Part 20 - F. R. I. E. N. D. S

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Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose

– Tennessee Williams


"Shh, Stay like this"

And she stood there still not moving an inch. Someone spotted them sideways and Jungkook immediately shot the paint ball at him and he cursed out loud.

"It's okay even if we lose the game.", she tried to convince him so that he could take a step away from her.

"I just got to know about the penalty. The ones who are shot will have to get drenched in cold water", he revealed it to her making her shocked.

"What the hell!"

"I know right? So, I informed everyone to cover the girls as you know, I mean", he tried to tell her but found it awkward.

"It's okay. I can understand. It's better if we don't get wet", she held his shoulders for support. And someone was about to attack Jungkook, Hana shot the paint ball at him.

"What will we do if someone attacks from your back?", she asked him and he thought for a while.

"It's okay if I get shot.", he sighed and she pulled him close to his surprise.

"I don't want you to get shot", she mumbled.

Hana slid her hands through his waist and held the gun while Jungkook held the gun on the other side, perfectly fitting behind the cover. It was more like a hug while both raised the guns on the opposite sides and shot paint balls at the incoming opponents.

"Kyunghee, just come over here", Taehyung was calling her since long but she was too scared to step out of her cover. Even before Jungkook informing Taehyung about the penalty, he was guarding Kyunghee.

"Idiot, you will be shot if you stay at the same place", he rushed to her while checking for any opponent.

"Tae, both of us will be visible, go to your spot now", she shooed him, but he was adamant.

"I am taking you Kyunghee", and he dragged her to a wider cover for hiding.

"You shoot from that side and I will shoot from this side", he ordered her and she nodded.

"Don't shoot mindlessly, there is a limit for the paint balls in your gun", Jimin yelled at Yuna who was shooting without an aim.

"As if you know how to shoot", she scoffed back at him and someone aimed at her. Even before she could process what was happening, she was on the ground. And what made her more astonished is Jimin above her.

The guy went away after shooting Jimin. Jimin got up once he left.

"Why did you get shot for me?", she asked him when she noticed the yellow colour on his shirt.

"You are not even thanking me", he frowned at her and she smiled.

"Thank you but...", and was interrupted by Jimin.

"Now, I will teach you how to shoot", and he dragged her behind the covers.

"Namjoon, If you take a step from here, I will break your leg", Soo Ah was covering for Namjoon and Hoseok was not far from them.

"You are peculiarly good at this", Hoseok complimented the man beside him.

"Be grateful that I have saved you 5 times", Yoongi huffed.

And soon the whistle was blown and all the participants assembled. There were buckets of water ready. Though the friends won having the least number of hits, the persons who were shot are still not excused.

Jin and Jimin went ahead and the bucket of chilled water was poured on them. The friends laughed at their shivering faces. Fortunately, the organisers of the game already arranged the towels beforehand.

Ara rushed to get two towels and handed one to Jin and Yuna took the other one. Ara rubbed Jin's wet hair with the towel and he bent down a little so that she could reach his height.

"I will dry it myself Ara", he took the towel from her.

"I don't want you to catch a cold", she looked concerned.

"So, my princess is worried for me", he pinched her cheek and she blushed.

"I will get some spare clothes from the locker", Taehyung went from there.

"Here, dry your hair fast or else you will catch a cold", Yuna passed the towel to Jimin and he was hell surprised at the change of behaviour in Yuna. He started rubbing the towel and she grabbed it from him.

"Don't you know how to dry your hair? Are you still a kid?", she scolded him while rubbing his hair with the towel.

"I am sorry, I do it like that always", he mumbled and she smiled.

"Such a kid, why didn't you tell me that the punishment is this? Who told you to be a superhero then?", she smiled at his innocence.

"Yah! Shouldn't you be thanking me? I saved you from this public embarrassment", he frowned in disappointment while she was still rubbing his hair.

"Okay, okay Mr. Thank you for saving me out there. Are you happy now?", she questioned him and his face lit up with a smile. She smiled at his cuteness. And Jimin was rather happy to witness the soft side of Yuna.

Taehyung brought the spare clothes and the guys went from there to change.


Seoul National University

Fest Day-7

Hana's Pov

And finally, this is the last day of the fest. I will be honest right now. These were the best days of my life. Though I never express it or suppress my thoughts about feeling good with the people around, I cant' help but feel delighted and ecstatic in this period. I made new friends and even Jungkook is one of it. Yet, I still cant allow them to break my wall. The happiness and the joy is all fine but the feeling of melancholy, let it belong to me alone.

I could see Kyunghee and Jimin enjoying Jungkook and Yuna's verbal fights. And there are our lovebirds Ara and Jin who were blushing and holding hands. I feel so happy for them. And There Soo Ah goes smacking Namjoon's head, he must have done something. And Taehyung was cracking some joke along with Hoseok. I looked at Yoongi and he caught me staring. And then continued looking around. This guy is very different. He pretends to not care at all but I noticed it all, he is really a keen observant of the things and the people around.

