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"So I went sky diving with Maddie, I started fretting and I told Maddie that I'm pulling out, and that I'm not cut out for this kind of craziness. Do you know what that crazy lady I call my sister did? She pushed me out, I was scared at first but I enjoyed myself and I was happy that Maddie pushed me. I got the thrill enough to want to do it again, and..." I paused talking as I felt something in my ice-cream, I put my hand on my mouth to bring it out, when I brought it out and to my greatest surprise it was a ring.

"W-what is..." I stammered not being able to form a coherent sentence as I saw Liam going down on his knees. Is this what I think it is?
"You are the frustrating person I've ever met. I have never met anyone who overthinks like you, a person who can bake like a professional but will always burn a simple dish such as an omelet. We've been dating for over for a year now, and contrary to your opinion, I'm not tired of you instead I want to keep you to myself forever. Which is why I want to ask you if you'll make me the happiest man on earth by saying yes to being my wife?"

I nodded my head, but Liam was still waiting for my words.

"Yes." I finally said.
"Yes what?" Liam asked like he couldn't believe I said yes.
"Yes, I will marry you." I smiled.
Liam stood up and looked at the small crowd that was watching and yelled, "She said yes people! She said yes! I'm the happiest man in earth."

Everyone started cheering and offering their congratulations. Liam drew closer and held me in his arms as he placed his forehead on mine.
"Are you ready to walk down the aisle with me, Miss Leticia Brown soon-to-be Mrs Leticia Jones?"
"As ready as I'll ever be."
"Hope you are also ready for our engagement to be tomorrow's front page in all the magazines in New York 'cause that's what going to happen."

"Shit! I'm so not ready." I panicked.
"It comes with the whole package darling." He said, using my own words against me.
"Remind me why I agreed to marry you again?" I questioned.
We continued to banter, but trust me like I always say, I wouldn't have it any other way.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Are you nervous?" Maddie, my sister slash lady of honor asked me.
"What if he leaves me at the altar? Or suddenly tells the priest that he doesn't want to get married?" I asked in fear.
"If he does that, then I'll have his ass, besides it's Liam. He can never do that to you. He loves you way too much to do that. I've seen the way he looks at you, and although he's too sweet for my taste, I wouldn't imagine a better man for you than him." She smiled but I still wasn't assured.

"What if he's tired of me and..." Maddie shushed me with her fingers, " If you keep doubting, I'll slap some senses into you. You are going to enter into that hall right now and get married with no doubts. Do I make myself clear?" Maddie said sternly.
I bobbed my head in agreement.

"I'm going in right now, so do anything I wouldn't want you to do. Like run away from your wedding."

After sometime since Maddie entered the church, I heard the piano playing the famous wedding song which means it was my cue to enter. I took a deep breath and stepped in.
I can see why people said wedding makes one cry. Seeing everyone who came to witness this day with me made me feel so loved. Unlike my wedding with Xavier where everything felt forced, it felt so real and heavenly right now. By the time I reached where Liam was, my eyes were misty.

"Hi." I muttered tearily.
"Do you have something in your eye or are you about to cry?" Liam smiled.
"I'm just so happy to see you right now." I smiled.
He smiled back and held my hand.
"Now, may we begin the ceremony of this lovely couple?" The priest announced.

After reading everything, it was time to read our vows. Liam and I agreed to write our vows. I already said I wanted raw and honest vows.

Liam started first, "When I first met you, the stars aligned and time stopped for me to be able to stare at your face properly. I held my breath as I stared at your mesmerizing eyes that seems to hold everyone captive, the way you move elegantly puts the world best model to shame. Your smile is like the cure to cancer and cause the doctor said I'm lacking a Vitamin and that is Vitamin U, I'll promise to hold and cherish you forever and even to my last breath."

My eyes were already teary as I started mine, "You're really persistent and that's what I like about you. You single-handedly wrote our love story, where I was in doubt, you repeatedly reassured my doubts. I don't know how you cope 'cause even I can't marry myself," When I said this, everyone laughed. I continued, "Sometimes I question if you're not a time traveler because you kept seeing me in your future. For me, it's for better or for worse, for richer or for richer," Everyone laughed when they noticed the change in the vows, what? I love money. "In sickness or in health, till death do us part." By this time Liam and I were facing each other and staring each other eyes, Liam the least emotional person shed a tear. A tear, well I can work with that.

"If there's anyone who has any reason why this lovely people shouldn't get married, speak now or forever hold your peace?" The priest said.
My heart beat rapidly as I glanced around the church. Maddie raised her hand slowly, and there was a gasp in the crowd. I already knew what she was doing as I chuckled softly.

"What's your sister doing?" Liam asked quietly.
"Just wait for it." I mouthed back.
"Yes, young lady." The priest called.
Maddie cleared her throat, "Anyone wants to oppose my younger sister's marriage can do so now, so I can punch their motherfucking face. Forgive me for my language priest." She tried to look sorry but I knew she was enjoying every bit of it.

The priest looked so white, kind of reminded me of Liam everytime I do something surprising.

"I think that means there's no one. I now declare you husband and wife."
"Finally!" Liam exclaimed and captured my lips with his.
If the priest eventually said 'You may now kiss the bride.' I never heard, and I don't think Liam did either. Don't blame me, my husband is so hot so he fries all part of reasoning in me as soon as he's around.
After the kissing part, we walked to the entrance to the church where a broom has already being placed for us to jump. It signified our first step together as a couple.
"Are you ready to begin this journey with me, Mrs Jones?"
"I'm so ready." I smiled.
We joined our hands together side by side as we jumped together while the crowd cheered.

Who said love is a myth? You just have to find the right person to transition the myth into a reality. And if you haven't found, it just means you have been searching in the wrong place.


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