Part 76 - Mama Bear

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The thing about parenting rules is there aren’t any. That’s what makes it so difficult

-Ewan McGregor


"Jungkook! What the hell? You can go faster", Hana grunted, completed vexed at his extra careful self.

"Hana, I don't want to hurt the baby", he defended himself while she huffed, rolling her eyes.

"Who the hell drives the car at 20kmph? Are you out of mind? I can just go on a bullock cart ride instead", she grunted, crossing her arms while he chuckled, noticing the very swift change of moods of his wife. Though he is not completely used to it, he is finding it really adorable. Little did he know, it's just the beginning.

"Aww, my mama bear's mad now? What can I do to cool her down? Ice cream? Milkshake? Marshmallow? Or Kiss?", he winked at her but she turned her head towards the window, still mad at the speed of the vehicle.

"Hana darling, five more minutes, we will reach the building soon and you can ask for whatever you want", Jungkook caressed her cheek and she just frowned. He chuckled at her expression and concentrated on his 20kmph driving. 

It isn't amusing that Jungkook appointed a separate chef in the office canteen to take special care of meals for Hana. He shifted her cabin to his office room and completely renovated the room to pleasant colors that could make Hana relax.

After that day, Jungkook arranged a get-together party for the friends that weekend and blew the lid off. The friends froze for a second and then it was a whole chaotic fuss. Namjoon ranting to Soo Ah that he wanted to become a dad before anyone else, Taehyung whining about his impatience to see the baby already, Jin declaring himself as the Godfather of the unborn, Jimin and Yuri cooing and teasing the couple for their quick advancement, Hoseok planning to buy rainbow-themed toys, Yoongi almost ending up in tears, the whole night was filled with their loud squeals and cheers to the pregnant couple.

Hana's mother was overwhelmed with happiness on knowing about her daughter's pregnancy. Without wasting a second, she appeared in their mansion to celebrate the good news. Mr. Kim along with Jungkook's mother came for a visit to bless the expecting couple. Hana became verily emotional with all the love and pamper she is receiving. She never saw any of that coming. It was her first time and all her dear ones are making it the best. 

Taehyung and Kyunghee made sure to buy her fruits and healthy foods whenever they visit her, Namjoon and Soo Ah visited frequently despite their busy schedules, Jimin and Yuri called them frequently to get updated on her health. Hoseok sends cute baby and puppy videos to make her feel relaxed. Yoongi didn't forget to facetime Hana at least once a day. He tried to cheer her up and wash away all the doubts about her ability to be a good mother. 

One need not tell about how Jin and Ara took care of Hana. Living under the same roof, they made use of every opportunity to make her at ease. Jin is her personal chef, as he had already declared. He went through different magazines of guides related to pregnant women and even accompanied Hana once for the checkup when Jungkook got busy. 

Ara, whenever she found time, took Hana outside on walks, and was her support shoulder all the time. She assured Hana whenever she felt low or is going through those indecipherable which usually haunt her. Hana couldn't have been so comfortable had it not been with all the affection she is receiving.

"Jungkook, I want to go to Eomma's house tomorrow", Hana stated as they walked out of the elevator and he smiled, nodding.

"Why do you even need to ask me? The driver will take you whenever you want. Make sure you confirm that Uncle Do isn't present in the house", he mouthed and she nodded, displaying a soft smile.

Words aren't enough describing Jungkook on how he is concerned for his wife. He started to read as many guides as he can, visited the doctor without Hana just to know what all he can do to make sure his wife feels safe and relaxed, bought roses every day to make her feel special, thanked her every night for carrying their baby and taking the responsibility, took her on dates and picnics, stayed awake a few nights to satisfy her late-night ice cream cravings, woke up early to help her with her morning sickness and the list would just go on.

"I am informing just like how I do every time. I don't really need your permission, though", she smirked as she walked into their office room. He just chuckled and walked behind her. The only one who knows about their pregnancy is Mrs. Oh. They didn't want much attention in the early months itself, so they didn't disclose it to everyone.

She sat on her recliner chair, specially designed for her comfort, and started to work on her laptop while Jungkook kept staring at her. He'd be lying if he doesn't admit that working under the same roof as she was verily tough for him not to be able to take his eyes off his dear mama bear.

"Did pregnancy just add up her beauty?", he muttered under his breath as he averted his gaze from her working frame to his boring screen.