"Down to Earth Hana", Jungkook waved his hand in front of him breaking my chain of thoughts.

"What is it Jungkook?" I am sure he wants me to defend him in the fight with Yuna. We were all sitting in the garden, kind of circle but randomly dispersed.

"Did she agree?", Yuna smirked at him and he pleaded me.

"Fine, I will talk for you", I agreed to support him. And he smiled like a bunny. I don't understand him at times. Once he talks so rude, and once he becomes so protective, once he completely ignores me and once he just keeps sticking onto me, once he teases me and once he smiles like a cute bunny. Such a chameleon he is. I wonder if he is bipolar or something.

"Just die", Yuna snapped at me. She was clearly mad when I took his side. And I decided to play along.

"If I wanted to kill myself, I'd climb up your ego and jump down to your IQ level.", I retorted and Jungkook cheered for me and stuck out his tongue at Yuna. Guess we will be having a war now.

"The trash gets picked up tomorrow. Be ready." , she scoffed. If I am good at this, she is an expert. But as of now, I am not giving up

"Grab a straw, because you suck.", I just mouthed whatever is at the end of my tongue and I could see her smirk. I know she has got one ready already

"Remember that time I said I thought you were cool? I lied.", she is really challenging, I was about to continue.

"Yah! Don't you guys have any other topic except for fighting", Yoongi joined.

"You are so boring hyung"

"Then what makes you so interesting little shit?", he smacked his brother's head and we giggled

"Shall we take a million photos today?", Soo Ah stood up from her spot and Taehyung agreed immediately. Ara and Jin also got up from their positions. I guess now we will be having a photoshoot now.

We walked around the whole campus and took many photos. I don't know how many photos we have taken, all I can say is we took a lot.

"Hana, shall we have a pic?", Jungkook asked me and I agreed. Why not? I thought it would be a selfie or something but he called Taehyung and asked him to take a pic.

I could feel someone's arm over shoulder and I looked over to see Jungkook who was grinning widely. Though I pretended to be okay with it, it was a provocative action to my heart.

"Yah! Stop staring at me and smile", he turned my face towards the camera and I could see Taehyung smiling at us.

"Smile", we both smiled at the camera and Taehyung clicked the pic. He asked to make more funny poses and we did. If Yuna spots us like this, I am sure she would tease me like hell. Taehyung finished it and showed a thumbs up to Jungkook. I could see Jungkook smiling at this phone, I raised myself a little to see what made him so happy, is it a girl? I furtively tried to look at his screen and then he turned. I composed myself in a flash. It is wrong to peek through someone's phone Hana, I mentally slapped myself for my actions.

But to my surprised, he showed me his screen, it was our photo. And he kept swiping, we looked good. Was he smiling at our pics?

"We look really good", he grinned from ear to ear. I felt elated at his happy face.

"Yes", I agreed looking at the pic. I grabbed his phone

"send the pics" and he immediately typed something and my phone vibrated. He must have sent the pics.

And we started to walk again. Ever since we became friends, we walked together often and I don't at all complain like before. His company makes me feel good. Even now, I wonder how easily I agreed to forgive him that day. I know he is not at fault and even then, had it been another guy I would have just disregarded him.

I look up to see him smiling at a pair. I looked at that direction and found Ara and Jin. Jin was giving her multiple pecks and she was blushing. Jungkook clicked their pics.

"Hyung is too tall beside her. Noona doesn't even reach his shoulder", he chuckled and I giggled at that. It's true though. I looked up to see Taehyung and Kyunghee walking together with cotton candies in their hands. Thank God! They have finally patched up. I felt relieved from the guilt that has been killing me ever since my break up with Tae. I clicked their pics and I could see Jimin doing the same from the other side.

Was Jimin shipping them? Taehyung's behaviour with Kyunghee has changed a lot and is giving me different vibes. But Kyunghee likes Jimin. Thinking about it, I am not the one who will make the choice. So, I just shrugged those thoughts away.

It was evening and there were a range of fireworks connoting the climax of the fest. The lights in the sky were really beautiful. The night sky gleamed incredibly with the fireworks.

"Hana", Jungkook held my hands and I raised my brows.

"So, are we friends now?", he asked me with a tinge of nervousness in his voice. What's wrong with him now? Is he changing his color again? And then it struck me, I was the one behind this. I was kidding then. Did he take it this serious?

"Do you think I would be nice with you if you are not my friend, dickhead?", I chuckled and I could see him on cloud nine. Does he really want to be my friend? But why? I am so boring to begin with.

"Thanks a lot darling", he smirked and I punched his arm.

