Part 54 - Ignorance

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Our greatest joy and our greatest pain come in our relationships with others

-Stephen R. Covey


Hana's Pov

"You are mine darling"

His voice echoed in my ears as I looked at his unconscious figure. This is the time when he looks so calm and peaceful. His angry version is becoming dangerous. The way he showed me yesterday that I am only his, still made me shiver.

He looks so cute while he is sleeping, I smiled to myself. I miss the days when I always wake up in his arms. I miss this smell of his body, I sighed and tried to get out of his hold. And wait! Did I even think it would be possible? I got pulled back into his arms again.

His grip became even tighter and he nuzzled his head into my neck giving me a tickling sensation at that area. I don't want to pull out anymore. I want to enjoy this moment even though it would not last for more than a few minutes.

A knock on the door interrupted me adoring his face and I frowned in disappointment. Jungkook also woke up with the sound and released me. I got out of his hold and walked to open the door. I just hope it's anyone except Appa.

"Who is it?", I asked looking at Jungkook and the voice on the other side made me feel relieved.

"Hana, Good Morning", Tae smiled along with Kyunghee standing by his side

"Oh, Jungkook!", Tae exclaimed looking at Jungkook who smiled back at him. I was about to speak something but Kyunghee interrupted.

"We didn't assume anything nor would we say something. So you don't need to explain anything Eonnie", she chirped in a teasing tone and walked inside. Taehyung chuckled at that and also came along. I closed the door and looked at them.

"What?". Jungkook asked looking at Tae who was looking at him with a weird and indecipherable expression.

"Yah! Jungkookie! Jin hyung is continuously calling me telling me that I have to either model for your company or get back to the agency for another drama. I don't want to go there now", he whined and I giggled at that. I thought he really had something serious to talk about.

"I was telling him to go to the agency and continue his acting. But he started blabbering that he has to act with some other girl other than me and doesn't want that. Jungkook, he is seriously planning to start ruining his career.", Kyunghee stated seriously and Jungkook smiled at that.

"Tae! You can just do acting and also be with Kyunghee. And I know that's a very dumb excuse that you are pulling out", I spoke and he frowned at my words. Seriously! Just because he has to act with other girls, he doesn't want to go back. Isn't that his profession in the first case? I know he wanted to spend time with Kyunghee and that's the reason he is trying to bring out stupid excuses.

"Tae! Stop being a kid now. I know the reason why you don't want to go there but I will encourage it only if it's for a short amount of time. For now, as Jin hyung told, you should model for our next product. I will discuss it with the team and inform you later. When, where, and what. Okay?", Jungkook mouthed and Taehyung nodded.

"Aish! He is seriously behaving like a kid", Kyunghee scoffed at him while he pouted trying to flatter her. And without the delay of a second, she smiled back and blushed. I smiled at the lovey-dovey couple and felt Jungkook's gaze on me.

On seeing me, he turned his face away. I guess he is still angry with yesterday but I just can't give him an explanation. It would make him feel that I am still answerable to him. I told Taehyung and Kyunghee to go and help eomma with the breakfast. We didn't yet brush our teeth and it would be awkward.

They walked out of the room and right after them, Jungkook walked out. He didn't even speak a word and left. I took a breath and closed the door to do my morning chores.

At the breakfast table, Appa talked to Jungkook with all smiles and Jungkook also talked about how Appa must take care of himself. Appa felt moved and even served him soup. At least they both are getting along. Taehyung and Kyunghee were holding hands under the table and I had to kick Taehyung's leg which is straight to me under that table. He looked at me and I shot a glare. And finally, they released their hands.


I thought of taking the cab today since I am not in talking terms with him. But he was already outside waiting for me in the car. I sighed and got inside his car. I don't want him to get angrier.

The car ride was completely silent and I got out of the car as we reached the building. I straight away walked to the elevator and pressed the 11th-floor button. As I reached the 11th floor, few people greeted me and I smiled back to them.

"Happy New Year", I smiled hearing Mrs. Oh's voice. I wish it is.

"Happy New Year to you too Mrs. Oh", I hugged her and she patted her head. And then I hear the whispers getting louder. I looked to see Jungkook smiling to the employees and their faces beaming with happy smiles.

