Chapter 3: Great. A Disgusting Centaur And Fury

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[2 years later, at Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan...]

"I'm excited to see what's in the museum. Aren't you, Poseidonas, Grover?" asked Adamas, who grabbed Percy's hand while he was reading a book. Grover trod along beside her.

"Hn. There is nothing worth seeing there, Adamas," answered Percy, who was busy reading a book related to the Egyptian mythology. Despite showing a stoic expression on his face, he allowed Adamas to dragged him wherever she wanted, reveling in the feeling of Adamas' warm hand entwined with his.

"I'm sure you might see something that might interest you in there, Perseus."

It has been two years since the three had first met. Although Adamas made an effort to befriend Grover and was nothing more than kind to him (■t ■l■. T■ s■■r w■ ■e n■d■ ■n t■ f■■ ■c■■g ■o ■ ■s), Grover was absolutely terrified of Percy. Percy had been all but hostile towards him as he does not want to be in the presence of a filthy satyr. It took nearly two years for Percy to tolerate Grover's presence, all thanks to Adamas' constant pestering. However, as much as he could finally tolerate his presence, he did not allow Grover to call him Percy, commanding him to call him Perseus as, according to him, "only his mother is allowed to call him Percy and that Poseidonas is reserved for Adamas as he does not have the right to call him such".

Today, their class is currently having a field trip in one of the art museums of Manhattan, a museum where Greek and Roman mythology are heavily focused on. Leading the students are Mr. Brunner and Mrs. Dodds.

Both Adamas and Percy figured out immediately that these Mr. Brunner and Mrs. Dodds are not humans, just like their acquaintance, Grover. Percy nearly wanted to impale the two teachers in disguised if it were not for the fact that Adamas stopped him. She said that it would be better to observe them first to know their intentions before acting on his desire.

Mr. Brunner had been expecting both Adamas and Percy to have better scores in his Greek mythology class than his other students, almost as if he knew what they were. Percy sneered in contempt at being told what to do by a disgusting centaur. Adamas had to hold him back from randomly killing him. But both did not disappoint, anyway, as they both scored the highest among their fellow peers, despite not liking how the Greek gods of their new world actually follows the mortals' record of their mythology.

Mrs. Dodds, on the other hand, had thought of Adamas as a devil-incarnate. Well, it was actually both Percy and Adamas but she was terrified of Percy and his "you-are-nothing-more-than-a-filthy-parasite-in-my-life" glare. Adamas openly insulted her and does not care of her own opinions toward her.

The tour then continued as Mr. Brunner explained each painting, sculpture, and other artworks what it is about and its history in the Greek mythology. Nancy Bobofit, one of the former siblings' classmate who was a bully, commented and insulted that Greek mythology cannot be used in real life. "It's not like they'll just ask us about it in real life! Like, who would ask "Please explain how Zeus overthrew Kronos" in their job interviews?!" exclaimed Nancy as she found the tour itself ridiculous.

In a way, she is correct. That is, if she was talking about the mortals only. However, it does not apply to demigods, gods, and other mythological creatures within their class. That comment alone made her get into trouble with Mr. Brunner, the class' centaur, who called her out in front of everyone. Nancy went red in embarassment. Fitting of her surname. She's st*pid enough to get caught, thought Adamas, who laughed out loud at her st*pidity. Percy just clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Mr. Brunner caught Adamas laughing as well as Percy not paying attention. He called out both of them. "Then Ms. Monteverde, Mr. Jackson, please explain to us what this picture entails," said he as he pointed out a specific painting on the stele of a titan eating children.

Percy released a bit of his killing intent at the centaur who called him out, all the while not even looking at him. Adamas clenched his hand while reprimanding him telepathically. Calm down, Poseidonas. He's not worth it. No need to waste your breath on creatures like them.

