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"Do you want to talk about it?" Liam asked, as he twirled my hair. We were in my room, my mom surprised me when she said Liam could sleep in my room. She was like, I trust your judgement and I know you wouldn't do anything stupid, besides you are a grown-ass woman capable of making her own decisions, her words not mine. When she said these things, I was like... Huh? What's going on here?

Mom never let Xavier to sleep in a room next to mine, not to talk of sleeping in my room. I think my mom loves Liam more than me, or rather she trusts him more than she trusts me. In case you are wondering, mom didn't witness Maddie's lash out and honestly, I'm so glad she didn't, because it would have made mom really sad. If you ask Mom for her greatest wish, I'm certain that she'll say it's for me and Maddie to get along.

"I don't know what I ever did to her. I mean I thought we bonded this afternoon, but here we are." I sniffed as tears ran freely down my cheeks as Liam pulled me closer to him as he wrapped his right hand to wrap round my waist.
"It's okay, please stop crying. It's making me really sad, I really hate seeing you cry." He said while using his free hand to wipe the tears off my cheeks.

"It's not okay Liam, not even one bit. Did you hear the things she said to me? What sort of sister says such things to her sister," I asked in disbelief and continued, "I think I have been trying way too hard. I'm a human being and I also have feelings, and the part of my brain that's still functioning and not clouded by emotions says it's time to retreat. I'll just forget I have a sister, tell everyone that I'm the only child. I heard that psychologically, the more you repeat something, the more your brain believes it. We can leave tomorrow morning, we'll tell my parents that you've caught flu or something. They'll believe us and we'll be out of this toxic environment." I can't believe I'm running away from my parents house, just because of someone I call my sister.

"Running away from your problems is never the solution Lettie." Liam said softly.
"Who said is running? I'm just simply protecting my heart from hurt. She made fun of me being left at the altar. Who does that?"

"That really happened? I can't believe that you met such a douchebag. How can he do such a thing to you? But, no offense Lettie, don't take this the wrong way. I'm glad that he did, else I would have never met you. So every thing happens for a reason. I'm not glad that you were left at the altar and embarrassed, but I'm glad I met you 'cause you were. It may be the same thing with you and your sister, you may have fought this long in order to have the best make-up." He said trying to give me reasons but my mind was already made up.

I shook my head in disagreement, "No Liam, if I remain here till Monday morning I think I may die. I just want to go, please." I said the last part weakly.
"Okay, anything for you. I don't want to see you sad. We'll leave tomorrow morning." He promised. I felt bad that I was cutting short his time with my parents, but I don't think I can stay here any longer.

"Thank you so much." I faced him and hugged him tightly.
"Anything to make my angel happy." He kissed my forehead lightly.
"You're so corny." I smiled fully.
"You still like me that way." He shrugged.
"I love you." I blurted out and froze. What did I just say?

"Ermm... I meant... What I actually wanted to say..." I stammered, not able to form a coherent sentence, but Liam availed me.
"I love you too. I've loved you since the time I held your hand at that gala, I just wanted you to say it first and please now you have said it, don't run away from me. I want all of you Lettie, don't believe anything your sister said. I'll never leave you, rather I'm scared that you'll leave me."

"I'll never leave you." I promised.
"Me too." He promised back and kissed me on the lips lightly. Trust me to turn it into a full blown makeout session, we were kissing with me flat on my back and Liam hovering over me a bit when little Liam got a bit excited and started poking me in my lower belly.

My eyes widened at how quick Liam got aroused, "You might want to take care of that. Cold shower or something?" I asked akwardly.
Liam groaned and got off the bed, and started walking towards the bathroom in my room but not before muttering, "You drive me fucking crazy Lettie, so fucking crazy."
I don't think he knew I heard him but I did and honestly the thought of Liam being aroused by me, made me smile widely that night.
                * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"I believe you have something to say to your sister." Mom said sternly to Maddie.

