Part 12 - Dark and Cold

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Darkness will let you see the stars but not the scars



Hana's Pov

"May I?"

Jungkook forwarded his hand with his lips pressed into a thin line. I don't know why, I didn't feel the action friendly. But he has apologised to me in the morning, and we are slowly becoming friends. And I didn't wish to increase the gap between us. I took his hand and got up

"Umm Jungkook, I don't know how to dance", I tried explaining not make him embarrassed in the party.

"Are my ears in right condition?"


"Did you call me by my name?", he smirked. Something about him is off. But I just ignored those thoughts to not make anything awkward.

"I will teach you how to dance then", he smiled and pulled me to the dance floor.

He held my waist with one hand and I put my one hand on his shoulder and my other hand was entwined with his other hand. The proximity with him always makes me feel a bit different, or I must say a bit uncomfortable. He pulled me closer now and I could feel his hot breath. It was reeking with alcohol. Is he drunk?

"You look beautiful today!", he complimented to which I blushed a little. His grip got stronger now.

What's wrong with him? I am not feeling good in his presence.

As i tried to see what he was staring so intensely, I found that he was looking at my cleavage with a lecherous smirk. That's it. I lost it. What the heck is going on? Why is he ogling at my cleavage? I let go off his hand and went away from the dance floor. Something is surely not right. I was feeling so unsafe in his arms. I took out my scarf from my bag and rolled it around my neck and immediately walked away from that area.

His look was so.. so.., should I say it was filled with lust? But as far as I know Jungkook isn't that kind of a person.

As I was walking, I could feel someone is following me. I turn around to see no one. I must be hallucinating. Shit! I left my phone and bag there itself. Suddenly, I could sense someone's touch on my shoulder. And I turned around to find Jungkook standing, his eyes were red and I could still smell alcohol. I found his presence very cold, very very cold. I just walked past him but he caught my hand tight, very tight.

"Leave me Jungkook, it's hurting" but he didn't let go.

"You really look great today", he licked his lips. His gestures were making me nervous and sending chills down my spine. Yes, I am very scared right now. And above that, No one is here, I am all alone. I need to get away from here at any cost, I used all my strength to shove his hand away and started to run but I was caught.

Tears brimmed in my eyes, making me weaker. I never felt someone's hold to be so cold. I tried pushing him but he was holding me strong, very strong.

"Jungkook what are you doing? Please leave me ", I pleaded him with tears in my eyes. I am feeling helpless now.

"Not until I complete doing what I want", he spoke in a very husky voice in my ear. What does he mean by that?

"What?", I was about to ask him, but was interrupted by his sudden kiss on my neck.

"Jungkook leave me. You are drunk", I was yelling

"Just stop shouting, will you?",he was rather irritated and started kissing me forcefully. I really hated this. It was harsh. I am struggling to go off his hold pushing him but he isn't allowing me to. I wish Yuna or someone to be here. I never felt so helpless. He pulled out and I could feel my lips bleeding. I cried loud for him to leave, but he was very adamant.

He put my body on his shoulder and started taking me somewhere. I was hitting him continuously and tried to drop down but it had no effect on him.

"Put me down"

"Someone help me"

I was screaming for help, but I don't think anyone heard it. All my life and the view ahead of me became cold, dark . Colder and Darker. My legs became weak and my throat became dry because of my continuous screaming, yet I didn't stop trying.

He opened the door of a car and threw me inside. He came inside and hovered over me. It was absolutely disgusting. I pray, for the umpteenth time, for someone to save me from this monster. He isn't the kid Jin described. I threw hands at him trying to resist but he just shoved them away and bit my neck. I am sure there must be a mark left over.

I yelped in pain but he didn't give any damn and attacked my lips again, he pounced on me like a hungry lion. Why should it be me? I cried with my tears continuously flowing. He just got up again and unbuttoned his shirt.

"Jungkook, please let me go. I beg of you", I begged him at last. I don't this to happen. But he didn't give an ear, rather ogled at my breasts, I crossed my hands on my chest, but he pulled them away with a strong force. He started kissing my cleavage, I was trying to push him, but he held my hands.

"You are such a noisy one", he sighed being irritated

The next thing he did made me shocked. He ripped the top part of my frock leaving me in just a bra. He smirked at me, I hate that. I hate myself for being so helpless. He again fell off me and started giving bites near my cleavage and I couldn't do anything but cry loud in pain. I closed my eyes and next thing I heard is the car door opening and Jungkook being pulled out.

I saw someone hitting him.

It was Taehyung. He was hitting him continuously. And I was searching for something to cover me. I was sweating profusely and my whole body is shivering. What did I even witness? Was I about to get raped? I hugged myself feeling scared.

Taehyung beat the black and blue out of him. He then rushed to me but I was hesitant to face him with my current attire. He immediately gave me his coat to cover me. I felt my mind blank and the previous minutes of my life were the most dreadful moments of my life.

"Are you okay?"


I could hear a voice but I couldn't see him, the next thing I could see, it was all dark. I blacked out.

