Chapter 5 : A battle between a mentor and a puppil

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

After saving the Spirit Kingdom, Y/N proposed an alliance between the two empires, Shiori quickly accepted without any conditions. Even if she haved, she wouldn't want to mess with a God of all beings.

Her kingdom would gain protection and in return, they would join the Imperium. Surprisingly, Spirits were quickly accepted. 

In Y/N's palace, he was chating with Blue Rose about their new ally.

Blue Rose : So my lord, how is Young Shiori ?

Y/N : She's... something. Whenever I am near her, she start panicking and often fainting.

Blue Rose : *chuckles* She never saw a god before, I understand her.

Both laughted until Y/N senced something wrong. He then haved visions of a planet being destroyed with two persons watching it, they were familliar for Y/N.

Blue Rose : My lord ?

Y/N : Take the civilians to shelters, I'm sencing something bad coming.

Blue Rose : Yes my lord.

Y/N then opened a portal and went through it, coming out in space before it closed.

Once in space, Y/N saw a energy blast heading toward his planet, he deflected it with his hand, leading the energy blast to destroy a nearby planet. Then two individuals descended, their appearance shocked Y/N before he regained his normal composure.

Y/N : I wasn't expecting to see you two that soon.

Beerus : Wait, Y/N ? What are you doing here ?

Y/N : Well, this is my planet.

Whis : Oh my, I wasn't expecting that at all, same goes for Lord Beerus.

Beerus : Well... you're right on this one.

Then, Tristan came out of a dark portal near Y/N.

Tristan : Hey Y/N, what's u-

He then noticed Beerus & Whis.

Tristan : Beerus ? Whis ?

Beerus : Another one... wait a minute...

Whis : You're Tristan Oscurito !

Tristan : Haven't seen you two since I began my travel of this multiverse.

Beerus : And where's that Irene girl ?

Tristan : Well...

In the capital, Tristan's wife, Irene Ombra,  was beating to death a group of perverts who were harassing her.

(DGPrimal's second OC : Irene Ombra. Art and OC aren't mine.)

She then stepped on the chest of one crawling away before she stomped on his balls, making him scream in agony.

Irene : Is that really all you have ? I TOLD YOU TO SCREAM LOUDER !!!

She then kept going until they couldn't scream anymore.

Tristan : And that's about it.

You could see Beerus & Y/N shaking in fear. Both then quickly regained their composure.

Beerus : It seems she hasn't changed a bit.

Tristan : Actually, Irene and I haved a child.

Y/N : You're a dad already ?!

Whis : oh my, I guess you were so happy about that event.

Tristan : I was.

Beerus : I don't know if I should be proud of you... or sorry that your first child is from a sadist.

Y/N : Something tells me that if she haved heared you, she would have killed you.

Beerus : Anyway, (look at Y/N) What are you doing on this planet ?

Y/N : This was the planet given to me after Earth... You know what I mean.

Beerus : Yes I do...

Whis : He spended days crying when he learned what happened.


Y/N : Pneuma ?

They looked at Y/N in shock, as if he was insane.


Y/N : Well, I was here when that happend and she explicitely told me that she ordered the planet's destruction so... no ?

Tristan : He's not lying, she even told me that.

Y/N : So... what are you doing here ? It's already cleaning season ?

Beerus : Sort of.

Y/N : Well, it was still nice to see you again.

Whis : While we're here...

Y/N looked at Whis with a curious face.

Whis : I do recall Lord Beerus mentioning he wanted to fight you after you passed your training.

Y/N : Really ?

Whis nodded.

Y/N : May I know why ?

Beerus : I spend many years training you along with some others, I want to make sure it wasn't a waste.

Y/N : Well, in that case..

Y/N then unleashed his aura, making the galaxy he's in tremble, Beerus did the same with the same effects.

Whis : I'd suggest you stay close to me Tristan, this is gonna be a battle like none seen before.

Tristan : Sure.

He then stayed close to Whis as he created a shield for the both of them.

Then, without warning, Beerus charged and punched Y/N in the right cheek with two fingers, Y/N grunted before doing the same to Beerus, but in the eyes, sending flying away. Beerus then reapeared near Y/N. They then engaged into a fist battle, their fists colliding with the other's ones at high speed before they clashed their fists once again, making them back off, holding their hands in pain.

Beerus : grr ! You certainly didn't go easy !

Y/N : Neither did you !

Beerus : Then time to go serious.

Y/N : What ?

Beerus : HAKAI !

Then, destruction energy surrounded Y/N much to Tristan's shock.

Tristan : He didn't !

Beerus : I trained you Y/N, so normal you'd be able to-

Y/N just smiked, crossed his arms, then spreaded them, dissiping the destruction energy around him like it was nothing.

