Part 65 - Yearning Love

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True love will never die. It will only get stronger as time goes by



Hana's Pov

"Hana, I will be leaving for the office now. Take care", he mouthed and I smiled. He then walked from the room and I let out a deep breath. I can't say things became good between us but they aren't bad either. I guess it's just going normal and we are like normal friends.

For a month till now since that hearty talk, we never had a verbal fight again. Jungkook kept his distance though he accidentally cuddles with me in the middle of the night. I don't complain though. It gives me peace to be in his embrace, the abode of my serenity.

I messaged Baekhyun my sincere apologies and I was surprised he was so easy about it. In fact, he congratulated me on my marriage. Perhaps, he is too good for this world. I felt so guilty while texting him but he spoke to me just like how we used to talk before. I am happy, at least he didn't feel betrayed.

I took strides around the city in my free time and Ara accompanied me at times. I tried to make myself happy, just like Jin Oppa and Yoongi told me to. It was nice, having some time for myself. I became a fan of the spicy street foods and all my memories with Yuna caused me a nostalgic feeling. I miss them. I miss the jolly life I used to have in college. Everything was so fine, so easy back then.

Kyunghee was busy with her clinical rotations and Taehyung was taking care of her, with all his heart. He made himself free of any kind of work during the time where her rotations start and end. He is her personal chauffeur and she is so whipped for him. Kyunghee becoming her normal self makes me feel so ecstatic. At least, they are in peace.

My phone vibrated and I looked to see who the caller is. I smiled and answered it.

"So, did that little shit go to office?", he asked and I nodded.

"Why do you make sure he went away and give a call?", I asked him at his peculiar habit of calling only after making it certain that Jungkook isn't present.

"If I wish to, I could just make you both sit beside each other and give life advice but I know that isn't right. There are some things that I would talk to you which are better if Jungkook doesn't hear", he replied with a gummy smiled and I nodded.

"You're trying to help us, I know. Don't worry, we aren't that bad now. Time heals us, perhaps", I tried to assure him and he chuckled.

"I don't think it's a matter of time which is the important factor, Hana. It's more of the acceptance of your mind and heart that is more determining in your relationship. Once you are ready to accept him as a husband, a very new story begins. Trust me", he expatriated his thoughts and I agreed. He doesn't give a chance to prove him wrong for him having the right words about any situation.

"I will try my best. It's kind of hard being detached from my family and being forced into a marriage by paper. I love him but that can't be the only reason I can rely upon to accept him wholeheartedly", I voiced out my concerns and he nodded.

"I know that and I am not telling that it's wrong. Jungkook is not the kind to force someone unless it's really serious. You know about him, Hana. But still, it's your wish to accept him or not because it's your life and we don't determine it, unlike Jungkook. At least, make yourself happy even if you want to take a tough decision in the end", he spoke in a concerned tone and I smiled, bobbing my head lightly in agreement. Yoongi and Jin Oppa always made sure I am feeling okay all this time. I feel so grateful and blessed to have them in this tough time. 

At times, I feel I am exaggerating the issue by being overly dramatic but they always disagreed with that and consoled me that it's okay to feel like that, after all, it's my pain. I never thought having brothers would be this warm and peaceful. They are seriously the best in giving advice or taking care.

I never thought Yoongi would talk this frequently to me. He was so nice and friendly and even joked at times. He talked about his life how Hoseok always irritates him and also the dramatic versions of Jin Oppa and Jungkook. 

I didn't call you a family without a reason

There was a time where he talked so much about how I need to take care of myself and how to deal with the conflicting thoughts in my mind. I don't know what would have been my condition had they both not been there. 

The conversation between Ara and Yoongi is the cutest. He teases her about Jin until she becomes tomato red and then talks about causal things. He asks her about how Jin Oppa and Jungkook are doing and even makes sure to ask if Jin Oppa is treating her well or he would whoop his ass. They are so adorable.

"Where are you lost again? Are you thinking about someone other than my brother? Oh My God! Hana, I didn't expect this from you. I thought you love my brother", he nattered, covering his mouth with his palm pretending to be astonished and I chortled. 

"Don't be dramatic now. I was just thinking stuff, not about any person in particular", I spoke and he smiled.

"What kind of stuff? Huh?", he raised his brow with a glint of satire and I faceplamed. 

"Stop pulling her leg now Oppa. Are you jobless or what?", Ara joined and he let out a scowl.

"Says the one who is just eating chips and watching shows all the day, and doing something to my innocent brother at night that makes him go crazy", he smiled cheekily and Ara's cheeks turned red already. There must be a blushing competition between Ara and Kyunghee, it would be a neck to neck contest.

