Part 34 - Her feelings!!

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The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it

-Nicholas Sparks


Namjoon's Pov

"Yah Kim Namjoon", Soo Ah ran to me and held my collar while I was still under shock at her sudden appearance. From when was she here? Did she hear everything?

"You should have stayed there for some more time", Taehyung spoke and pulled her hands which were pulling my collar. I looked at Taehyung with confusion and Soo Ah who was shooting glares at me.

"This idiot is keeping everything for himself till now. And how dare he keep his feelings to himself while I am dying inside here", she spat at me and I could see Taehyung chuckling.

"Hyung, I was the one who brought Soo Ah here. I saw you walking outside the hotel and met Soo Ah who was watching you from upstairs. We already talked before about this and I knew about her feelings. You have to see her face in the morning, it was as if she had a breakup. I told her that I will help and asked her to wait until I complete talking. I actually wanted to talk just about it but it went out more than what I thought", Taehyung explained and I could see Soo Ah still glaring at me.

"Now don't cry and talk to him", I saw Taehyung ruffling her hair and winked towards me.

"I will be leaving then. All the best", he spoke and left from there.

"Soo Ah", I was about to start but she started to hit me continuously not giving me a chance to speak. She didn't stop it for a long time and finally she sat down covering her face in her palms. I could hear her sniffs, is she crying?

"Soo Ah", I called her but she didn't turn to me. I called her again and she hit me again.

"You are such a fool Joon. You know how much I cried that I could never be the one. You know how much my heart broke everytime you say you are not ready. It made my heart ache to listen to that. I tried to change so much for you but look at you and your stupid reasons", she sobbed and I lowered my head.

"I just want to be perfect for you Soo Ah. I don't want you to feel ashamed of me", I blurted it out and I could feel her hand on my cheek. She looked at me with anger in her moist eyes.

"Say that one more time, I am going to bury you alive. What makes you think you aren't perfect? You are perfect in every sense to me. The way you adjust your glasses, it just makes you look even more handsome. The way those dimples pop out every time you smile, I just freaking love them. Even your dressing sense makes you different, though it doesn't make sense. When I said I like you Joon, I like your everything, all your imperfections make you look even more handsome Joon. And don't ever think I would be ashamed to call you as my boyfriend. I want to hold your hands and walk around the campus. I feel so proud to like you Joon", she confessed making my heart flutter.

Never in my life, a person complimented my imperfections and was in love with it. The way she detailed my features with love in her eyes, it made me so flattered. All the time, I wanted to change myself as a perfect while she was adoring my flaws.

I hugged her tight and she reciprocated with equal passion. I could feel the emotions overflowing within us. I could feel her little sobs as she rested her chin on my shoulder and I brushed her hairs softly. I am so thankful that a girl like Soo Ah likes me.

I knew she went through a hard time and it takes time for her to trust people. But she trusted me very soon without thinking twice, just because she believed in my personality. I kissed her hairs whilst hugging.

"I hate you so much for keeping those feelings for yourself. I hate you so much", she sobbed and I chuckled at that. I just kept rubbing her back. I feel so ecstatic having her in my arms, not just like a friend.

She pulled out of the hug and wiped her tears.

"Now, tell it", she spoke and I was confused.

"What?", I asked her and she rolled her eyes and hit my arm again. What was that?

"Tell those words to me idiot. Those words which you told to Taehyung", she blurted and I understood what she was speaking.

"I don't like you Soo Ah", I blurted and she widened her eyes.

"Don't tell me that you need time again. I am going to burn you alive", she warned me with a glare and I chuckled at her anger.

"I don't just like you. I love you", I confessed and she looked shocked for a moment.

"Did I hear it wrong? I mean....", she was about to continue but I pecked her lips making her eyes go wide again.

"You heard it right Soo Ah, I love you", I pecked her lips again and she blushed. I don't want to stop myself from showing her love from now. She is too precious to me and I don't want to let go of her or hurt her.

"I love you too Joon", she confessed and I am dancing like hell on inside. I could feel butterflies in my stomach when she said those words and my heart is no better.

She stared at me intensely and I cupped her cheeks. And slowly she leaned in closed and pressed her lips on mine and I kissed her back. It was gentle yet passionate. It was my first kiss and I felt so delighted that I am sharing it with her. I could feel her breathe in mine and our pulse in sync. What are you doing to me Soo Ah?