Beerus : this... Okay, you're not bad.

Y/N : Neither are you.

Beerus : Apparently I've found a worthy foe.

He then fired a destruction energy blast that Y/N counted with his hand, the blast then turned purple and (f/c) before Y/N fired it back at Beerus. He dodged it before Y/N fired ki blasts one by one at Beerus, who dodged them all. Beerus then used his God of Destruction's wrath technique, sending countless spheres of destruction toward Y/N. Some hurted him, but didn't really do much, he then teleported above Beerus before punching him repeateadly, first in the chest then in the face.

(Replace Goku by Y/N. Imagine it takes place in space.)

Y/N then tried to grab Beerus' tail but the God of Destruction quickly send Y/N back with his beams of destruction. Y/N quickly got back up before roaring, gathering energy as Beerus do the same before charging at each others.

Their fists clashed and sended waves of energy through their entire universe, causing everyone in it to be knocked on the ground.

Then Beerus and Y/N flewed around their universes, striking each others in the meantime. All the while they were talking to each others.

Beerus : I have to admit, even Goku and that Vegeta guy would have a hard time fighting you !

Y/N : Well, you were one of my mentors during my training !

They then clashed one last time before charging their beams attack and firring, causing a beam-lock.

Y/N : So, what happend last time we saw each others ?!

Beerus : Well, One day I was relaxing on a planet then a girl dressed in gold blowed it off along with my ice cream !

Y/N : ... Kind of a mood killer ! I'm feeling bad for her, you must have destroyed her didn't you ?!

Beerus : Yes ! She even tried to control me before I fired a beam that completely ripped her body appart as it flewed into a black hole we created during our battle !

Y/N : Damn ! When it's about food, you're  in all your states!


He then charged right into Y/N's beam before kicking him in the head, Beerus then teleported and stroke Y/N Multiple times before Y/N regain counsciousness and grabbed Beerus' fist and fired a beam of energy that Beerus quickly neutralized before teleporting away along with the energy.

Beerus : Wasn't it yours ?

Beerus then sened the energy back at Y/N as he slapped the energy beam away. Beerus then put his hands foward and fired a mega blast of destruction energy. Y/N blocked it with his arms as the blast exploaded. Once the dust cleared, Y/N was seen with his left arm destroyed, grunting in pain.

Y/N : I'll admit, I was careless on that one.

Beerus : It is a extremely bad idea to be careless in a battle of gods.

Y/N then charged at Beerus and tried to punch him with his remaining arm, but Beerus was able to counter any of Y/N's attack.

(Imagine the punches are from Y/N's remaining arm.)

Beerus : Not bad... But you're clearly losing this battle now Y/N.

Beerus then grabbed Y/N's fist and punched Y/N in the guts, making Y/N scream in pain.

Beerus : What will you do now Y/N ?

Beerus trusted his fist deeper into Y/N's body. Y/N simply looked at Beerus before he haved a smirk on his face, intriging the Hakaishin. Suddendly, Y/N's eyes began to glow a (f/c) color before he fired his Alpha beams at Beerus, who was caught in the blast and couldn't escape until he hit an asteroid, causing a massive explosion. This shocked both Tristan and Whis who are watching the entire fight.

Beerus soon got up slowly from the attack as he looked at Y/N with shock.

Beerus : What... was that ?!

Y/N : Oh, that's something I've obtained after I trained enough.

Beerus : This power... could it be ?!

Tristan : I'm confused now.

Whis : It seems the Alpha Effect have finally found someone to wield it's power.

Beerus : WHAT ?!

Tristan : The Alpha Effect ?

Whis : The counter force to the Omega Effect.

Tristan : Interesting *write it down on his journal*

Beerus : You didn't tell me you've got that !

Y/N : I intended to keep it as a surprise.

Beerus charged once again at Y/N but suddendly, Y/N's view began glitching before he was back when he was about to lose his arm. Beerus fired the mega blast however Y/N dodged this time.

Y/N : I'll admit, I was careless on that one. oh, and you're gonna say : "It is a extremely bad idea to be careless in a battle of gods."

Beerus : It is a extremely bad idea to be careless in a battle of go- ... wait... HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT ?!

Tristan : Wait ! They've already done that !

Whis : It seems Y/N can manipulate time, and possibly space and reality too.

Tristan : Wow ! He sure is powerful.

Beerus then cloned himself and surmonned multiple spheres of destruction with each bodies. They fired their spheres but suddendly, Y/N's body began twisting itself, making the spheres hit the clones of Beerus, destroying them.

Y/N : Reality warping... nice.

