Part 4 - The Teams

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"Hold my hand and I will go anywhere with you"



"Well, do you have Ara's number?", he asked grinning sheepishly rubbing his palm behind his neck.

"I do, ...but ...I don't think....I can give you,....I mean....", Hana stuttered not knowing what to say, she already saw his grin turning into frown. It was obvious that he is disappointed.

"It's okay, never mind", he spoke and was about to go.

"Hey Jin, you can have it", Yuna took the phone from Hana's hand and unlocked the phone. She scrolled through the contacts and found Ara's contact and showed it to him. He stared at the phone for a few seconds and smiled as if he had memorized. He seemed very happy.

"Just don't tell her how you got her number okay?", he nodded

"Yuna", Hana glared at her but Yuna just ignored her.

"Well! Jin, we are very sorry about yesterday. We misunderstood you", Kyunghee apologised and Yuna nodded along with her.

"Hey, its okay, anyone would have reacted the same way. And I am not at all angry at you, and I am actually grateful that you gave me her number", he smiled and went away bidding bye to them.

"If Ara knows, she will lose trust on me"

"Have some heart girl, he is totally whipped for her"

"Yeah Eonnie, I saw how he was blushing when Ara came to us. He is totally into her. Let him try his chance"

"Yeah, even I noticed how shy he was while asking her number", Yuna joined putting a shoulder over Hana. "Don't think too much, he seems like a nice guy"

"Yeah, he is", Hana answered remembering the past encounter with him.


"What are you doing with the phone?", Yoongi asked seeing his brother in a weird position.

"I don't know, what the hell happened to him, he was just looking at his phone since evening", Jungkook joined him.

"Why is she not replying?", he sighed out loud.

"What? Who?", Jungkook hopped into the couch Jin was sleeping and Yoongi also joined them.

"Ara", Jin frowned

"Hyung, isn't she that girl in the boxing match?"

"Jin, don't say you like her", Yoongi was serious this time.

"I just want to clear my feelings, I kind of feel attracted towards her"

"Come on Jin, I know why you are feeling towards her like that. Well, that shouldn't be the reason to like her"

"I don't understand what you are speaking Yoongi hyung?", Jungkook was confused

"Little shit, listen, You know that your hyung called her pig and all that scene happened. Just tell me now how does Ara look like?"

Jungkook was processing everything and finally he found it

"Aunt Kim", Jungkook yelled.

"Do you remember Jungkook ah, I used to tell you that my mom calls me little pig and I used to call her pig back, and I was small then, and she never stopped me too and then God took her away from me"

Jin sobbed in between and the other two held him tight. Jin lost his mother as she had health issues and he became miserable for few years unable to digest the truth. He was just a 5 year old kid then, from then he grew up without his mother, and later met his two brothers. His mother used to playfully call him little pig and he used to call her my pig, the same way. He was small then and his mother didn't complain either. Her death is something which Jin couldn't take in Even till now, he badly misses her.

"But hyung, isn't it wrong to like her just because she looked like aunt, I mean you have to feel for her", Jungkook was trying to get words.

"I know it is wrong, but ever since I met her......"

"Did you?", both of them were shocked at his words.

"Yeah, it wasn't a pleasant one, but she is really nice, I mean she looked so cute even with those bruises on and you know she was so shy when I went near her. She looked so lost and nervous. And you know what?.......", he was speaking continuously and his eyes filled with excitement. Jungkook and Yoongi just looked at each other and smiled.

"Jin", Yoongi interrupted him."I don't think you are just attracted to her, you are literally whipped for her" while Jin blushed at that statement.

"But it just happened in a day", Jungkook was surprised.

"Time isn't a matter Jungkook, it's the feelings that matter"

"Oh calm down lover boy, it is still one-sided, she didn't even reply your message", Yoongi felt everything cringe.

"I am happy for you hyung, Ara noona is nice too", Jungkook hugged his hyung.

"Hey, isn't she the same age as yours?"

"Whoever becomes Jin hyung's girlfriend , that girl will automatically become my noona, even if she is smaller than me", Jungkook stated with his bunny smile.

"Don't hurt her", Yoongi warned Jin while slipping into their hug. Jin just smiled finally having his perplexed thoughts now in peace.

Jin Pov

I am really happy that they understood me. They have always been my support since the start. I really want to date Ara, I want to know her more and cheer for her loudly during the match. I felt my cheeks red at that thought. I looked up my phone to still see my message unread. It is midnight, I don't know why, but I want to talk to her. Ugh! Why am I even behaving like a love-sick teenager? And yeah I dialed her number. I switched on the recording to hear her voice again. It was just ringing and I knew she is not going to lift the call and was about to cut it, she answered

"Hello", I spoke nervously

"Which idiot calls someone in the midnight?", she was yelling on the other side.

"Hey!!", I was about to say something

"Asshole, pig, bastard, how dare you disturb my angelic sleep. Do you even have a heart? Are you an animal"

"I am sor...."

