Part 42 - He is Back

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You know it's deep when someone's absence has an effect on your entire being

-Brandon Nembhard


Her breath hitched seeing him. He looked like a perfect businessman in her eyes. And then she realised all her eyes on her. She dropped the glass while the whole hall is silent. Hana bit her lip in embarrassment while her hands were still shivering at his sudden appearance.

She flinched when she felt a warm touch on her hands. She looked up to see the man in blue suit with sparkling doe eyes and a tie matching his belt. As he eyed her, she took a gulp in nervousness. Never in her life, she thought of meeting him again.

"Jungkook", she whispered in a very faint voice while he smirked at her. He clutched her hand and shook it gently.

Hana's Pov

"Wish you a very happy birthday Miss Do", he greeted and I bowed. His touch could still make me feel electrocuted. I pulled out my hand.

"Thank You Mr Jeon", I stuttered still trying to process what is happening around me.

"Well I got you something", he spoke and one of his assistants handed him a wrapped box. He smiled and placed it in my hand.

"It's my present for your birthday. Hope you like it", he sounded so professional. I just nodded being at loss of words. Just hearing his name caught me off guard and he is standing right in front of me now, I don't think I could even breathe properly.

"Long time no see", he whispered as he walked past me and his arms brushed mine. I took a heavy breath as he moved from my space. I placed my hand at my heart and felt my heart racing for its poor life.

He looked so handsome even after an year. His bunny cheeks and doe-eyes remained the same though. I don't know if I should be happy seeing him after so long or I should cry that I can't escape from him anymore. A tear escaped my eye and I wiped it immediately. I just wanted to walk to him and hug him as tight as I can but I could never do it. I want to go back to the olden days back again but it is next to impossible now since I am engaged. Why Jungkook? Why did you enter my life again when it's already a chaos.

A sweat droplet ran down my head as I saw him hugging my dad. He will now be working with my dad and that's more than enough to crack my head. I looked at mom and she gave me an understanding gaze.

"Are you okay? You don't look good at all.", Eomma asked taking the gift from me.

"Eomma, I am not fine. I don't want to be here", I panicked looking at Jungkook who was stealing glances at me.

"But Hana, you still didn't cut the cake. It wouldn't be nice if you go to your room like that", Eomma tried to convince me. My hands were still shaking remembering his touch and her mind is internally screaming in fright. Facing him again is the one of my biggest trepidations.

I finally agreed to my mother since it would be really rude and awkward if I leave the party in the middle, at least not without cutting the cake. Eomma held my hand and I looked at the podium. Jungkook glanced at me and then started his speech

"Well I am very much glad to be here along with Mr Do, one of the rising businessmen of the country. It gives me immense pleasure to sign the contract with him and I hope we get along in a long run. And I also thank Mr Do for the warm greetings. We look forward for the success of our project. Thank You", he gave his speech and got off the place.

He looked so confident while giving the speech. I wondered if it was the same Jungkook who cries like a baby before giving a speech. Appa spoke the rest and thanked the guests and press again. Eomma then directed me to the cake cutting and I walked to the cake.

I blew the candles and everyone clapped. I smiled at them and looked at Jungkook for once. His contemplating gaze is really disturbing me. I cut the cake and put the first piece to my mother. She gladly accepted and put the half cake back in my mouth. It tasted so familiar. I know this flavour.

"How is it?", appa asked as I put another piece in his mouth. Why is he being so friendly now?

"It's nice", I replied with a smile. And he clapped looking at Jungkook.

"Mr Jeon personally ordered this cake for you. Let me tell the flavour. It's something similar to cookie I guess", appa spoke and Jungkook walked to him.

"It's cookie dough Mr Do and it's my favourite one. I am happy that your daughter liked it", he smiled at me and I let out a faint smile.

"Thank you", I blurted averting my gaze from him. I looked at Eomma who understood my restlessness. She excused from the people and pulled me away. I took a deep breath when I got out of the crowd and him. I can't handle it anymore.

"Hana, is he that Jungkook? That one whom you love? Is he the same?", Eomma asked me and I nodded my head. She looked completely shocked when I answered her.

"Is that why he is smiling at you like that?", she asked and I nodded.

"I can't face him anymore Eomma. I can't", I spoke and tears streamed down my face. Seeing Jungkook after a long time and in a position where I can't talk to him like before is tearing me apart. I could never get over him and his presence is an added concern.

"I can understand Hana. Go to your room and sleep. I will give you sleeping pills now", Eomma walked to her room to get my pills. She handed me them and I gulped then even without water. I need a rest now.