End of Hana's Pov


Kyunghee's Pov

After the dance with Jimin, I went to Yuna and talked to her for a while. I am searching for Eonnie now. The last time I saw her, she was dancing with Jungkook. And Jimin joked about it too. Where is she now? Its been a while but I couldn't see her anywhere.

"Soo Ah, did you see Eonnie anywhere?", I asked her and she nodded in negation.

I went to Jin who was talking with Ara and Hoseok

"Jin, Ara, Hoseok, did any of you guys see eonnie?". All of them gave a straight no.

"Did you try calling her?" Jin asked and I nodded.

"I called her but she is not picking up", I sighed in worry. I am scared now. What happened to eonnie? Is she alright? I don't feel good now.

"She left her bag here", Soo Ah found my sister's bag. I searched through it and I found her mobile inside.

"I searched for her everywhere Kyunghee ah. She is not here as of now", Yuna stated which made me more anxious. Everyone came as Jin called them, except Taehyung and Jungkook. Where are they?

My phone vibrated. It was Taehyung.

"Come to the University Hospital right now", I could feel his voice tensed up.

"Is my sister with you Tae?", my voice was almost breaking

"Get everyone here too. Hana is here", and he cut the call. I dropped my phone in shock. Did anything happen to my sister?

"Kyunghee are you okay? What did Tae tell you?", Jimin asked me equally nervous. I was still shaking.

"He.. He.. asked ... us ..He the ...the University Hosp....Hospital", I stuttered my words but they understood it quickly. Without waiting a minute we rushed to the hospital. Jimin was holding me all the way. Taehyung messaged me the room number, and we entered the hospital, the people gawked at us rushing in. We were a big number.

There he stood outside the room. I rushed to him immediately, and he was looking at me with me red eyes.

"What happened to Eonnie?" I asked him holding his arms. He looks like he cried badly before.

"She blacked out", he answered and everyone sighed in relief.

"She really doesn't eat anything. See from now on, I will make sure her whole body is filled with just food", Yuna declared and Jin nodded along with her. But Taehyung held my hands

"Kyunghee ah", tears were streaming down his eyes. Why is he crying? What happened? He held my hands tight and everyone were looking at him in shock. Tae doesn't cry like this, the last time he cried was when he lost his parents.

"I am sorry. I should have gone early", he was sobbing. And I held his shoulders

"Tae! What happened?"

"He almost raped Hana", I lost it. What the hell is he speaking? Did someone try to rape my sister. Everyone were dumbfounded.

"What are you saying Tae?", I shouted at him pulling myself back.

"He abused her Kyunghee ah", he broke down into tears and I lost it. Did my sister go through that horrendous thing? The next thing I know is Taehyung hugging me and I didn't push him. I hugged him tight and we both let out our tears. What wrong did my sister do? Why does she have to face this?

"Who is that person?", Yuna's eyes were tearing up and were red burning with anger.

"I will kill him right away", Yoongi joined. He just folded his fists, I am sure he was furious too.

"You won't", Taehyung released himself from the hug.

"What do you mean by he won't?", Jin was confused.

"You won't kill him", Taehyung yelled making them flinch.

"Why won't they?", Soo Ah was also confused.

"How will you kill your own brother?", he closed his fists and hit the wall.

Brother? What does he mean by brother? Jungkook? Did Jungkook do this?

"Our brother? Why will Jungkook do that?", Yoongi scoffed

"Why would I fucking lie about this thing?", Tae became more furious every second. I could see Jin's eyes tearing up and his hands were shaking. He walked upto Taehyung and held his hands

"Please don't tell me it is true", he asked with moist eyes. And Tae just nodded sobbing and Jin just crashed on the chair holding his head, Ara rushed to him. Yuna was lost, I could say she is at loss of words. None of us thought he would do such a thing to her. He was a jerk, flirt and what not, but we never though him to be a pathetic asshole. Yoongi became silent for a second and Hoseok was holding him. Namjoon's eyes became red and Soo Ah was hugging him. Jimin is in one corner crying and Yuna sat beside him. I felt the world turn upside down at this moment. Tae witnessed it all, he was holding his head in sorrow. I hugged him tight, forgetting everything between us for the moment. We both need this now.

The doctor came out. I know her, she gives us special lectures on tissue treatment.

"Dr Cho", I called her and she was surprised to see me.

"How is my sister now?", I asked her and she placed her hand on my shoulder

"The patient is absolutely fine. She just blacked out and seeing the marks on her body, I could say she was abused. It was a mild panic attack. Her Blood Pressure is low. Don't remind her of bad and dark instances. She just needs some rest. I insist you some sleeping pills if required", she state and I nodded.

As she was about to walk from there, Namjoon called her

"Dr Cho", Namjoon was her favourite student, and the whole campus talks about it.

"Namjoon, you are here too?"

"Dr Cho, could you please not bring this up to the board", he requested and she nodded. Dr Cho is one of the board members in the disciplinary committee, Namjoon is trying to save Hana and Jungkook from the campus talk.