We pulled out and locked out foreheads breathing for oxygen. I knew I am not your first Soo Ah, but I promise I will be your last and the only one

End of Namjoon's Pov


Jungkook's Pov

We planned to tour around the Jungmun Complex today. I woke up early to see Taehyung already awake. He greeted me with a smile and we waited for others to come. Hoseok hyung joined us first and greeted us with a broad smile.

And after a few minutes, Namjoon hyung and Soo Ah came with their hands entwined. Are they together now?

"Oh My God, don't tell me...", Hoseok hyung exclaimed and Namjoon hyung nodded with a blush on his face. I could see Soo Ah all smiling and I am happy for them. Hoseok hyung jumped on Namjoon hyung bear hugging him and we both chuckled at that.

I congratulated them and Taehyung winked at both of them. Soon, all of them started coming to the lobby and when they got to know about them, everyone squealed and cooed. Yuna's reaction is the best, she hugged Soo Ah as if there is no tomorrow and even warned Namjoon that she will break his legs if he hurts her.

We all chuckled at that and Namjoon hyung looked a bit scared at her words. I looked at Taehyung and Kyunghee who were avoiding each other. I heard their whole conversation yesterday and I feel so bad for them. One's past should never affect their future. I hope Kyunghee understands that.

I wanted to tell that to Hana since yesterday but I thought it would be a bit awkward as I distanced myself from her lately. It would be really dumb of me to go straight away to her and speak about her sister when we, ourselves are not in good terms.

Jin hyung and Ara noona were late. And I could see Ara noona blushing like hell beside hyung. They arrived just now and Ara noona squealed out of happiness when she got to know about the news.

"Ara, you are blushing too much than the new couple over here. Did anything happen yesterday or should I ask last night?", Yoongi winked at Ara and she looked at the ground while Jin hyung held her by her shoulders.

"And what if something happens? Why does that bother you?" Jin hyung raised his brows and I could see noona becoming red.

"Guys, let's have breakfast soon. I am very much excited for waterfalls", Jimin announced and the rest nodded. We finished our breakfast, got ready quick and boarded the van. We planned to visit the Teddy Bear museum first.

I remember Hana mentioning that her sister loves teddy bears a lot. I hope that lightens her mood. Kyunghee looks really gloomy unlike her usual self. We reached the museum and paid for the tickets. The museum was completely filled with Teddy Bears.

Hana adored the dolls infront of her and I adore the doll in front of me. She turned towards me and I turned away. She looked at me for a moment and then turned away. I sighed in relief that she didn't walk to me. I don't want to speak rude to her or avoid her by myself. The less we interact, the lesser will be the pain.

I could see Jin hyung doing ageyo infront of the pink Teddy bear and Ara noona facepalming herself. I laughed at their pair. Namjoon hyung and Soo Ah didn't leave their hands since morning. Jimin was walking along with Yuna. They became good friends lately and god knows how.

We toured around the whole museum and an hour passed by. Our next destination is the Cheonjeyon falls which is actually near. We were walking to the van and I could hear someone calling my name. I know that voice, the only voice which could call my name like that.

"Jungkook, come here", she called and I walked to her.

"Isn't this cute?", she showed me a cute chain with two teddy bears. It looked ao lovely.

Shall I buy it?", she asked me.

"If you like it, just buy it", I told her. I know I sounded a bit rude but nevermind, I need to distance myself from her.

"Just tell me Jungkook. Wait! Will you tie this for me and tell how it is ", she forwarded the chain and placed it in my hand. I would love to tie it Hana, but I can't do that now.

"Just buy it if you like it. Don't bother me with these stupid things", I snapped and she flinched pulling back her hand.

"Fine, I am sorry", she blurted and returned back the chain. She rushed to the van and I could call myself an asshole for hurting her. I asked the shopkeeper for the chain and he gave me a weird stare. Ignoring him, I bought the chain and put it in my pocket.

End of Jungkook's Pov

Jimin was very much excited for the waterfalls. Cheonjeyon waterfalls are also known as Pond of God and the friends got to know that it is believed that seven nymphs from the heaven take a bath from here.

Jimin kept squealing looking at the waterfalls. He has never visited these places in his lifetime and having fun with his friends is so enticing to him

"You are so happy", Yuna spoke and Jimin let out a smile.

