Part 61- His wife

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No matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn't stop for your grief

- Faraaz Kazi


"Don't you dare lay a finger on my wife", Jungkook's voice echoed the whole living room and Mr. Do stepped back for once. He was stupefied at his words.

"Wife?", he asked, dumbfounded at the revelation.

"You heard it right, Mr. Do. She is my legal wife now", Jungkook spoke and Mr. Do looked at his daughter for an answer.

"Is it, Hana? Tell me he is lying, Hana", Mr. Do barked and Hana flinched at his tone. Tears rolled down her cheeks seeing her father so angry. She lowered her head and nodded tentatively. Mrs. Do smiled as she knew about it while Kyunghee and Taehyung were internally screaming in joy. Mr. Byun was looking at them calmly. 

"What the hell", her father roared and everyone in the room was startled. Jungkook squeezed Hana's hand trying to assure her but nothing is working for at the moment. Her mind was still blank at what happened a few moments ago. She was definitely not ready for this.

"I am sorry,appa", she finally managed to blurt out those words and Mr. Do clenched his fists.

"Well!", Mr. Byun's voice made them turn their attention to him.

"It's quite awkward to stay here since it's your family matter now. Also, Kwang Hoon ah, you should know whom your daughter likes and then commit to the marriage. I will take my leave now.", he spoke placing shoulder on Mr. Do and walked to Hana who was letting out little sobs.

"Take care of her, she is like my daughter", he placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder and Jungkook nodded. He petted Hana's head and walked from the house.

"What wrong did I do to get this shame? Why the hell did you marry him when you are engaged to Baekhyun?", he spat at her and she flinched at his tone. She doesn't have the guts to speak to him, her mouth is dry, void of any energy to let out words.

"We love each other. We know each other even before she is engaged. She never had the courage to tell about us and I never got the chance to meet you before. And when I did, she is already engaged", Jungkook mouthed and before he could even continue, Mr. Do raised his palm gesturing him to stop.

"I didn't ask for your explanation, Mr. Jeon. You need not speak up for her. And I don't care if she met you or not. All I want to know is why she stooped so low to marry you when she is already engaged", Mr. Do groaned and Jungkook smiled, surprising everyone.

"Mr. Do, I think you don't know the her whom are you referring to as someone who stooped so slow is my wife and I am telling you this for the third time. I don't like you to humiliate my wife on any grounds", he spoke in a dangerous tone with his dark gaze.

"Is that so? Then she is no more my daughter. She is your wife, right? I agree with you then. I no more consider her as my daughter.", he stated monotonously and everyone was shocked. Kyunghee and Mrs. Do eyes' were widened upon hearing Mr. Do's words.

"Appa", Hana called more like a whisper, heartbroken at his words.

"Shut up", he growled and she quivered in response. Jungkook expected this though. He knew something like this would happen, but Hana's happiness and their love dominated all those consequences to him.

"I am disowning Hana and nobody is going to say another word. The girl who put my respect at stake is no longer my daughter. She is dead to me from this minute.", he stated and Hana let out her tears. She doesn't want this. She doesn't want any of this but she was helpless.

"Appa", Kyunghee called and he shot a glare at her.

"Anyone against my word could leave this house without any hesitation. I am not going to stop anyone", he declared and Kyunghee didn't speak any further. Taehyung just stayed at a distance since he knows he should not involve in the issue.

"I want to cancel my contract with the Kim Corp with due respect Mr. Jeon", Mr. Do enounced and Jungkook nodded.

"My manager will come to you tomorrow and we will cancel the contract on good terms Mr. Do", Jungkook spoke and Mr. Do looked at the couple.

"Please get out of the house now. I could no longer tolerate her presence over here", he spoke and turned to go upstairs.

"You don't deserve your daughter, Mr. Do", Jungkook stated as the elderly man started walking upstairs.

"You deserve her, right? Take her with you and don't stay another second in this house", he admonished and walked ahead. Mrs. Do walked to them and Hana immediately hugged her, sobbing in her arms.

"I understand your sorrow. But trust me, life is better like this. Go with him and live your way", she spoke petting her hair and smiled. She is her mother after all. She is not at all angry at what had happened and didn't even want to know how. All she yearns is for her daughter's happiness..

"Eonnie, me and Taehyung will get your luggage. You go along with Jungkook", Kyunghee spoke more in an excited tone and Hana just nodded. She wants some peace of mind now. She wants someone who would understand her rather than consoling that it's better this way.