Liam was on the table too, after he came back from using the shower, we decided to give it a rest and sleep. I noticed something, Liam loved to cuddle and so do I. So we cuddled and when I woke up, Liam was spooning me and I felt his penis poking my back, although this was a normal morning occurrence, it still made my face flaming hot. I stayed still and pretended that I was still asleep until Liam finally woke up. 

"Good morning sunshine." He said lowly as he pecked my cheeks.
I groaned like I was still sleeping.
"I don't know how I ended up being so damn lucky. I love you Leticia Jones." He muttered under his breath.
"I love you too." I said, forgetting I was supposed to be pretending that I was asleep.

"I knew it! I knew you were just pretending to be asleep." Liam declared triumphantly.
"So all that was just to confirm if I was awake?" I raised my brows.
"Of course not," Liam said settling down on the bed and putting his left hand a bit above my head that was nestled by the pillow, "I'm truly lucky to have someone like you to call my girlfriend, and I truly love you." He said while peppering every bit of my face with kisses

I started laughing 'cause it was a bit ticklish, "I love you too."
"You're the queen of my heart." He smiled, and with that we started making out.

I've noticed that anytime we have major discussions, we always end up making out. I just imagined how our married life will be, whenever we make major decisions, we'll have sex.
This caused me to laugh a bit, "Why are you laughing?" Liam stopped kissing me, in order to ask.
"It's nothing, just a silly imagination." I waved my hand like I was swatting away a fly.

"I want to know about your silly imagination."
"It's nothing, really."
"Well, tell me the nothing." He pressed.
"Alright, alright. You asked for it. Well, I noticed that we always make out anytime we have major discussions, so I was just imagining how it'll be if we eventually get married. Whenever we make major decisions, we'll end up having sex. See, I told you it was stupid." I told Liam when I noticed he smirked. I hid my face behind my fingers in embarrassment.

"Well, I'm glad you're finally seeing our relationship as something that has a future because I'm beyond crazy about you." He said and we continued making out.
See, I told you. We always make out after major discussions or declarations but the thing is I wouldn't have it any other way.

So back to the present, mom was insisting that Maddie apologize to me for what she said. Actually, I was no longer mad at Maddie 'cause when I was feeling thirsty last night, I went to get water from the kitchen. I heard Maddie yelling on the phone and I heard the words I've been desiring to hear, "You know what Ray? I can't do it anymore. Let's break up, and after this call never call this number again. Someone said I deserve better, and trust me that better isn't you." With that she ended the call and started crying. I tiptoed back to my room so that she wouldn't see me, 'cause Maddie becomes aggressive when you offer her comfort. Besides I've learnt it's better I keep my distance. I'm just happy that she finally made the right choice.

"Snitch." Maddie mouthed to me. I know she'll think that I told Mom, but I don't have such strength. I already made my mind up when I decided that I'm leaving everything behind. I guess it was one of the maids that told Mom.

"I'm waiting for you young lady." Mom pressed again.
"I'm sorry Lettie." Maddie apologized grudgingly.
"What you said yesterday is no way to talk to your sister, and I'm really disappointed in you. What..." Mom paused when she noticed Maddie say something under her breath.

"What are you mummuring under your breath? You can spill it out you know." Mom said, anger blazing in her eye.
Maddie stood up quickly thereby causing her chair to fall on the floor, and she banged her hands on the table hardly. Trust me that was going to hurt later.

"She's not my sister, maybe on paper but blood wise she isn't. There, I said it." She yelled.
"What do you mean she's not your sister? Lettie is..." Maddie interrupted mom with a groan, "Come on mom, I know. You don't have to keep pretending you know."

"Know what?" Mom asked still looking lost.
"That she was adopted!" She yelled.
Okay, What?
I turned to Mom and with a small voice I called her, "Mom?" I was waiting for Mom to tell Maddie that she was being delusional and stupid.
Instead, mom sat down there looking as white as a sheet.

A/N- Shit! Lettie is adopted or might there maybe a slight misconception?

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