"I will tell to appa that you are not feeling well. Go to your room now", Eomma told me and I nodded. I am glad that she understood my discomfort. I walked to my room and just crashed on my bed not even bothering to lock the door.

I looked the plushies and hugged them tight.

"Just, why did you come again?", I cried hugging them and closed my eyes as the pills started their effect.

End of Hana's Pov

Jungkook searched the whole hall for Hana but nevertheless, she disappeared. There were many people and clients trying to talk to him but all his eyes are in search of his girl. He was worried if something might have happened to her.

"Where is Hana?", he heard Mr Do ask his wife.

"She wasn't feeling well. So, I asked her to take rest in her room", Mrs Do replied and he nodded in positive. He walked out of the hall secretly to find her. He climbed upstairs and looked at many rooms. He didn't know which one she lives in. He barged into one room and it was empty.

He felt really awkward to peep into his business partner's rooms but his yearn to see his love is more important than anything at the moment. He moved into another room and as he was about to go to the next room, he felt someone in front of him. He looked upto see a familiar woman and stepped back immediately.

"Oh Mrs Do", he gasped at her sudden appearance. He was scared what she might think of him. He was scared if she would judge him for peeping into their rooms. He was hell embarrassed at the moment and was thinking of a good excuse.

"I was just looking for the washroom", he blurted scratching his neck sheepishly while Mrs Do narrowed her eyes. He was internally praying that she shouldn't have seen him peeping into the rooms.

"Why don't you tell the truth Mr Jeon?", she asked him and he took a gulp down the throat. He lowered his head in shame and decided to apologise.

"I am sorry Mrs Do.....", he was intervened by her.

"I know my daughter would never love a stalker. So I am not judging you right now. You can breathe", she told him and he sighed in relief. And then it him, does she know about them?

"I will take you to her room. I can't do anything if it is locked", she spoke and started walking towards her daughter's room while Jungkook was still processing what just happened. He was stupefied when her own mother is taking a guy to her daughter's room. Nevertheless, he followed her.

"Lucky that she left it unlocked. I am giving you only ten minutes", she told him as she opened the door revealing a sleeping Hana. He was perplexed at Mrs Do's behaviour.

"But Mrs Do, why would you let any guy enter her room? I mean how could you let me check her when she is asleep", he asked while she let out a chuckle.

"I already told you I know you. I trust my daughter's choice and I am confident that you cause no harm to her. And now go before I turn down the offer", she raised her brows and he smiled. Thanking her, he walked inside closing the door lightly while Mrs Do just stayed outside.

He walked to her observing her unconscious body. A tear escaped his eye looking at her after so long. It pained him a lot to live without her. He got so used to her that leaving her was a horrendous nightmare which happened to be true.

He positioned himself on her bed and brushed her hairs. He looked at the bunny toys in her embrace and let out a chuckle. He clearly remembers them as they were his gifts to her. One during the fest and another, when he confessed to her. And he knew, she is still not over him.

He couldn't believe the fact that she left him on an edge without a notice. He searched for her everywhere and God knows, how vulnerable he turned out without her. He came back to see her again, to cherish her again, to embrace her again and loving her, he has been doing that since long. His love for her could never die even if it is end of the world.

According to him, she became lean, and looked pale. He knew it would be the same for her. He was so strong about his love that he knew it was impossible for Hana to live without him. He knows her more than anybody and he can read her effortlessly.

He caressed her hair and let out a smile.

"My darling", he mumbled and tears streamed down his face. God knows how badly he want to hug her, kiss her and cuddle with her. He missed them so much. He just stared at her, adoring her features and enjoying her presence. It made him feel so happy after a long time.

As he looked at his watch, twenty minutes have already passed by. He mentally smacked himself for being lost in her while her mother strictly gave him a time limit. He got up from the bed and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. Taking one last glance at her, he walked out of the room.

He looked at Mrs Do waiting for him and lowered his head in apology. She walked to him and patted his head.

"Did you miss her so much that you have even cried?", she asked him and he realised his eyes are still red.

"I am sorry Eomoni. I just forgot the time", he rubbed his eyes and looked at her.

"That wasn't my question but wait! Did you call me eomoni already? Do you think I have already accepted you?", she narrowed her eyes and he shook his head.

"Oh I am really sorry. It just came out of flow. I am so sorry Mrs Do", he apologised and bowed while she chuckled.

"Call me eomoni okay?", she asked and he looked at her in bewilderment. Just a moment ago, she spoke differently and now she asked him to call her eomoni, he thought. And then it hit him.