"I will try to talk to your dad", Mrs. Do uttered and kissed her daughter's forehead. Jungkook went to his car first and then Hana joined him. They didn't speak anything. He doesn't have the guts and she doesn't have the heart. It was hard for him to go this way but he had to. It was hard for her to accept everything but she had to. She is now Jungkook's wife.


"Yah Jeon Jungkook, you finally remembered this house huh? I am on call with.....", Jin spat at his younger brother and his eyes widened looking at Hana behind him. 

"What did you do now?", he asked looking at Hana who wasn't even raising her head. She is scared if Jin would be angry too. Getting no answer from them, he walked to Hana and lifted her head only to find her eyes red and glistening.

"Hana, what happened? Why are you crying? Did that idiot do something?", he asked and Hana immediately hugged him, letting out her tears. Jungkook was grief-stricken looking at the sight in front of him. He hates to see her crying and he can't do anything now.

"Oppa", she wept in the embrace of the broad-shouldered man and he kept rubbing her back. He raised his brows at Jungkook who just walked inside with a heavy heart.

"Hana, come inside", he pulled her in and wiped her tears. He made her sit down and poured her a glass of water. She accepted the glass but didn't take a gulp. She was drowning in sorrow, remembering the words her father had spoken.

"Hana?", Ara was also surprised to see her and Jin gestured her not to speak anything. 

"Hana? Jin, I am calling you and you are not even responding. Wait! Jungkook is there. Did he bring Hana also? Is she crying?", They heard another voice and Ara took the tablet from the table.

"Yoongi Oppa", she spoke, showing the members sitting on the sofa.

"What happened?", Jin asked once again and no one spoke. Hana sniffed and her hands shivered, holding the glass. Jin took the glass from her and held her shoulders.

"Won't you tell your oppa what happened? Both of you are silent and you are crying. I am not able to do anything but be scared at your condition", he mouthed and wiped the tears streaming down her swollen face.

"Oppa...oppa...he....", Hana started speaking looking at Jungkook. Everyone else was confused and curious about what she is speaking.

"He... he", she continued and Jin looked at Jungkook.

"What did he blackmail Hana?", he asked, a bit worried if his brother had done something stupid.

"He...he... marry....he married me", she finally blurted and Jungkook looked at the ground. Jin didn't understand at first and then connected the dots. He understood what she was saying and shot a glare at Jungkook.

"Yah yah yah! How dare you get married? Oh My God! Did you seriously marry her without even telling us? Omo, omo., Yoongi ah, this little shit married Hana without telling us.", Jin yelled and Yoongi was also shocked on the other side. Ara was also dumbfounded for a moment.

"Yah little shit! Did you seriously get married? Oh My God! Are you cheating on us? This is one of the greatest betrayals I have ever seen. You married even before your hyungs, Oh My God", Yoongi ranted on the other side. 

Jin looked at Hana and realized that they had to console rather than scolding their brother. He placed his hand on her and squeezed it.

"I never thought that idiot would do such a thing. Did he seriously blackmail you and got you married?", he asked and she nodded. 

"That idiot lost sense, seriously.", Yoongi was still ranting and Ara gestured him to shut up. Jungkook was holding his head, still in the direction of the ground. Jin rubbed Hana's hands and held her face with one hand.

"Everything was just too much to process right now. But more than talking about this, I think you need rest. You are in no position here to speak. Just go along with Ara and take some time to clear your mind", he spoke and Ara walked to her. She nodded and he gestured Ara to take care of her.

"Here", Ara passed the tablet to Jin in which Yoongi was looking at the screen like a grumpy cat. She took Hana away from them and then Jin sat beside Jungkook. He positioned the tablet such that the screen shows both of them in the frame.

"Yah little shit", Yoongi called and Jungkook removed his hands from his face. His eyes were red and he finally let out his sobs

"I didn't mean to hurt her, hyung. I didn't have an option. I didn't really mean to make her cry, hyung", he hugged Jin like a child and the elder's heart softened. Yoongi stopped hearing his brother's wails.

"Yah Jungkook ah, why are you crying like that?", Yoongi's heart broke looking at his brother sobbing. Jin rubbed his back and tried to console him. 

"On a positive side, you did the right thing. I am not angry at that", he spoke as they pulled out and Jungkook wiped his tears. 

"I know I must be scolding you for blasting a bomb in this house without any warning but still, you did it right. This isn't right, this is wrong but still, it feels right if you know what I am saying", Yoongi spoke and he nodded.

"Having Hana a part of our family makes me really happy but what is the blackmail she is speaking about. What did you do to force her into the marriage? She was so stubborn about her decision back then, isn't it?", Jin asked and Jungkook nodded.