Percy then calmed down. Adamas then explained to the centaur about this world's history of Kronos, with Percy either scoffing in annoyance or commenting something deregatory in between. As we all know about the myth itself, I will not be explaining it in detail. Mr. Brunner then asked them both on the moral lesson of the myth.

Adamas replied with sarcasm, "Don't be such an idiot. The prophecy can also be interpreted another way. It never even said that Kronos will be killed by his children. It only said that he will be overthrown. Also, one should be a good parent. Thanks to his vicious and tyrannical actions, he reaped what he had sown. If only he had raised his children right, then he could have retired as a king in peace, but NO. He just had to eat them due to paranoia." Just like our own father. At least the Kronos of our world did not even eat us, just abused us. Adamas sighed internally. Come to think of it, I miss ■ s■, S■. ■e was also n■■t■d by his p■■s and almost everyone in E■■d did not even like h■ for something ■e does not have any c■t■l over.

Percy added, "Overall, Kronos and the gods of this world are incompetent and useless as sh*t." Cue the thunder rambling. Both the centaur and the satyr paled when hearing their answers as well as hearing the thunder rumbling. Mr. Brunner tried to reprimand him. Keyword TRIED. "Now, now, Mr. Jackso—"

Percy interrupted him. "Gods do not need support. They need not scheme nor they need not rely on anyone else. Such are the gods. They are perfect from the word go. However, these so-called gods are nothing more than utter fools." Despite not even looking at him in the eyes, Mr. Brunner could definitely feel the immense pressure from his words alone, like he was looking down at him. At that moment, he felt like looking not at a greenhorn demigod but a god as ancient as an eldritch.

Adamas could only sigh in exhasperation. He still has that belief, huh? But then again, he has a point.

Grover became even more terrified of Percy after what he had said. Mrs. Dodds had an unknown glint in her eyes. Everyone else went silent at his words. As if a spell had just broken, Mr. Brunner had announced that it was lunch time.

As the trio ate their lunch, Grover suddenly cut off the silence that enveloped them. "Um, Perseus, w-why did you r-respond like that?"

Percy just continued eat without a care. It was only after a while did he respond and it was not a pleasant one. "I only told him the truth. With the way how these so-called gods are, they act like useless fools." He then said something which made him shiver down to his core, "Grover Underwood, you should have know that by now, especially since a satyr like you have served under one of these gods. One of the only reason why I tolerate you is because of Adamas. Another is because despite being a coward, you are not like those other filthy satyrs that I had read about. You should be grateful that I decided to spare you. Otherwise, you would have been dead since long ago."

It was only when Mrs. Dodds have called out Percy that he decided to leave both Adamas and Grover and follow the Underworld creature. Adamas gave him a look that says that she'll follow him later after she's done speaking with Grover.

Adamas then turned to look at Grover with a pity look on her face. Grover was still frozen after what Percy had said just now. "Grover, he's right, though. You should be grateful that he decided to spare you. I know Poseidonas for a long time. He looks down on pretty much everyone save for those he had actually acknowledged, which can be counted with only one hand."

Grover turned to face her, still in shock. "Y-You knew about—"

She cut him off, "Yes. We both knew about the mythological world for years now. We also knew that you are a satyr, as well as Mr. Brunner being a centaur and Mrs. Dodds a creature from the Underworld." She stood up from her seat to follow Percy, but not without giving Grover a reminder (read as threat). "Grover, please do not tell Mr. Brunner that we both knew. We'll be the one to tell him so in the future. We only told you a little about us because you are important. Fate has allowed you to live." Yes, Grover. You are indeed important as your r■ is c■i■ in the f■■e, Adamas mused in her mind.

Back to Percy and Mrs. Dodds, the two went to an empty open space in one of the studios in the museum. Mr. Brunner was in the doorway, reading a book. Mrs. Dodds called him out with a sickeningly sweet voice, "Now, honey, we knew what you have done. Confess and you may get the chance to live."

