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I opened my eyes slowly adjusting to the room lighting. First thing that I noticed was one, this is not my bed. So I started panicking, then I realized that two, obviously, this also wasn't my room.
I replayed yesterday events as I cringed so hard, especially when I sleepily asked Liam if he was going to be around when I wake up, what was I? Twelve? Or handicapped?

I hid my face in the pillow and screamed so hard in it. How was I going to face Liam now? Well, I didn't have to wait long because Liam came right in, with a huge smile and a tray of food consisting of coffee, coffee latte to be precise, with scrambled egg, bread, jam, scones and a whole lot of other things. I don't even know who had the strength to prepare such large breakfast this early morning.

"Good morning Lettie, I'm sure you must be hungry. I made breakfast for you and I hope you don't reject it else my efforts will be viewed as a waste." He smiled in that cute way that I always like but can't tell him because he hates being called cute. I remember the time I told him he was cute, he gave me a stink eye and said, "I'm not cute, I'm hot. Don't get things twisted Lettie."

I thought it was just Liam but after telling Chris he was cute and he didn't talk to me for two days, I realized guys don't like being told they're cute. So I have resolved to always saying they're cute in my thoughts alone.

"Don't you have cooks? Why go through all this stress?" I asked as my eyes widened when he started setting up the table in his room. Don't even ask me why he has a dinning table in his room, I mean that is just weird. I'll just take it as one of Liam's weird quirks, just like the way he likes being without shoes in his office.

"It won't be as special as me preparing it." He shrugged nonchalantly like all these didn't take him a long time to prepare.
"Well... Thanks for all these but I'll be taking my leave..." I attempted to stand up when I noticed another thing, I wasn't on my clothes from yesterday. I was on a pjamas. My eyes widened in panic, as I took everything in.

"Where are my clothes? Don't tell me you changed me? Oh my gosh, I could die right now." I asked at the same time. Someone will think I was drunk last night and didn't actually just fall asleep, but don't blame me I was dead to everything happening around me. I mean that is obvious cause I didn't even know when I was changed out of my clothes last night.

"Okay Lettie, just calm down. One, I didn't change you last night, my housekeeper did. I knew it'll make you uncomfortable plus we haven't reached that stage yet, so I don't have the right to do have that." He said like a true gentleman, and I immediately thought, 'How can I be with someone this perfect?' Honestly, I think there's this stupid alter mind, which I'm not sure if it's really a thing. But the thing is that there is definitely something that always makes me want to run anytime Liam has me in a corner. Like I already knew I wanted to be with him, I already decided that, but there's always something whispering in my head that I'm not good enough for Liam.

"Well... Where are my clothes? I need to..." I was saying when Liam interrupted me, "You want to run away like you did when we kissed. I'm not having any of that today. We are going to have breakfast like civilised people, and just incase you decide to play smart, I'm going to do this." He walked to the door and locked it.
"What would your staff think of me? They'll think we are having sex. It'll be too awkward when I leave, like one night stand kind of awkward. I'll now be the lady that just had sex with their boss." I said, trying to give another excuse.
"I'll like everyone to go home and rest. You'll can come back tomorrow and continue where you stopped." He announced to his staff, and proceeded to put off the microphone triumphantly signifying 'problem solved.'

I weakly sat down 'cause right now I really have no excuse. We ate in silence, as we exchanged glances, everytime I took a bite Liam smiled. Honestly, the food was really good and as much as I don't like to admit, he cooks better than I do.

"Thank you for the breakfast and the bed, I'll be..." I tried again, but Liam cut me off, "Since the staff aren't around, can we do the dishes together? It's a bit much for me to do alone." Well, he actually had a point.

We carried the plates to the kitchen as we started loading them in the dishwasher, we unloaded the dishwasher and placed the plates and bowls where Liam said they supposed to be. By the time we were done the atmosphere had lightened considerably and Liam suddenly decided I was looking too serious and I needed a bit of cool water, so he poured some on me. Well, I wasn't one to back down from a water fight, then I sprinkled mine too. It soon turned to a full water fight, at the end of water fight we were both considerably soaked. We decided to mop the kitchen and then change our soaked clothes . As we were moping the kitchen, I needed to use the bucket to squeeze out the water from the mop, so I reached for it the same time Liam reached for it. As a result of bending down to reach for the bucket at the same time, we banged our head a bit hard.