"Does that mean you have accepted me already eomoni?", he asked her with doe eyes and she pressed her lips into a thin line.

"Should I take back my words?", she asked him raising her eyebrows and he shook his head vigorously in negation.

"Thank you so much eomoni", he squealed in excitement and she smiled at him.

"Okay now, you need to go to the hall now. I don't want anyone to get suspicious. And act like you know me just as your business partner's wife. Did you get that?", she spoke in a firm tone and he nodded his head like an obedient child.

"Thank you so much", he thanked her once again and left from there.

"When Hana said he was a kid, she really meant it", Mrs Do thought to herself looking at the retreating Jungkook.


The next morning

"Eomma, where did you keep those medicines? I have been searching for them.....", Kyunghee's voice was stopped when she saw a male figure in front of her.

"Jungkook", she exclaimed and ran to him. He hugged her and patted her hair.

"Is this a dream?", she asked and he chuckled at her innocence.

"So, you are dreaming about me Kyunghee ah? I know I am handsome but still.....", before he could complete his sentence, she slapped him on his arm.

"You didn't change at all", Kyunghee stated and he smiled.

"But you did. See yourself, you are looking like a stick now", he commented at her and she hit him again.

"Yah Yah That doesn't even hurt Kyunghee ah. Now stop hitting me", Jungkook told her and she shot a glare at him.

"I missed you a lot Kyunghee ah", he hugged her and she hugged him back.

"I missed you too Jungkook", she pulled out of the hug and he ruffled her hairs.

"Omo, what are you guys doing?", her mom was surprised to see her daughter smiling so happily after so long.

"Greeting each other since we met after so long eomoni. You can also join our hug", he let out a small smile and the elderly woman tapped him on her forehead.

"Did I do a wrong decision by letting you call me that?", she mouthed making him chuckle.

"Wait, do you guys know each other?", Kyunghee asked them and both of them nodded.

"She is my pretty, beautiful and intelligent eomoni. Am I right?", he winked at her and she smacked him on the head.

"Did Hana really love this guy?", the elderly woman narrowed her eyes while Jungkook frowned

"Even I wonder that Eomma", Kyunghee teased joining her mother and they both smiled. The elderly woman was very much happy seeing Kyunghee like that. She just stays silent or talks about Taehyung.

"Well! I am actually having a meeting with your father downstairs. And my client is still giving a presentation about it. So, I thought why not help eomoni with the kitchen". He explained

"But he knows nothing but ramen", Mrs Do stated as a matter of fact and Jungkook scratched his neck grinning sheepishly.

"I cut some vegetables eomoni", he complained.

"Yeah, I remember how you cut carrots so big and onions so small when I asked you to do the otherwise", Mrs Do mouthed and Kyunghee chuckled leaving Jungkook embarrassed

"I need to go now. I told Mr Do that I am going to roam around for fresh air. I don't want to make him wait long. I am done impressing eomoni and luckily met you too. I will be going now. I will talk to you later", he spoke and both of them nodded.

"And you, eat something", he pointed at Kyunghee and went away. He knew why she became like that. He knew how much she loves Taehyung and how the distance with him must have affected her. But still, didn't raise the topic as he wanted more time for that.


"Are you sure about that Mr Jeon?", Mr Do asked again still unsure of his decision.

"I am pretty sure about it Mr Do", he spoke with confidence.

"Appa, did you call me?", Hana appeared and Jungkook smiled at her. She greeted him formally and he did the same.

"But she had her degree in computer science. I don't think she will be able to do anything useful for you", Mr Do asked again.

"My degree is Graphic Designing Mr Do, nothing related to what I am doing right now. Everything has its first and let her try. Who knows she might be very much reliable and we might be too blind to make use of a great resource", Jungkook stated eyeing Hana. Mr Do pressed his lips into a thin line thinking about it and finally let out a sigh.

"May I know what's happening here?", Hana asked as she doesn't know what they are speaking about yet it's about her.

"Mr Jeon wants you to....", he was interrupted by Jungkook.

"I want you to be my personal assistant" 



Author's note:

Hola peeps! I am back with the next part and so is our Jungkook. So, how is this part? Welcome to the phase two of Imperfectly Perfect Love. I should actually tell this in the last episode but i forgot lol!!

Anyways I hope all of you are safe and sound. And I am so excited for the MV tomorrow. God! All of them are so good and the teaser is giving me party vibes. I just can't hold in my excitement.

If you have any queries or suggestions, please do ask me. I would be glad to answer. Your support is always my motivation.


Thanking you all for reading my ff

Love you


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