"Shut up will you? You have such an irritating voice, you are such an idiot, stupid. Fuck you!! Fuck you!! Fuck you!! Don't you dare call me again?", she shut the phone.

Oh my God, I was so shocked at her. Is she the same girl who was all nervous and tried to avoid me in this morning? She is so cute, I thought to myself, but I am sure she would choose her sleep over me. I slept smiling.

End of Jin Pov


Ara woke up in the morning and checked her phone. She realised she talked to someone in the night. She knew if anyone had disturbed her sleep, she doesn't even know what she would scold him. She saw the message from the same number.


I'm Jin

So it was him, she saved his number. . "But what does he want from me now? ", she thought and replied.


I am sorry. I didn't see the message.

Did I say anything last night?

He replied within a flash, that was really quick.


You have said a lot

Omg, what did I say?

She was worried if she has scolded him badly

I will tell about it in college

Meet me at 10:00 AM; Garden Café

She didn't wish to meet him but she want to know what she spoke and didn't have any mood for prolonging the text.



Seoul University

"So, Namjoon and me decided how we are going to split into teams", Kyunghee hopped into one of the seats in the café. They decide to meet in the café at 10 AM. Though Jin had different plans, he thought of talking to her after the meeting. Ara didn't arrive yet and Jin was constantly messaging her but there were no responses. Even Soo Ah was trying to reach her, but she isn't lifting the call.

"I think Ara might have got stuck up in some work, let's continue for now", Soo Ah spoke.

"Me and Eonnie will be in one team and Jungkook and Yoongi in the other", everyone nodded.

"I want Taehyung and Namjoon hyung in my team", Jungkook demanded and Kyunghee accepted as she doesn't want Taehyung in her team.

"No, no , I don't want me and my brother in the same team, we will never agree on one thing and the whole thing will flop, we will rather have Hoseok", Namjoon spoke and Taehyung felt offended at his words but still didn't show it

"I want Ara in our team", Kyunghee spoke as if they are bidding for some art piece.

"I don't want Jin in our team", Yoongi immediately spoke winking at Jungkook and Jin understood their intentions but little did they know that even Hana and Kyunghee wants the same.

"Since you are having three girls already, we will have Soo Ah and Yuna", Namjoon spoke while Kyunghee squealed since that's exactly the thing she wanted, while Hana hushed her.

"I hope you don't have a problem"

Yuna was about to say something but Soo Ah spoke, "I am okay with it"

"We are 6 already, so that leaves Jimin and Taehyung in your team", he continued

So it is final

"Jungkook, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi, Soo Ah, Yuna"- Team 1

"Hana, Kyunghee, Ara, Jin, Jimin, Taehyung" - Team 2

"Guys, let's just play fair and fun and finally whoever wins, it doesn't matter. If the winner is one of our teams, we will help the other team in the organisation okay?" Hoseok as always spoke with his bright smile. And everyone parted their ways and Namjoon stayed along with Jin.

Jin was worried about Ara, so he just called her. The call got lifted

So fatso, do you think you can escape from us huh? Let's see who will help you this time. Hey she called someone, crush that phone

and the call was cut.

Shock was an understatement for him. He held his phone tight and Namjoon was shocked at his expression

"Namjoon, Ara is in danger, I will be going okay?" and he ran as fast as he could.


"Please let me go", she was constantly begging them to leave her. Just as she was about to go to the café as planned, she was dragged all of a sudden, she screamed for help, some students heard her but didn't bother to help her. She was trying to get out of their grip, her breath was becoming faster, she was rather panicking, her mind was now completely lost, her phone was vibrating, that was the last hope, she didn't know who was that and answered and just a few seconds, her phone was thrown away. She doesn't even know if the other person heard anything. Praying god was the last thing she could do.

"You are so smart huh? No one will come and save an ugly bitch like you.", they laughed and they were getting closer. Moments of her past were rewinding in her mind. They were constantly laughing

"Let go of her", a voice echoed in the room.

"So this bitch is having a boyfriend huh? Hey man, why did you choose an ugly pig like her?", one of the guys spoke. Jin just threw his fists at one of the guys and he crashed onto the ground. But this isn't easy, one vs seven, he isn't a superhero either. Another one held him from back and one guy punched him in the front, blood was oozing out of his lips. The guy was about to give another punch and then something held his arm

"I am called rock not just because I always sleep, I also hit people hard", Yoongi punched him super hard.

"And don't you dare mess with my brother, I will crush you with my bare hands", Jungkook joined the fight with rage seeing his brother like that.

Namjoon also entered but with the least fighting skills, he tried hitting, but ended up breaking the things in the room. Finally with a lot of struggle, he aimed and hit something hard on one of the guy's head. He felt proud of his achievement.

The guys finally realised that they are dealing with the wrong people and ran away. Jin rushed to Ara who was still sitting still in her place not showing any movement. Jin rushed to her

"You are bleeding", those were the last words from her mouth and she blacked out. He immediately carried her in his arms and rushed to the medication room. The nurse did the needful.