Hana's Pov

"She is 13 weeks pregnant now. She entered her second trimester", the doctor mouthed as I looked at Jungkook and smiled. We came to the hospital for another antenatal appointment after office hours. 

"I have already informed you that her uterus is not strong but she can bear the kids, just with extreme care", she added and we nodded. We knew this since we had many checkups till now and the doctor never forgets to remind us about it. But she promised that I can give a healthy birth to my baby with few precautions and following some medication. That's the very reason why Jungkook wouldn't cross the line of 20kmph while driving, making me annoyed to a great extent.

"Doctor, when can the gender be revealed?", Jungkook asked fiddling with his fingers and I could assess the excitement in his tone. He didn't tell me but I already found a paper where he scribbled many names for the baby.

Baby, you daddy is one big baby, you know?

I caressed my stomach and internally smiled. The feeling of being a mother is very warm. It makes me feel very precious with my little baby inside. I can talk to my baby whenever I want and discuss many things, rant about Jungkook or Jin Oppa

"When the baby is 20 months, the gender revealing can be done. Also, Mr. Jeon, the recording of the fetus' heartbeat is mailed to you", the doctor smiled and Jungkook's face beamed. He was so excited when he got to know that he can get a copy. 

"Thank you so much, doctor", he exclaimed with his doe-eyes sparkling.

Your daddy will be a great father, baby

For the first time, when we had an ultrasound, Jungkook almost cried out of joy seeing the small bean-sized baby. He was so thrilled and overwhelmed that he kept the picture with him in the gallery and admired it with all his heart. My heart fluttered a million times seeing Jungkook so excited for our baby.

We will be a very nice family, baby

"Make sure to take care of her diet and remember, cravings are normal. Don't panic if you feel quite dizzy or start to have some headaches. Normal headaches are common during pregnancy. Don't stress yourself emotionally and physically. The child will be healthy if you are active. The second trimester is a crucial period", the doctor mouthed and we both nodded. I mentally noted down every line she spoke and caressed my belly.

I will take care of you well

We walked out of the doctor's cabin and Jungkook started to message someone, probably Jin Oppa about my diet and medicines. I looked at my reflection on one of the transparent glasses and found myself bloating. 

I became fat and my breasts enlarged. Why didn't I notice this till now? Why didn't Jungkook tell me that I was turning fat? I glanced at my reflection once again and frowned. I am getting fat. I will start becoming ugly now. Will it be okay?

"Hana, what are you doing there?", Jungkook's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I quickly shook my head. Will Jungkook not see me the same way? I will turn even more fat after a few days, right? Will I look okay?

"Hana, where are you lost?", Jungkook asked, holding my hand and I shook my head, assuring him that it's nothing. I don't usually have any insecurity over my body but why am I feeling like this now?

We walked outside the hospital and reached the parking lot. I got inside the car but the thought is not leaving my head. I glanced at my breasts and started to feel them heavy. Will it be like this during pregnancy?

"What are thinking so deep, Hana? Just by seeing your face, I can tell you are thinking about it deeper than Marina Ocean", he nudged her arm and I looked at myself in the rearview mirror. My cheeks became a bit squishy too.

"Jungkook", I called, as the unknown feeling of insecurity rose in my mind. 

"What is it, darling?", he asked as he placed his palm over my face, rubbing his thumb on my cheek. For once, I doubted if he is even observing me. Was he not looking at me like before?

"I am getting fat, you know?", I finally blurted it out and his expression changed, from the loving one to an indecipherable and perplexed one. 

"So?", he asked, blinking his doe-eyes twice and I took a sigh. What does he mean by so?

"I will not be looking like the same person before. I am bloating, Jungkook. Look at me", I complained and his face turned into a soft one. His lips curved up and I frowned at his response. Is that funny to him?

"You are just turning more beautiful every day and God knows how I am trying to control myself everywhere except out room", he mouthed and my cheeks turned warm at his comment. He started to caress my cheek and I looked down. 

"You are bloating? Damn! Do you know how cute you are looking right now? I love the way they are growing, the way they are more responsive to my touches, the way they are showing your pregnant frame, and just everything, darling. Every small change in your body is just adding your beauty, Hana", he leaned to peck her lips and I smiled, my heart fluttering at his sweet words.

"Now, let me take you somewhere", he spoke and started the car. I blinked my eyes, wondering where he would be taking me. I am not going to ask the location as I know it would be of no use. For the past few months, he has been taking me to surprise dates, picnics, and whatnot. He would just appear out of nowhere and ask me to get ready. That's how my days went by with this dickhead on my side. 

