured her. "I don't want to miss that much school since I already did. And I miss my friends."

She did miss her friends. But she also had to tell Scott and Stiles about what happened to her eyes two nights ago. It was definitely not normal and it's not like she was a werewolf because the clawed marks would've already healed.

"I know. I think i'm just scared myself." Aurora turned to her mom with a frown. "I don't want you getting hurt again. I mean, I freaked out when I got that call and–"

"Mom, stop." Aurora shook her head. "I'm okay now. And it was just an animal attack." She lied at the end. The brunette couldn't tell her parents about Peter hale being the cause of her attack. "I'll call you when I get to school."

"You don't need a ride from me? I can take you and the twins like always."

"Lydia offered to pick me up with Allison. I want to see how she's doing anyways," Aurora told her.

"Okay," her mom got up from her bed, "call me if you need anything. And I mean anything."

Aurora nodded and watched as her mom left the room. She turned to her closet and picked out the boots that she was gonna wear.

"YOU REALLY don't remember anything?" Allison asked the strawberry blonde, who was wearing a tight burgundy dress that shaped her perfect curves.

"They called it a fugue state, just basically a way of saying 'we have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days' but personally, I don't care," Aurora chuckled at Lydia's ramble. "I lost nine pounds!" She exclaimed.

The trio smiled. "Are you ready for this?" Allison asked the both of them.

"We survived a blood sucking alpha," Aurora glanced at Lydia before turning back to Allison. "I think we can survive going back to this hell of a place."

"Besides, it's not like my aunt is a serial killer." Lydia told Allison before entering the doors.

"Don't listen to her," Aurora placed a hand on the archer's shoulder. "Now, let's go."

The teenage girls went inside the school and the students that were passing by stopped and stared at Aurora and Lydia. They stood there frozen and it felt like they were getting judged. Aurora hated all the gazes that were burning into her.

It seemed like Lydia hated it too until Allison grabbed both their hands. "Maybe it's the nine pounds." She whispered to Lydia and turned to look at Aurora, "And maybe it's because you look smokin' in that dress."

Aurora gave Allison a smile and Lydia flipped her hair to the side before continuing to stroll confidently into the school. Allison and Aurora followed the girl with grins.

When Aurora walked into her first period class, she took the seat in front of the boy with the messy caramel curls. He had his head down on the desk but when Aurora sat in front of him, his ears perked up.

As she placed her bag beside her seat, a pen that was hanging from the side pockets fell out of her bag and the brunette sucked her teeth in annoyance.

Aurora reached to grab the item but a warm hand already grabbed it. She turned to face the person and her brown eyes met his blue ones.

She was familiar with him since they had History and Math together but they didn't really speak to each other though.

He hesitantly reached his hand out with her pen and she gave him a kind smile. Her perfectly white teeth shown and he couldn't help but gaze at her. Like he was mesmerizing all of her face features.

Isaac Lahey was the quiet kid that always shown up with bruises on his face each week. Like it was some sort of a pattern. Aurora noticed but she didn't ask him about it. She knew he took Lacrosse so she assumed it was from the rough sport.

Aurora took the pen from between his fingers. "Thanks," she said before turning back to the front of the room. Isaac stared at the back of her head, his heart slightly beating faster. He didn't want to admit it but he always had a small crush on Aurora.

He described her as an interesting cover of a book that you're dying to read whats inside. She was enchanting and compelling.

Isaac kept an eye on her during the classes they shared. Not in a creepy way but in an admiring way he thought.

Most of the guys in the school found Aurora pretty. Which is why Isaac never spoke to her or asked her out. He didn't think he was good enough. What kind of girl like Aurora Watson would go out with someone like Isaac Lahey?

He noticed that Aurora was gone for a few days and heard about her accident. Isaac was worried about the girl and used to wonder when she would come back since every time he walked into History class, he would always look at the seat in front of his to see if it was already taken by her.

It wasn't since she was still recovering. But now that Aurora was back... Isaac was relieved and happy in the inside to see that she was okay.

The Lahey boy gulped and looked at the girl, "Your– you're back," he mumbled.

Aurora furrowed her eyebrows and stopped writing on her paper. She turned around and looked at Isaac. He fidgeted with his fingers nervously and she glanced at his hands before looking back at him.

"Yeah I am," She gave him a small smile. Aurora continued to stare at him for a second before speaking up again. "You're Isaac... right?"

"You know who I am?" He asked her. His voice was quiet and gentle.

Aurora cocked her head slightly to the side. "Am I not supposed to?" She chuckled. "We have this class and Math together. You're also in the lacrosse team."

He furrowed his brows at the last part, wondering how she knew that. "Um, my friends Scott and Stiles are also on the team." She answered his question that he didn't asked out loud.

"Oh," he hummed. "I'm glad to see you're okay." Aurora gave him a toothy grin before turning back around.

Allison looked at the interaction and stared at Aurora with a smirk. The Watson girl noticed her friend's look and gave her a deadpanned look.


mars speaks!

authors note: they're already so cute ughh stoppp 😔😔

i'm so motivated to write rory's story cus she's gonna go through it...

please vote for this chapter and don't be a silent reader <3

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