"I think sir must have wished them New Year greetings and announced the goodies like every year", Mrs. Oh stated and I smiled. I am happy that he isn't a cold and arrogant boss at least. He separates personal and professional life very nicely. That's a good thing though!

"Everyone loves the energetic sons of Mr. Kim. I heard from the employees that Mr. Kim Seok Jin asked all of the employees to call him Jin sir.", she stated and I smiled. Jin Oppa would be a very cool boss.

He then wished Mrs. Oh and walked to his office completely ignoring me. What's wrong with him? Mrs. Oh showed me an unreadable expression and walked away.

For lunch, I went to the canteen alone and didn't even find him there. Usually, he comes, sits beside me, and eats in silence. Why is he behaving like this now?

"Child, Sir has given these new files to be arranged in the order of the date of the meeting.", Mrs. Oh got me some files and I smiled. They were not many and could be completed by evening. I thanked her and she smiled.

"He asked me to return those files to me and I will take it to him", she stated and I nodded. Does he really want to continue this act of ignorance? What makes him think that I would get back to him if he behaves like that? I am already engaged and in a few days, I will also get married. Why doesn't he understand that he would just struggle by keeping hopes on me? Why doesn't he forget me and move on?

End of Hana's Pov


It's been a week since he talked to her last. She tried to speak to him but he just walked away from her. She felt hurt and relieved at the same time. Hurt because seeing him every day and not even hearing a word from his mouth. Relieved because of the decreased proximity which could make her lose control of herself.

Nevertheless, he didn't stop cuddling her. By the time she enters her room, he would already be sitting on her bed. And if she asks him to get out or what he was doing there, he would just give an indecipherable stare and continue to ignore her words.

Finally tired of asking him and trying to get a reply, she plops on the bed and sleeps only to find herself waking up in his arms. She got used to that in the first few days and later what made her shocked were his clothes in her wardrobe.

When she asked him about that, like always gave her a silent treatment. And when she tried to complain to her mom, she got to know that it was her mom's idea for shifting his clothes to her room as it would be easier for him to get changed.

The Mother-Sons trio became really close that the Do sisters are so much tired of their acts in the house. It was as if their mother is the Queen and the two being her loyal servants.

"Eomma", Hana barged into the room. Her mother was shocked to see her fuming in anger.

"Where the hell are my plushies?", Hana asked searching for her mother's room everywhere.

"What are you talking about Hana? Why would I take your soft toys?", Mrs. Do mouthed and Hana just continued searching the whole room.

"Are you seriously suspecting me for the missing case our toys? Oh My God! I never thought my daughter would suspect her mother", the mother pretended to be hurt and wiped her fake tears.

"Eomma! Just stop that okay? Being with them, you are turning so melodramatic", Hana stated, shaking her head in disbelief to which the elder woman chuckled.

"But tell me why would I take your toys and hide them? Do you think I am a kid?", she asked adding a little giggle. Hana looked at her mother with a disappointed look on not finding her bunny plushies which she adores so much.

"You don't trust me, do you?", Mrs. Do teased but her teasing smile disappeared when her daughter nodded in positive

"How can I trust you mom? You allowed Jungkook to sleep with me despite knowing that I am engaged to Baekhyun. You shifted his clothes to my wardrobe meaning that he would do all his chores in my room. Literally, like a live-in. He couldn't do anything had it not been for you", Hana stated, showing a bit disappointment in her mother.

"I know. I know how you are feeling right now dear. Tangled between the love of your life and respect for your father. But as a mother, I would like to give my best to make my daughter happy and I know the only person who can make you happy is Jungkook", she spoke caressing her daughter's face whose eyes already became moist.

"Jungkook is surely my happiness eomma but this isn't the right time. His presence now is only making me nervous and weak. I am trying to give a chance to Baekhyun but his sudden appearance killed it all. It killed all my efforts to move on from him", Hana spoke as tears streamed down her face.

"Moving on? Moving on from Jungkook? Seriously? Am I hearing it right? Both of us know you could never move on from him and trying is an absolute waste of time and efforts.", Hana nodded as her mother spoke out those words.