"What about you huh? Should I spill your secret too?", she smirked at him and his expression faltered immediately. She always has that as her trump card and I don't even know what it's about. 

"You should be loyal to your brother. Remember that I was the reason you both are together till now. Be grateful", he enounced with a chuckling voice and I laughed out. He spoke like a chicken. 

And then, they started bickering, and I shook my head in disbelief. Once, they give life advice to me like the most cognizant people in this world, and now, they behave like they are on the verge of losing their sanity.

"Didn't you steal Jungkook's underwear once?", she argued and I laughed, walking out of the room. This won't end in any near future.

I walked to the kitchen to see Jin Oppa making egg rolls and sat on the counter. He smiled upon noticing me and continued his work.

"Did they start already?", he asked and I nodded.

"Did Jungkook have his breakfast?", I asked and he shrugged.

"I don't know. He told he will have it in the office canteen. I am not sure if he is eating every day", he stated and I frowned. I know he is not eating along with us because I might feel uncomfortable. Should I tell him that it's okay?

"Don't worry, I talked to Mrs. Oh and she assured me that she will take care. She is a responsible one", he mouthed and I nodded. Mrs. Oh is the best, to be honest. I miss her.

"What happened? Why are you looking a bit sad? Did Yoongi speak about something serious?", he asked and I shook my head. I want to visit eomma and Kyunghee. It's been long. Eomma would only lift my call when appa left for office and sometimes gets busy with some other guests. Kyunghee is practicing her clinical rotations, so I need not mention how busy she is.

"I miss my family, that's all", I revealed and he nodded, ruffling my hair. I frowned at his action and he flipped the egg roll. 

"Can I take you to Kyunghee's hospital? You can have a small talk with her", he asked and I shook my head. I don't want to trouble him and also, I am not sure when Kyunghee would be free. I could cause a disturbance to her. I don't want that.

"I will just meet them later Oppa. Wait! What are you doing? I thought it's only egg rolls. Are you making japchae too?", I asked in an attempt to divert him and gladly succeeded. 

"That shorty queen of this house asked for Japchae today. I need to fulfill her cravings as a dutiful fiancé", he remarked and I chuckled. Ara and Jin Oppa were engaged and I got to know of that only after entering this house.

Jin Oppa mentioned how scared he was when his father got to know about their relationship. And later found out that it was Jungkook who spilled out everything. Ara and Jin having a long-distance relationship caused them some slight insecurities and Mr. Kim on knowing that got them engaged immediately since he admired Ara very much. That's the best solution ever, both of them always say.


"Hana", I widened my eyes on hearing the voice.

"Eomma", I exclaimed on seeing her and rushed to hug her. I missed her warmth. I missed this embrace so much. She ruffled my hair and hugged me tight, while a lone tear escaped my eye in happiness.

"Eonnie, we didn't come to see you crying. Don't be a sappy woman", Kyunghee commented and I was surprised to see her too. Did Jin Oppa get them?

"Yah Jungkookie, ask your wife to stop crying okay? Don't stand there like a stone", she called him and I looked at him. Why didn't I notice him standing just a few steps away from the door? He smiled and smacked her head lightly.

"Taehyung seriously spoiled you so much. You should not call your elders yah, pabo", he shook his head and she let out a scowl. My mom released me and looked at Jungkook. 

"You should have asked us to come, we would have just come. Why did you trouble Jungkook? He came all the way to my house and even drove to Kyunghee's hospital for picking her up", she revealed and I looked at him. He never fails to give the reasons to get back to him again. 

"Nice to meet you Eomoni, I am Ara", Ara bowed and greeted my mom. Eomma petted her head and smiled.

"You are Jungkook's brother's fiancée right?", she asked and Ara nodded, with a slight blush on her face.

"Omo, you look so pretty and nice. See, she is blushing", eomma pointed out and Ara became even redder causing Jungkook to chuckle.

"You should not be so obvious noona. Okay, come let's make something for our dear guests", he mouthed and dragged his noona with him leaving me with eomma and Kyunghee.

"I could say my daughter is being treated well here, can I?", she asked and I smiled.

"Why wouldn't she be? Jin is there, Ara is there and you don't need to ask about her husband", Kyunghee spoke for me and I nodded. I still didn't accept him as a husband but still, he is doing whatever makes me feel comfortable.

"Okay then, I am ready to spill all that happened in the last two weeks. Get ready to hear Kyunghee's report", Kyunghee cleared her throat and pretended to hold a mic. Taehyung spoiled this girl unquestionably. I guess this will be a long evening. 


"Remember my words, okay?", Eomma hugged me and I nodded. It's late and they need to go home even though I want them to stay for some more time. We talked a lot, a load of every small thing to be precise. 