An hour passed by and we are still in the hospital aisle, waiting for eonnie to wake up.

"I will get that bastard now", Yoongi got up, anger fuming in his eyes. "Where is he Taehyung?"

"I don't know, I just left him there after giving him a beating", Tae spoke. Did he hit Jungkook?

"Did you beat him?", Jin asked and Tae nodded.

"He deserves it", Yoongi scoffed and left from there and Hoseok followed him. Ara was just silent all the time holding Jin. She didn't utter a single word.

"The patient is awake", the nurse came out.

"We will go first", Yuna directed me and Taehyung to go inside and she came along. I could see her lying on the bed in a hospital gown, something which I have never imagined in my entire life.

"Eonnie", I called her. She looked at me blankly, without an emotion. Will she turn into a stone again? Will she go far from me again?

Tae went near her and was about to hold her hand, she shoved it away.

"Don't come near me", she yelled at him. "Don't do anything to me", she was panicking. But Tae didn't move. "Just go away from me", she was throwing her hands.

Tae went to her and held her hand tight

"Hana! Look at me"

"Let go off her Tae", I was telling him but he gestured me to stay quiet.

"Hana, just look at me", he ordered her in a loud voice. For once, my sister felt scared and stayed still.

"Who am I?", he asked her

"Taehyung", she mumbled.

"Who saved you?", he asked again.

"You...", she stuttered.

"Then tell me Hana, why would I hurt you?", he spoke in calm tone and she calmed down. Tears streamed through her eyes.

"Kyunghee ah", she called out my name and I rushed to hug her.

"I am sorry Eonnie for not being there to protect you", we both cried in each other's arms.

"Thank you Tae", she mumbled to Taehyung.

"You are my friend Hana", he ruffled her hair.

"How are you feeling now?". He asked her while she just nodded positively indicating that she is fine now.

"So, did you all forget me over here?", it was Yuna. We completely forgot about Yuna who was standing here.

"I am sorry", my sister spoke in low tone.

"You should have hit him in the balls", Yuna hugged her. "I will burn him alive if I see him", she snarled.

"Let's not talk about it, shall we?", Eonnie spoke out and we didn't try to mention it anymore.

We were with her for some time and Tae kept speaking to her, assuring her safety. He made her feel a bit better. I am happy he is doing all that to my sister. I owe him my life for saving eonnie. He told us that he found Hana going somewhere from the party and followed her, and that she disappeared in middle when he got distracted by a call. He ran to search for her, and when he heard some screams for help, he ran towards the place where he heard those sounds and found them. The rest is known.

"Can I come in?", It was Jin. Hana looked at him with no emotion.

"Can I talk to her for a second? ", I looked at Eonnie and she nodded.

End of Kyunghee's Pov

"How are you now?"

"I am fine Jin"

He was having tears in his eyes. Firstly, he couldn't see his sister like friend on a hospital bed like that and that his brother is the sole reason for it.

"I am very sorry", he spoke with guilt in his eyes.

"It's okay Jin, It's not your fault anyway", she just didn't want to talk about it again. That was the darkest moment in her life. It wasn't long ago that she slowly started to accept people and now this incident broke it all. She still couldn't believe Jungkook could do that to her.

"Hana", he called her and she just looked at him to continue speaking.

"From now on, I promise", he paused. "I will protect you by all means and cost", he held her hands.

"No, no Jin, you don't need to do that"

"I want to do it Hana, I won't let anyone harm you from now. They have to face me before reaching you", she is having tears in her eyes.

"I will protect you like my own sister Hana", he promised and she just nodded. "Take rest then", he ruffled her hair.


Jin came out of her room and nodded looking at Yoongi and Yoongi sighed in relief. Kyunghee went inside to take care of Hana. All of them decided to just sit in the chairs of the hospital aisle for the whole night.

It was morning around 7 and Dr Cho came to check her once again.

"Her blood pressure is alright now. She can be discharged now. It is not a serious one anyway. She can be her normal self. And I don't think it is right to have so many people occupying the hospital chairs for one patient", she chuckled and they were embarrassed. Though there weren't many patients, it is still not right to have so many visitors for a single patient.

Kyunghee went inside to make her sister prepare for the discharge

Suddenly Jin's phone was ringing.

"Jungkook", he exclaimed looking at the caller id.

He answered the call and was about to lash at him but the voice on the other side was different.

"Jungkook?", he asked again

"I am sorry sir, your number is the first number on his caller's list"

"What happened to my brother? Where is he?"

"Bundang Hospital. He got hit by a car."


Author's note:
So, what happened to Jungkook now? I am sorry for not warning about the sexual abuse part in advance but I didn't wish to abrupt the flow.

If you guys feel disturbed or uncomfortable, I could tag a prior notice. So, peeps how's this part? I know it's kind of shocking right?

If you have any queries or suggestions,please do ask me. I would be glad to answer. Your support is always my motivation.


Thanking you all for reading my ff

Love you


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