"Hyung, you should also get treated"

"I am fine, it's okay. But how did you know?"

"Namjoon hyung told us and we rushed to you immediately", the doe-eyed boy smiled.

"I should have hit them more", Yoongi was frustrated that the guys ran away.

"You know what, I always wanted a fight like this, and I am really happy that I finally achieved it", Namjoon was happy that he hit one person and the others were quite perplexed at his actions.

The nurse informed that she is fine and is asleep. Jin went inside and the others didn't want to go , to give him some time with her. Namjoon went to tell Soo Ah and the other girls.

Jin saw her figure peacefully sleeping. He was so worried when he heard those words in the call. He didn't even care who they are, he just rushed to protect her, he ran through the whole campus with his maximum pace and luckily he found her sooner than he expected. Those bastards were really loud and he just barged into the room where he heard their voices.At the thought of her being in a state like this made his body shiver, that's when he was so confirmed about his feelings for her. Call it early, but he doesn't care anything now. He likes her and nothing can stop him from doing that. All of a sudden, he saw her hand shaking.

Please don't do anything to me

I beg of you

Let me go...

She was sweating profusely and Jin held her hand and she woke up.

"Don't do anything to me, please , let me go", she was literally panicking. That's when he hugged her and she held him tight, her hands holding his shirt so tight.

"Hey! It's okay! I am here, those guys ran away", and there she released herself from him. She was quite embarrassed

"I am sorry", she mumbled while he smiled at her.

" Don't be sorry, It's actually nice and warm being like that", he spoke staring at her. She looked at him shocked. And was about to speak something, he shushed her and held her hand, she wanted to pull it out but still he held it tight.

"Next time if they do that, I will take the life out of them. Don't get into this all by yourself okay?", he kissed her hand and left from there. She blushed at his actions.

"Why is he talking like this? And why are my cheeks red? What's wrong with me?", she thought to herself.

Soon enough, the girls rushed to her and took care of her. Soo Ah was really worried that she didn't at all leave her side. Hana created a positive impression on Jungkook as he saved Ara along with Jin.


Jungkook Pov

I want to beat those guys for scaring Ara noona like that. Bastards. Everyone one came to the medication room and talked to her and tried to cheer her. We were so loud that the nurse shouted at us and only let the girls inside. Jin hyung literally cursed at all of us. Everyone knew now, that he likes her at the way he is reacting. He is making it so obvious, I don't complain it either, he was being true to his feelings.

I could see Hana walking alone. The condition of her leg is quite better. An idea struck my mind, I went towards her in the opposite direction and stumbled upon her and she was about to trip, I held her wrist and made her stand still holding her hand.

"What was that?", she shouted. She must have swallowed a speaker when she was small.

"where are your eyes huh?" I asked smirking and she rolled her eyes.

"Leave me", she struggled to get out of my grip but I am quite too strong, in case, you don't know.

I pulled her by waist and she gasped shocked. I could feel her breath and I looked into her eyes. Her honey brown orbs, I was so lost in them. Her eyes are really magic. As if there were million emotions hiding behind them, I still want to study them but her constant struggle to get out of my grip wasn't helping

"Hey, why don't we make a deal?"

"What?", she was still in my hold.

"Whoever wins out of us for the fest thing, that person will get an apology from the loser", he smirked at her.

"Leave me, it's hurting", I could see tears in her eyes. I don't know why I suddenly felt a jolt of pain in my heart, I left her and I saw her composing herself.

"You know what, it was my fault. I thought you weren't actually bad. But you are still the same idiotic jerk. We are just becoming friends with everyone and you want to make it a deal and how dare you hold me like that"

I was shocked at her yelling, she had emotion of hurt in her eyes. What does she mean by she thought about me not actually being a bad person. Does that mean she is thinking about me? I am hell confused.

"Fine, let's make it a deal and end it there. If I win,you will have to apologise, and if you win, you must apologise and we will not bother each again", she went away from there.

I didn't know that small act of mine would lead to something like this. Why am I feeling guilty at her words? What' wrong with me? Come on Jungkook, don't let your emotions take control over you. You must win this and she will apologise, that will be good.

"Let's win this Jungkook"


Author note:
So peeps, how's this one? Aww my dear Jin fell in love already but Ara does have something behind. And yeah the teams were decided hooo. So, a mini battle between Hana and Jungkook. Lol!!!

Who do you think have the higher chances to win? And this fest thing, they will only plan the organization part, the work and all will be done by separate departments of the university. 6 students can't handle a huge college fest, uff.

If you guys have any ideas related to the fest, please do comment or message me and I will try to include them. And once again, even though this is a jungkook based ff, I will highlight the stories of the other characters, as I have said, everyone has their own story. And I don't want you to miss that......

If you have any queries or suggestions, please do ask me. I would be glad to answer. Your support is always my motivation.


Thanking you all for reading my ff

Love you


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