"I know. I know I can't move on from him, but I need to try. Eomma, I know you want me to be happy. But don't you think this is all wrong. I am engaged and will get married to Baekhyun in some days. Don't you think this is the wrong time to make me happy with Jungkook? Don't you think you are doing wrong to Baekhyun by letting another man, who is her ex to live in his fiancée's room?", Hana asked and the elderly woman smiled.

"The time is certainly wrong, I know. But who knows what might happen in the future. And maybe, I developed a soft spot for Jungkook who is struggling so much inside to see his love going to another man. Maybe I am trying to help him be happy by making him spend some time with his love before she completely goes away", Mrs. Do reasoned and Hana looked at her with an understanding gaze.

"It will be more hard for him eomma. I don't want to see him hurt. I don't want him to suffer for a selfish girl who didn't even dare to fight for her love", Hana mouthed with guilt and her mother caressed her hair.

"As much as you are in guilt, even I am. I should have asked you before agreeing to the marriage along with your Appa. And don't call yourself selfish Hana. I know what you are going through. And I could never tolerate my daughter blaming herself for the mess she is going through", Saying this the elder woman hugged her daughter.

Hana finally let it out, she cried in her mother's embrace. Day by day, things are only getting hard for her. Unable to express, unable to sustain, she was killing herself inside bearing all the pain. She just wished she had a normal life for once.


"Yah! You are such a brat", Jungkook winced in pain as the elderly woman pulled his ears. He was asking her to leave him but she was in no mood.

"Tell me the truth, did you steal those soft toys in her room?", she asked in a serious tone and Jungkook was trying to make her remove her hold on his ear. He took a breath and rubbed his ear when she finally let go of him.

"Eomoni", he whined still feeling the pain.

"I was the one who hid her soft toys okay? I didn't do any crime, why did you become so tough for that?", he complained and received a smack on his head.

"Are you a kid or what? Who steals the soft toys?", she scolded him and he frowned.

"She is hugging them while sleeping. So, I took them away. They have already replaced me for more than a year", he sighed and the woman in front of him looked at him skeptically.

"Why in the world did my daughter love someone like you?", Eomoni mouthed and Jungkook pouted.

"You are ignoring her for a week. Any progress? No. Now you are stealing her plushies, do you think that would make her get back to you? Do you think pushing her away would make her get back to you without any pulling?", she asked and he looked at her confused.

"I know what you are trying to do. You are trying to get her back by doing these stupid acts. Think different Jungkook. You need to pull her not push her away. Do something that would make her come to you by herself", she stated and Jungkook was lost in thoughts.

"Why didn't I think of this?", he muttered.

"Because you are brainless", she answered and he pouted looking at her.

"Eomoni", he showed a sulking face.

"And put those soft toys back in her room. Which idiot steals the gifts which he, himself gifted?", she voiced and walked out of the room.

"She knows everything", Jungkook smiled.


"Sir, are you sure about this? I don't mean to question your choice but still..", Mrs. Oh paused and looked at Jungkook who was tapping his fingers on his table.

"There is no wrong in having a secretary Mrs. Oh and I am telling this to you because I know only you can handle this", Jungkook mouthed with a small smile and she nodded.

"But sir, we didn't inform Mr. Kim and Mr. Kim Seokjin about this, and the lady you are employing is not experienced in this field at all. What if anyone knows?", she expressed her worry and he let out an assuring smile.

"Mrs. Oh, let's just tell that she is my close friend or someone related to me. And when it comes to experience, I don't think my employees would go to an extent of digging her profile. Moreover, I don't think it would even last for one day", he spoke and she nodded.

"I will arrange everything, sir. And will also keep an eye on Miss Hana", saying this she walked out of the room. Jungkook then looked at Hana's picture on his phone and let out a broad smile.

"I just hope this turns out to be good darling"



Author's note:

Hola peeps! I am back with the next part. Hope you like it. 

If you have any queries or suggestions, please do ask me. I would be glad to answer. Your support is always my motivation.


Thanking you all for reading my ff

Love you


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