"I forced her with the contract with Mr. Do", he revealed and the brothers were surprised. More surprised because the thought didn't at all strike them first. 

"Who's plan is it? It's definitely not yours, little shit", Yoongi mouthed and Jin agreed with him. Jungkook then revealed the whole plan articulated by Kyunghee and Taehyung and Jin's eyes popped out of his sockets upon finding that it was Kyunghee's initiative.

"That brat is spoiling that girl so much", Yoongi mouthed and Jin agreed.

"But why didn't you tell us? It's not like we would oppose your marriage.", Jin questioned and Jungkook shook his head in negation.

"No, it isn't like that. It was planned so sudden and I was so nervous. I know you would help but I got everything settled by then. I didn't even have a proper wedding. I wanted to reveal when everything is done. I was so scared if this might not work out too but Taehyung gave me the push", he uttered and both of them understood his state of mind back then. He must have been too preoccupied with the thoughts about the plan.

"That Taehyung is done tomorrow. See what I will do", Jin muttered, angry at Taehyung who didn't even bother to inform about all of this. He mentally decided to whoop his ass the next day.

"Hyung, will she be okay? She hates me now. Will she talk to me again?", Jungkook asked in a baby tone and Yoongi smiled at that. He knew his younger brother is so whipped for his love and would do anything for her. 

"She would definitely be pissed at you for being a brat. But hate is a strong word, Jungkook ah. She could never hate you. She could yell at you, she could even tell you that she hates you but she certainly wouldn't mean that", Yoongi elucidated his thoughts and Jungkook concurred with him.

"Now, go and take rest. We will talk to appa", Jin spoke and Jungkook looked at him, a bit scared.

"Don't worry, we will explain everything. But I am not responsible if he will start ranting that you don't consider him important and that you forgot about him. Except for that, we would do anything", Yoongi enounced and Jungkook nodded.

"The greatest he would do is come to Korea and start crying in front of us. Do you remember the time when you revealed that I am in love with Ara and he whined telling me that he became unimportant to me? I guess the same thing would happen. He would accept you both no matter what", Jin mouthed snaking his arms around his little brother's shoulders and the younger one finally smiled.

"It's late now. Go and take rest", he spoke and Jungkook got up to leave.

"Don't think too much Jungkook ah. Trust us, Hana is at the best place", Jin spoke and it made Jungkook's heart warm. He loves the support he gets from his brothers. He thought they were angry at him for not telling about their marriage. But as soon as Hana left, they became those lovey brothers and had a heartful talk

"Is she sleeping?", he asked as he saw his noona brushing Hana's hair.

"Yeah, she slept a few minutes ago. She cried for some time and then finally dozed off. Good that she slept. She looked really tired", she spoke and Jungkook nodded.

"I will leave her with you then", she spoke and ruffled his hair.

"I don't know how to thank you noona. You are younger than me and yet allow me to call you noona. You are younger than me but still take care of us", he spoke and she chuckled. 

"It's not always the same case. I am letting you call me noona because I am your Jin hyung's girlfriend, fiancée to be precise. There are days where all of you took care of me as well", she chirped and he smiled, petting her head.

"See, I still feel young", she spoke and he chimed along.

"Now go noona, Jin hyung will be angry at me for having his fiancée with me for so long", he mouthed and she slapped his arm lightly.

"Just tell that you want your privacy with your wife now. By the way, congratulations on your marriage", she greeted and hugged him. Ara also knew about them. Jin never hides anything from his princess, no more words.

"And don't worry, she will be fine. Jin is here and I am on a break too. So everything will be alright", she assured him and he agreed. Ara had her competitions done and this is the time of the year where she usually gets a break.

"Thank you so much Noona", he spoke and she petted him.

"Okay then, I will be leaving now. Sleep well", she spoke and walked out of the room. He changed himself into comfortable clothes and plopped down beside her. She looked calm and pale. At least she is not crying, he thought to himself.

"I am so sorry darling for putting you into a situation like this. I never meant to hurt you but I just can't live without you and so do you. Why live in a life of lies when we have every chance to cherish the truth? I want to show you the beauty of living with our love, Hana and I promise I will make you the happiest and treat you like my queen. Please don't hate me, darling", he kissed her forehead and cuddled with her, making sure she doesn't wake up in the process.

"I love you so much, darling"



Author's note:

Hola peeps!!! Do comment if you liked this part...

If you have any queries or suggestions, please do ask me. I would be glad to answer. Your support is always my motivation.


Thanking you all for reading my ff

Love you


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