My Dickhead. 

I am sorry, baby to call your Dad a dickhead. But he is really one, you know?

The car halted and I looked at the place. My eyes widened and I turned to Jungkook, receiving a sly smile from him. 

"Jungkook, what the hell?", I spat at him and he chuckled.

"Today, our date will be here", he mouthed and I smacked on his arm. Who the hell would have a date in Victoria's Secret?

"Your bras have become tight for you, Hana. It will be really uncomfortable as the days pass by. So, I planned to buy my mama bear the new sets", he winked and I smacked his chest again. I am sure he is having fun, seeing my flustered face.

"Just come already. Jin hyung will scold both of us we are late for dinner", he tapped my cheek and got down the car. Well! I don't even have a say now. Let's see how this date at the lingerie shop goes.

He linked my arms as soon as we entered the shop and one of the staff smiled, bowing in front of us.

"Can we get some comfortable bras for my wife? She is 13 weeks", Jungkook mouthed and I wish someone to dig a hole below me. I don't want to stand here, not in front of that woman. She smiled at us and directed us towards one separate section.

"The Lace and Synthetic ones should be avoided during this time so, we prefer you take the cotton ones", she showed us a variety of lingerie and I nodded, letting out a smile. I just want her to go away from here. She left from the place as if she understood my expression and my chest heaved, releasing out a breath.

I glanced at Jungkook who was smirking and started to hit him on his chest. This idiot is playing with me while I am being hella embarrassed. He held my hands all of a sudden and pulled me close, making me gasp at his sudden action.

"What are you doing, Jungkook?", I managed to speak as he leaned his face closer to mine, his hot breath fanning on my face. 

"Keep hitting me and I don't mind showing off people what I have and what I can cherish", he mouthed and I pulled away from his hold, turning away to hide my blush. And then, he held my hand, dragging me to choose the bras.

"I will buy something sexy for my Mama Bear tonight"

End of Hana's Pov


Jungkook woke up early and just lied beside his dear wife, adoring her glistening face in the daylight. He smiled, remembering the night they had, and caressed her face. She just snuggled closer to him in response and he hugged her waist. 

After a while, she opened her eyes and he smiled. He sat down and passed the water bottle to her and she accepted it as she got up to sit down. 

"Are you feeling nauseous?", he asked and she shook her head in negation.

"I am not feeling nauseous today", she mouthed and he nodded, petting her head. He helped her to get up and then let her bath first. She always freshens up as soon as she gets up and he knew it. He opened his mobile and smiled, seeing the fetus figure in his gallery.

He put on his headphones and clicked on his phone to hear his child's heartbeat. His heart pounded fast and butterflies fluttered in his stomach as he heard the small thumping sounds. He couldn't hear the audio yesterday since it got late after their date and things got heated up during the night.

"Are you hearing our baby's heartbeat?", she asked as she walked out of the bathroom, brushing her wet hair. He simply nodded and plugged out one earphone, gesturing her to hear it.

"I just bathe now and I don't know if the insides of my ears are dry. As much as I want to hear it, I should not plug in an earphone into wet ears", she mouthed and he understood. He got up and held her shoulders, walking her to the bed.

He got the hair drier for her and started to dry her hair while humming her favorite tunes. Hana closed her eyes, enjoying her husband's service heartily. Making sure her hair got completely dried, he grabbed a comb and started combing her hair. It's a daily routine though. 

"When the baby comes out, will you still do this service?", Hana asked as he tied her hair into a ponytail. He smiled and turned her around, making her face him.

"I am always at your service, Madame", he petted her head and she smiled.

She then hugged his waist and he encircled his arms around her figure. If happiness could be described in a picture, one can take their snap and show it. Being there for each other, adoring each other, respecting each others' flaws, encouraging each others' spirits, caring for each other, and most importantly, trusting each other. 

They looked at each other and gave a knowing smile.

That's how they defined a living example of kindling love

That's how they wrote their own love story



Author's Note:
Hola peeps! Sorry for the major delay. And yeah, this is not the end. Hehe Also, I am not sure when I will post chapter. I don't have drafts now. I should type and it's might take time
So sorry again

If you have any queries or suggestions, please do ask me. I would be glad to answer. Your support is always my motivation.


Thanking you all for reading my ff

Love you


Wait! I am not going away without wishing our world wide handsome. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIN. WE LOVE YOU!!

P. S: Do check out my new books, both with lead as our WWH

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