Jin Oppa joined us in middle and greeted Eomma. Eomma was very much thankful to Jin Oppa and Ara for taking care of me in their absence. She need not tell thanks to Jungkook as she considers him just like her own son.

"I don't know if this is the right thing to tell you considering your state of mind but I don't want to keep it in. I suggest you start a new life with him. Both of you love each other to heaven and hell and that's enough to enter into the phase of marriage. Jungkook would treat you like a queen. I don't even have a tad bit of doubt about him. Be happy at least now. We will always be there for you and think about the positive side more. It could make you feel better"

"Take care, okay?", I told her and she nodded.

"You too", she patted my head.

"We will leave, eonnie", Kyunghee pulled me into a bone-breaking hug and I struggled to breathe. This version of Kyunghee is the best. She suffered a lot before and I still feel guilty for being the reason. Seeing her so happy and cheerful makes my heart at peace. Taehyung never fails to meet my expectations.

"Let's go then", Jin Oppa spoke and they nodded. He insisted on driving them back home. I bid bye to them and they paced their steps outside the house.

Today was nice. I felt happy talking to them and enjoyed the little argument between eomma and Jungkook in between. We had dinner together and Jin Oppa made it all by himself telling that it's the first time Eomma came to this house. Eomma is so impressed by the hospitality of Jin Oppa and Ara. She confirmed that this place is the best for me and also expressed that she could sleep in peace.

"Go and take rest. I will wait for Jin", Ara nudged my elbow and I nodded. I hugged her and walked to my room. I became really close to Ara all these days. I am glad that she is having a break at the right time.

As I stepped in, I saw him analyzing some files in his hands and he averted his eyes towards me on noticing my presence. I smiled and he tossed the file onto the desk. Okay, I can do this. This is nothing big, Hana. You should not be scared to hug.

I took small strides towards him and he looked at me with an indecipherable expression. Don't look at me like that with that doe-eyes, I am already trying my best. Before he could speak anything, I snaked my arms around him and interlaced my fingers, resting my head on his pounding chest.

"Thank you so much, Jungkook"

I uttered genuinely for bringing eomma and Kyunghee to the house despite his work. This feels so different, being willingly in his embrace as if I am longing for this feeling. I raised my head a bit to see his reaction and he was just silent with his lips sealed. 

He didn't even reciprocate it. Was he feeling uncomfortable? I pulled out and was about to step back, I was pulled onto his masculine chest. He encircled me into his hold with his strong pair of arms and rested his chin on my shoulder. His hot breath fanning on my nape and his loud heartbeat ringing in my ears. This is causing me fireworks in my cold body. His touch, his warmth, his breath, everything is making me drive into another world of eternity.

I realized it. I realized that I am thirsty for his love, for his care and affection that my mind and soul lacked all these days. If a simple hug could enlighten me about how I am yearning for his tenderness and intimacy, I wonder what magic he holds in my life.

"Please stay like this for some more time. Please", he mouthed and I nodded, pushing myself more into his clasp as his hold tightened around my waist. He is vulnerable, his heart is trying to tell me. I can't deny more. By the way he propped his head on my shoulder joint, making small nuzzles causing me slight tickles tells how much of a kid he is inside. Was I being too hard on him? Can I just accept him already? I can't see him like this anymore.

"Hana, I love you", he blurted and my eyes glistened. I know Jungkook. I know you do, more than anyone in this world and I am sorry for being the stumbling block in your life. 

"Jungkook", I called him and he released me after a few seconds. I could see a glint of disappointment on his face. I don't want to leave your arms too but I want to do something for long.

"Can we just cuddle today?"


"You will not go to the office today?", Ara asked and Jungkook nodded, with a wide smile on his face. His expression when I asked him to cuddle yesterday is something that I could never forget in my lifetime. He was so excited like a baby and cuddled like a small bear.

He is precious 

"And you are not going for your shoot today?", Ara asked Jin Oppa and he nodded. Both of them are not attending their works at the same time. But why?

"That Taehyung told that he is bringing chicken today so that you will cook. That means he is also not going for the shoot", Ara mouthed and pressed her lips into a thin line, trying to think what is happening. She looked at the brothers suspiciously and they just shrugged, ignoring her iffy looks.

The doorbell rang and we looked at the door.

"Hana, please open the door. I am a bit tired to get up", Jin Oppa put up a lame excuse and I just walked to the door. Why is behaving like that? It's not even morning and he is already tired. 

I opened the door slowly and  





Author's Note:
Hola peeps, I am back with the next part. Hope you enjoyed this one. Do check out my other works!!!

If you have any queries or suggestions, please do ask me. I would be glad to answer. Your support is always my motivation.


Thanking you all for reading my ff

Love you


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