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A/N- Updates will be every Friday.
Also this is a first draft, please point out any error you spot. I'll correct it ASAP.


"I need my swimsuit changed to a size six." Meredith sauntered into Loraine's office like she owned the place.

Brianna and I gazed up from the desk as we stopped our discussion.
"And you're telling me because..." I trailed.
"It's your duty to ensure that I'm always satisfied." She raised one of her brow up as she said this, while trailing her fingers on the surface of the desk.

"I don't know when or probably you read it in my job brochure, or it's possible that when Dad handed the CEO office to me, he told you that my duty is to ensure that you are always satisfied. I know for a fact that he didn't tell me that." I said as a matter of fact.
"You manage all the models of this company right?" Maddie rolled her eyeballs as she asked me.
"As a matter of fact I do, but I don't see how this relates to you in anyway." I rolled my eyeballs back at Maddie.
"Shucks! You are even dumber than I expected. I wonder how you manage to keep this company afloat. Come on Loraine, what am I?"

Choosing to ignore the dumb comment that Maddie made, I replied her with a very calm tone.

"I don't know, why don't you tell me?"
"Aren't I a model? This means that everything that concerns my happiness while I work with the company is also your business. So get on with changing my swimsuit for the photoshoot." Maddie said and started walking out the door.
"You could have taken it to the wardrobe department for..." I didn't finish my statement when Maddie slammed the door in my face.

"And she's gone. I'm not even surprised, this is typical Maddie tantrum and to think she's the older one." I laughed bitterly.
"Lettie, are you sure Maddie is okay with you being the CEO of Tres Belle Fashion Industry?"
"Of course! She said Dad asked her before he asked me, and she told him she wanted to focus on her modelling carrer so she can't do it. I mean I'm supposed to be offended that I was the last resort despite being the one who went to Harvard business school. Why do you ask though?"

"It's just that Maddie has become really mean since you became the CEO, so I thought it's because of the position."
"Maddie has always been so mean when it comes to anything that concerns me. One time her crush in highschool told me he liked my ponytail compared to my sister's hair. Do you know what Maddie did?"
"Do tell me please." Brianna curiously said.
"She hacked off my ponytail that night while I was asleep."
"Oh my gosh! That was really mean of her." Brianna gasped at such inhumane action.
"Yeah... I cried till I couldn't cry anymore, but Mom said I should still give her a chance. So here I am still tolerating everything she does, until probably one day she comes back to her senses and realise that she's my sister." I sighed hopefully.

"Me too 'cause girl this thing is getting way out of hand." Brianna concluded.
"I hope so too. Keep showing me those sexy lingerie designs of yours you were showing me before Maddie came in."
"Oh I forgot about that when Mad hat came in here." Brianna was about laughing, but when she saw my stern but playful glare she reined it in.
"Sorry sorry.... I know she's your sister." She raised her hands in surrender.
"You got that right. Although I got to admit that was a tad bit funny." Both ladies stared at each other before bursting into laughter.
"I'm so glad I agreed to work in your parent's company after we finished college." Brie said.
"Yeah, me too."
"You better be 'cause ain't nobody as lovely as me."
"I say an Amen to that sister." I said chuckling.
"We're just so silly." Brie chuckled too.
"You can say that again and again. May we get back to business good ma'am?"
"We may your highness."
"Uh uh." I chuckled again.
"Too far right?" Brie joined me again.
"A tad bit." I said as we burst into laughter again before continuing our meeting.

         * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Hey Alexis, do well to change Maddie's swimsuit to a size six." I said handing the swimsuit over to the head of the wardrobe department.

I mean come on, I'm the CEO of this company. I'm not supposed to stress over such things. Sometimes I just want to push Maddie off the bridge, I should watch how to get away with murder more often. Infact I should make it my favorite show.

"Again? Maddie should accept that she's now a size seven and no longer a size six. She should rather work on her weight." Alexis complained as she collected the swimsuit.
"What do you mean by again? Has this happened before?" I asked curiously.
"Yeah... But I learnt a technique to avoid this problem." Alexis said, while smiling mischievously.
"I beg you, do share."
"Whenever we get the model swimsuit from the design department, I always remove the size tag of Maddie's and replace it with a size six tag. It's just yesterday I wasn't in and Charlotte my assistant handed her the swimsuit when I wasn't aware."
"Why do you do that? Just tell her she's increased in size." I didn't want our feud to be obvious to the outsiders.
"That's because I made that mistake a month ago when her P.A came to collect her suimsuit for carribean shoot, I told her to tell her boss that she's no longer a size six but now a size seven. Do you know what she did?"
"What did she do?"
"She sent her P.A to return the swimsuit and said that I mixed up her measurement with someone else's to spite her and if I know what's good for me I better give her the right size. Right there I had to think of something right there and then, so that is what I came up with. I felt insulted and I vowed never to tell her again." Alexis finished while frowning slightly.

I know how it feels for one's professional capability to be insulted. It feels degrading and it irks one to the bones.

"You're the professional and I trust your judgement." I said while walking away.

I better not interfere with such issues because knowing Maddie she'll rather feed me to the vultures than have my back even when she knows I'm defending her.

I was walking back to my office when I saw Chris. Chris was my other best friend and was a big time photographer who had a contract with Tres Belle Fashion Industry. I was over the moon when Chris accepted the contract I offered him when I became the CEO of the company. He's a really good photographer so I know I haven't made a mistake except Brianna didn't think so. According to Brianna Chris maybe good, but he stole me from her. Quoting Brie 'I was always the only one but Chris had to come along, now I have to share my spot with someone.' She always make this comment everytime she sees Chris or hears his name.

"Hey Chris what's up?" I greet him from afar before I started walking towards him.
"You know me Lettie, just getting by." He responded.

You may be wondering why we greet each other this way when I said he is my best friend. The thing is at work we try to obtain a level of professionalism so that the other staff don't take me for granted.
"How's my frenemy Brie boo?" I laugh immediately knowing he's talking about Brianna. He always jokes about Brie being his girlfriend knowing it irks her.
"She's good. I'll tell her you said hi."
"Please do that and also remind her of my undying love for her." He joked again.
I laughed at his antics and shook my head as I promised to tell her that he says hi. Immediately I enter my office, I see Brie packing her designs I approved into her portfolio so she can hand it over to the custome and design department.
"Brie, Chris sends his greeting." I laugh as I tell her again.
"Tell him I said to go to hell." She hisses angrily.
"I almost forgot, he sends his love too and also told me to remind you that you are his boo." I said, adding more fuel to the fire.
"I rather throw up in my mouth seven times than to end up with that man-whore." She hisses again and left the office.

I laughed softly and muttered a 'that's what they all say.' When love hits Brie, she wouldn't even expect it and it's going to hit her hard.

Final A/N- Hello imperfectly dangerous readers!!!
Who is excited for this journey?
I know I am.

So Hop on! Let's have fun!!

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