Percy just flipped a page and continued to read his book, not even bothering to acknowledge the Underworld creature, nor even looking at her.

This action made her furious. "Perseus Poseidonas Jackson, look at me when I am talking to you! The time's up for you!!" Then on cue, Mrs. Dodds transformed into a disgusting creature that belonged to the Underworld, a Fury.

Mr. Brunner looked up from his book and threw something at Percy. But before Percy could catch it, the centaur saw something extraordinary and unbelievable.


Percy, without even bothering to look away from his book, summoned his trident and impaled the Fury on her chest. The Fury turned into dust before she could even scream. The thing, which just happened to be a pen that Mr. Brunner threw was caught by Adamas. All of these happened within a span of one second.

Adamas went over Percy to check on him. "So Mrs. Dodds was actually a Fury, huh? She's ugly as f*ck. Poseidonas, she did not touch you or anything, right?"

Percy looked at her in the eyes. "Like I would allow that disgusting Fury as her to touch even the hem of my clothes."

She sighed in relief. "Thank goodness." She then looked at the pen she held. "A cursed pen?" She took off its cap to reveal a sword with the Greek word Ανακλυμοσ (Anaklumos) engraved in it. "I see. So it's a cursed sword name Riptide, huh?"

Mr. Brunner, who has been observing the entire time, was gobsmacked at how nonchalant the two are, almost as if they already knew about the mythological world the entire time. He was about to say something when he suddenly went still. Without warning, he rolled his wheelchair away from the two former siblings, his eyes devoid of any life in it.

Percy turn to look at Adamas, whose eyes were slightly glowing in crimson light. "Adamas, why did you have to waste your power on him and erased his memories of us?"

"Because, Poseidonas, my domain tells me that it is not yet the time for him to know. War is also included in my domain as the former God of Conquest. There's a war happening in the future, brother, and I can sense it. The way to victory. And that centaur has a role in it. But for now, it is not yet important for him to know. I would have also erased Grover's memories on our recent conversation with him but something else was preventing me from doing so," replied Adamas.

Her reply made him ponder in curiousity. If Adamas sensed it, then those useless gods might be the cause of it. If that war in the future harms MY mother and Adamas, then forget about the war. I shall destroy this world myself. He then remembered what she just said about someone's interferring on Adamas' power. Something else was preventing her from erasing that satyr's memory? Could it be the Fates themselves? Or someone stronger?

To be continued...

Next chapter: A Filthy Minotaur DARED To Touch MY Mother?!

Hello guys! Here's the new chapter. If any of you noticed, I changed the chapter title. I decided to have the Fates show up at the next chapter instead of here as it fits the chapter plot more.

It seems that Grover found out even a little bit that the former siblings already knew about the existence of the mythological world. Talk about a surprise as they both knew about his true identity as well as Chiron and the Fury, Alecto (did I got it right?).

Also, since Adamas' powers aren't exactly revealed in the cannon asides from the fact that he was the God of Conquest, I took the liberty to explore more of his domain and powers.

Hehehehehehe... More censored words. I won't reveal to ya all yet on what they mean. Guess it all you want. You'll all be able to know in the future chapters, anyway.

Also, here are some photos from our Love and Deepspace boys: (yes, I've gotten obsessed to the game itself)

(Abysswalker Qi Yu/Rafayel)

(Our resident fishie Rafayel taking a selfie)

(Lightseeker Shen Xing Hui/Xavier)

(Sleepy Prince Xavier looks so good here)

(Dawnbreaker Li Shen/Zayne: I just wanna hug the poor boy)

(Gasp! The ice prince Doctor Zayne himself is smiling!)

(The Conqueror Qin Che/Sylus)

(Oh, we'll make the night REALLY fun, Sylus)

(The Presumed Dead Xia YiZhou/Caleb: I refused to believe he is dead)

(Huhu... Big brother Caleb, come back!)

Happy reading and see you all in the next chapter!

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