"I am, I have never gone to trips like this", he revealed.

"Why? I mean", she was interrupted by him.

"I am an orphan Yuna", he revealed making her shocked. She knew about Jimin a lot now. What types of food he likes, what type of clothes he wears and what kind of personality he has. But she was astonished to know that he was an orphan.

"I am sorry", she blurted and he tapped her forehead.

"You don't need to be. It's not your fault. I was grown up as an orphan and didn't have friends until I met Taehyung and Kyunghee. Being an orphan doesn't change anything except that you don't have a person who would take care of you. And now that all of you guys are here for me, I don't have any complains", he stated with a smile.

"We are your family", Yuna assured with a smile and he grinned wide.

"I know", he spoke and then turned towards Taehyung who was looking at Kyunghee.

"Don't you think they fought again?", Yuna asked looking at their direction.

"Yuna, I need to tell you something", Jimin started and Yuna raised her brows.

"Taehyung likes Kyunghee", he mouthed

"Everyone knows that. They are best friends since long", Yuna simple spoke but Jimin shook his head

"He likes Kyunghee as a woman", he revealed and Yuna widened her eyes.

"I knew it since long and maybe that's the reason I couldn't even think of giving us a chance", he admitted and she looked at the pair again. She mentally smacked herself for not noticing that. She always thought that Taehyung cared for Kyunghee like a friend. And now she understood why Jimin asked Hana to let Kyunghee stay at Taehyung's house.

"I just knew it", she uttered and he grinned sheepishly.

"I am sorry for not telling that till now", he apologised and she slapped his arm lightly.

"It's okay. I just feel it different to know that now. But I don't know if Kyunghee would accept him", she spoke and he nodded in agreement.

"I know that. And I just hope the past doesn't reflect in their present decisions", Jimin expressed his view and Yuna agreed to his point.

And as they walked talking, Yuna bumped into someone.

"I am sorry", she bowed without looking at him and when her eyes reached his face, she stepped back in shock.

"Long time no see Chae Yuna", he spoke.

"Daniel", she uttered and Jimin looked at them. He held Yuna's hand and stood in front of her.

"Oh, your new boyfriend? I heard that you had multiple boyfriends to divert your mind from me", he smirked and Yuna felt disgusted.

"Boo, What are you doing there?", Soo Ah came running to them while Yuna shook her head vigorously for her not to come. But it was too late.

"Daniel", Soo Ah muttered seeing him.

"Oh My God! Is this real? I got to see both of you and most surprisingly together", he smirked and Namjoon joined them.

"Get the fuck out of our way, you son of a bitch", Yuna snapped at him but he didn't move a bit.

"Oh darling, you are very good at curse words, even on bed you know?", he smirked and she felt disgusted. She felt ashamed to love him blindly with all her heart.

"Hey Mr Bastard. You have spoken enough now. Don't you feel ashamed of yourself?",Jimin spat at him and Daniel chuckled.

"You always chose a man of words Yuna. And talking about ashamed, you are holding the hands of a girl who cheated with her best friend's boyfriend", he spoke and Soo ah shot a glare.

"Then what about you. Why did you do it then?" Soo ah snapped at him while Namjoon was holding her.

"First of all, I never loved you. You were the star of school and that's the reason I dated you for so long. And your friend, I played with her because she is hot. I just played with both of your feelings. One became broken and another became slut. Am I not right?", he spoke making Yuna teary eyed.

Thud, he fell on ground. Jimin pushed his jaw.

"Call her that again and you will only see hell. You are the bastard who played with people's hearts. Correct yourself first before calling people's names. You broke a friendship, you broke their trust on people and here you are living without shame", he yelled while Daniel got on his knees.

"He doesn't deserve any of us", Soo Ah spoke and raised her hand to slap him while Namjoon stopped her.

"He doesn't deserve your slap too. It would be like forgiving him. That bastard must die of guilt", he spoke and she put her hand down.

"What do you think you guys are? You wanna fight with me?", Daniel clenched his fists and Jimin stepped forward to face him.

"Why not fight with us? We are sure interested in an action movie", Jungkook joined along with Taehyung.

"If you want introductions, you could call us their dear ones and the ones who couldn't bear a word against them.", Taehyung spoke rolling his sleeves.