"Ouch." I rubbed my head in pain. Liam drew closer to me and brought my head closer to his lips and placed a soft kiss on it. Liam was making it harder to say no to him.
"Better?" He asked, and I nodded as I smiled shyly.

Both our eyes landed on each others lips and Liam drew closer like the first time we kissed and placed his lips on mine, he paused using his eyes to ask me if it was okay, I started kissing him and soon he matched up with my speed. It was during the kiss that I noticed how sticky my pyjamas was, but I didn't care. I was getting severely aroused as my nipples tightened in my p.j shirt, we started backing up and I hit the kitchen's counter, and Liam lifted me on the counter, and he stood between my legs as we kept on kissing each other. We withdrew to catch our breath, then I looked at Liam, he was looking at me with so much love in his eyes, that I teared up a bit. Is it possible that I can ever be loved after so much heartbreaks?

I remember after Ryder, I met Daniel. At first, Daniel was good and he made me extremely happy. He treated me like a queen and made me feel loved. Then one time he was giving this story about being broke and how he wanted to buy me the best diamond ring for his proposal to me. He was down most of the days, and that he kept complaining how he could not provide things that a queen like me deserved. I felt so bad, so I offered him the money so he can be happy. That jerk got the ring alright, but not for me. He got it for his girlfriend from college, apparently he had been double dating the both of us. He even had the guts to send me pictures of the ring on his girlfriend finger, he thanked me for my help in procuring the best engagement ring. I decided to tell his girlfriend about us, I mean I wanted to save her the heartbreak of marrying a douchebag. No surprise there, the girlfriend said she knew and they both planned it. Wow! So a douchebag and a bitch were engaged, what a lovely union.

Oh, and of course their relationship never lasted, within six months she found him cheating on her. They broke up and went to the court to contest ownership for the five million dollars ring, which was the only valuable thing between them.

Then there was Genesis who later told me after two months of dating that he was gay and he was just using me to make his ex-boyfriend jealous and now they're back together. I felt so used and stupid.
So after being in these types of relationships, can I easily trust again?

"I can see the wheels turning in your head Lettie, but please don't run off like you did." He pleaded.

I shook off my head signifying that I wasn't going to run off.

"You said I don't know you right? I want to give you five reasons why we should be together. One, when the three weeks I wasn't with you, I felt like you took my heart along with you and everyone knows that one can't fully function without a heart. Two, you make me smile more times than I have ever smiled in my life. Three, I will never make you cry Lettie. I'll love you because you are the queen and the guardian angel of my heart. Four, I don't need to know all about you now because you are like a foundation of knowledge and one cannot drink up a fountain. It takes times to drink up a fountain, more like forever. Five, I have waited for the moment to be with you for more than ten years and after ten years I still want to be with you. So will you grant my wish of more than ten years by saying yes to being my girlfriend?" He finished and looked at me with hope.

I smiled and kissed him hard. Then I withdrew and placed my forehead on his.

"So what do you say?" He asked hopefully.
"Well..." I paused to heighten the suspense. I can see why that girl waited to say yes, the suspense feels so good to me, well at least to me because Liam already started sweating.
"I'll be delighted to be your girlfriend." I finally said.

Liam paused for a long time, probably not believing that I actually said yes. After recovering from the initial shock, he picked me up and spinned me around. Well, we both slipped cause that part of the kitchen was still slippery. Liam fell on his back with me on top.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" I asked in panic.
"Does it matter? I can die a happy man now that you finally said yes." He smiled and kissed me lightly on the lips.
"Don't talk about death you moron." I tapped his head lightly.
"I feel better than when I first signed my first one billion dollars deal. Thank you so much for giving me a chance Lettie." He smiled at me as I smiled back.
"Thanks for wanting to be with me."
We started a full blown makeout after that, and even though we were still on wet pyjamas and we can both catch a cold, I really didn't care right now because it was so worth it.

A/N- They are finally together!
So ship names anyone?

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