"Ouch! That hurts darling", he put his arms on the left side of his chest and pretended to be hurt. It felt so good to hear from it even though it irritated me a lot back then

"Jerk", I scoffed and he laughed.

We all gathered together, at first everyone became sad that the fest was ending but Soo Ah convinced that we will be seeing each other often in the campus. Tae also spoke about how all of must hang often and Kyunghee yelled that she was happy to meet all of us and everyone cheered at her. I smiled seeing all of us together.

Perhaps, the best week ever.

End of Hana's Pov


Seoul National University

It was a normal Monday in the university and the students were rushing for their morning classes. As usual, Hana crashed into the canteen holding her bag and ordered her egg sandwich.

"Will you ever have a proper breakfast?"

"I think that's the thing I am doing now", Hana ordered a banana milkshake for the man beside her.

"Thank you", he grabbed the milkshake while he smiled.

"Such a kid", she mumbled while eating her sandwich.

"Says the one who skips her meals", he retorted back.

"Yah! Jeon Jungkook, it was you who disturbed my sleep schedule yesterday", She snapped at him and he chuckled.

"I never thought you would drag that argument to such an extent. Why don't you just agree and leave it?",he raised his eyebrows with a sly smile.

"Such a dickhead you are. I would never ever agree upon that", she spoke and continued eating,

Jungkook and Hana had a fight the night before. Jungkook, being himself sent all the pics they had captured to her and stated that he was handsome. While Hana completely denied it and he kept sending his pics and started bragging about himself. Whilst however hard he was trying to convince, she was adamant on not accepting it.

"Do I really not look handsome? All the girls in my high school used to stand in a queue to talk to me", he boasted while she rolled her eyes.

"They say opposites attract. I hope you meet someone who is good-looking, intelligent, and cultured." , she hit him on the head and stood up.

"Yah! You are so mean", he spat at her and she chuckled.

"I know Jungkook, and I am having a class next hour. So I will be going now. See you later", she picked up her bag and was about to go and he called her.

"Hana, what will you do this evening?"

"Huh?", she didn't understand what he was speaking.

"I am pretty bored you know. Jin has a date with Ara and Yoongi will be sleeping", he sighed.

"But it's a working day Jungkook"

"Come on Hana, we aren't in high school anymore. Let's just hang out", he pleaded her and she thought for a while.

"Fine, but no loud places okay?" and he nodded.

"Okay cool! I will come to pick you up at 6 then", he smiled and she nodded.


"Shall we go shopping today?", Yuna asked as they stepped out of the college.

"We just went the last week. Let's do it another day", Hana mouthed and Kyunghee nodded along with her.

"Then shall we go to Karaoke station today?", Yuna asked them again and they both nodded in negation.

"I am sorry Yuna, I promised to hang out with Jimin and Tae today. You know right? It's been so long that we have been like this", Kyunghee started explaining and Yuna interrupted her.

"I completely understand Kyunghee ah, go and enjoy with them. I will be with Hana today", She placed her arm over Hana's shoulder and Hana stepped back.

"I am sorry too Yuna", Hana started speaking.

"What are you sorry for?", Yuna was confused

"Well...I..I am ..I am actually....having...plans..too", she stuttered and both the girls looked shocked at her.

"Are you sure you are on right mind?", Yuna asked placed her palm on Hana's forehead to check if she is having a fever.

"I am fine Yuna", Hana shoved her palm lightly.

"Eonnie, did anything happen to you? Are you okay?", Kyunghee was concerned. She thought something must have happened to her and that's the reason she didn't want to hang out with Yuna.

"Well.. Actually, Jungkook wanted to hang out with me in the morning and I agreed so...", she dragged the so part and Yuna already understood it.

"Eonnie, is that really you? I mean like YOU AGREEEDDD TO HANG OUT WITH JUNGKOOOKK", she yelled the last part and Hana nodded looking away.

"I mean, we are friends right?", Hana wanted to explain so that they don't jump into assumptions already

"Fine, but you are going to tell me everything that will be happening with that dickhead of yours", Yuna concluded not wanting to disturb the plans of her best friends.

"He is not mine", Hana scowled and the both girls giggled. Bidding a huge bye to Yuna and giving her a way too many hugs to her than usual, the sisters left to their house to get ready.

Yuna sighed and started to walk but stopped when she heard the voice

"Wanna eat tteotbeokki with me?"


Author's Note:

Hola peeps! I am back again with the new part of the story. So, How's this one? I am sorry for dragging the fest so long. I just wanted the friends to bond and fest could be the best time. 

So, yeah I am planning for a surprise and will drop it soon. i hope you guys checked out the titles of the new series I am planning on. Rainbow Series is the name and I hope you guys support me in that journey.

If you have any queries or suggestions,please do ask me. I would be glad to answer. Your support is always my motivation.


Thanking you all for reading my ff

Love you


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