"So choose it. Fight or fuck off", Jungkook raised his brow and he left without speaking a word.

"Bastard", Yuna mumbled and took a deep breath.

"Are you alright?", Soo Ah asked Yuna and she nodded in assurance.

"I am sorry for blaming you when he was at fault", she apologised while Yuna shook her head in negation.

"No boo, don't be sorry. We both faced it and we already thought of forgetting it. Let's just not talk about that prick", Yuna spoke and Soo Ah hugged her best friend.

"Tears won't suit you Yuna", Jungkook winked as she let out a chuckle.

"I should have just punched him again", Jimin uttered and everyone laughed while he looked confused.

Jungkook's Pov

I feel so angered at what just happened. Though I only know the bits of their story, I can tell that they suffered because of him. And how dare he stand against them when he was at fault. Such a bastard he is. I just hope he drowns in these waterfalls.

I never saw Yuna crying, but if she is crying because of him. Then that bastard did definitely something pathetic to her. I took a deep sigh and looked at everyone playing. I could not see Hana anywhere. I searched for her but she wasn't here.

It was already 3 and we still didn't have lunch. We heard that the food in this complex would taste really good. I called all of them for lunch and they walked towards the van. All of them came except Hana.

"Where is Hana?", I asked and Ara noona was the one to respond.

"Don't you know?", she asked raising her brow.

"I swear I don't know", I don't really know where she is.

"Fine then, search for her and come to the hotel. We will be going back to hotel directly after having lunch", she spoke making us confused.

"Go on", she spoke and I just walked back while the rest boarded the van. I could see them being so noisy. I just shrugged and ran around to find her. Where did she go now? As I walked, I saw a girl sitting on the rock. I knew it is her without a second thought.

As I walked, I could hear her sniffs. Is she crying? I walked to her and sat beside her. I guess she noticed me. She was about to get up but I held her hand pulling her down.

"Leave me. Why do you care?", she yelled at me but I didn't leave her hand.

"Hana, don't cry", I spoke trying to wipe her tears but she shoved her hand away

"Don't talk to me. Why are you acting like you care for me when you don't?", she looked at me with her eyes puffed and red. It hurts me to see her crying like that. I could see anything in her eyes but not tears and now that I am the reason for it, it is aching my heart even more.

Fuck this acting now. I just can't control it now. I tried my best ignoring her but not at the cost of her being this hurt. I can't do this anymore. I hugged her from a side while she tried to wiggle out of my hold.

"I am sorry", I blurted and she hit me continuously.

"Fuck with your sorry. Do you know how much it hurt me when you were like that? Do you even know how much it pained when you ignored me all these days?", she kept hitting me and I let her do that.

After sometime, she crashed onto my chest sobbing loud. I am very sorry Hana for making it hard for you.

"Don't you remember how much I am scared to lose people and it just made me scared to lose you too? I just hate you. I hate you so much. You are such a dickhead", she vented and I felt so bad at that. I remember her fear of losing people, yet I behaved like that.

"I could bear anything Jungkook. I will do anything but I don't want to lose you Jungkook. I got so used to you Jungkook. I never imagined in my life that you would become this important in my life. Never. But I hate this dickhead behaviour of yours. You behave like I am nothing at times. Do you know how much it hurts?", she let out the tears and my heart shattered into pieces seeing my loved girl like that.

"You are the best thing that has happened to me Jungkook. I always cried that I could never feel loved and pampered. But you made my pain less Jungkook. You made me happy Jungkook. You brought a hope in my life which I never thought would ever exist. You made me feel special Jungkook. I feel so protected in your presence Jungkook. I don't regret anything with you Jungkook. I don't even regret that kiss", she confessed making me shocked. I never thought she was okay with that kiss because we never talked about it later.

"I don't want to go far from you Jungkook. I never had this feeling with anyone Jungkook. And when I thought about it", she paused and I looked at her.

"I want a future with you Jungkook"


Author's note:

Hola peeps! I am back again with the next part of the story. I hope you guys are safe and sound. And tell me how's this part?

And yeah, finally Hana vented it out. What do you think? And congratulate the new couple over here: Namjoon and Soo Ah

If you have any queries or suggestions,please do ask me. I would be glad to answer. Your support is always my motivation.


Thanking you all for reading my ff

Love you


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