Beerus then concentrated his energy as his aura soon morphed into a dragon. Y/N did the same as his dragon looked like Beerus' ones, but with strings of (f/c) energy around it.

The dragons began clashing but Y/N's one obliterated Beerus' one with a blast of Alpha Energy.

Beerus couldn't react as he was suddendly hit by a meteor, then by many of them, all the while he couldn't dodge.

Tristan : What now ?

Whis : It seems Y/N is also capable of manipulating space. hen again, coming from someone who absorbed the Alpha Effect is exepted.

Suddendly, Beerus' aura skyrockted, he unleashed his full power. Y/N charged at him but suddendly, Beerus dodged at the last second and kicked Y/N on the side, sending him flying. Y/N get up and tried to attack Beerus again only to have the same results, this was when it hit him :

Y/N : He activated the Ultra-Instinct didn't he ?

Beerus then fired a destruction energy blast from his finger that Y/N dodged, but Y/N felt he's getting destroyed even by being far from the blast.

Tristan : Beerus is clearly serious now.

Whis : It would seems so. I have never seen my Lord using his full power since he took his job as a God of Destruction.

Beerus then punched Y/N in the chest, making him cough blood. He then tried to attack Y/N once again however, he managed to catch his fist, shocking Beerus before he fired his Alpha Beams, Beerus dodged them.

Beerus : You lack the instinct Y/N !

Beerus then fired a blast of destructive energy that Y/N didn't felt, Beerus wondered why Y/N didn't react until he looked behind him and saw a blast of Alpha Beam heading his way. He dodged it just at the last second. He figured out that Y/N was able to control them somehow. Beerus then decised to finish it all and charged at Y/N, only for him to be hit by the other Alpha Beam, Y/N intensified the beam, forcing Beerus' Ultra-Instinct to be deactivated.

Whis : Incredible !

Beerus : What happend ?!

Tristan : Did he just ?!

Beerus then saw Y/N about to punch him in the face, he didn't have time to react as Y/N's speed somehow caught him offguard. He then charged at Beerus as they are locked in a punch-fight, their fists colliding with the other's ones at high speed.

Beerus : Well done Y/N ! That's even greater than what I've expected from you !

Y/N : You're not bad either for being able to keep up with me !

Beerus : But I think...

Y/N : It's time...

They then charged up their energy through their fist.

Beerus & Y/N : WE FINISH THIS !!!

Their fists once again clashed, this time, the shockwave was so powerful it destroyed planets, suns, rocks and even caused black holes to impload, their clashed destroyed most of the universe. They then crashed into a nearby rocky planet

On it's surface, rumbles were everywhere around the area Y/N and Beerus crashed, then, Beerus came out of the rumbles with some scratches on his body as Y/N did the same with the same scratches.

Beerus : Well, that was certainly something.

Y/N *crack his neck back* Yep.

Whis and Tristan then landed between them as Whis went to his master's side.

Tristan : I have to admit, this fight gaved me chills running down my spine.

Whis : But you two destroyed most of the universe in your fight.

Y/N : Pneuma is gonna kill us all when she found out about that.

Beerus : Relax, she rarely go out of the base, *laughing* there's no way she would have watched the entire fight !

Tristan wanted to say something but then :

??? : *fake coughs*

Beerus, Whis, Tristan and Y/N then began to have chills running down their spines as their eyes widden in terror as they shaked uncontrollably, sencing an infinite power near them

??? : I'm right here and I've seen and heard everything.

They slowly turn to the source of the voice and saw Pneuma herself.

(Imagine her with a pissed expression. Art isn't mine.)

Judging by the look on her face, they could tell that she was very, VERY angry.

Beerus, Whis and Y/N then screamed in Panic.

(Y/N's face is like Whis' one.)

Beerus, Whis & Y/N : LADY PNEUMA/PNEUMA ???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tristan : uh oh !

Pneuma descended from the skies and landed before them. The simple contact of her feets with the ground caused it to crack and be sent flying around her. She then began to slowly walk toward the group as each of her step caused the multiverse she is to tremble and leak out her power.

Pneuma : Well well well... I leave for a day and... (glare at Beerus) You were fighting Y/N, (look at Tristan) while you were taking Irene on a date then watched the fight.

She then stopped in front of them. Beerus standed up in a hurry and bowed his head foward.

(Like this.)


Whis : M- My lady ! What do we own you this unpredictable visit ?!

Pneuma : I came here to see Y/N when I saw him fighting Beerus, and destroying most of that universe.

Everyone else : *glups*

And Pneuma, with a single snap of her fingers, caused all the destroyed parts of the universe to be instantly repaired as if they never happened, also restoring the casualties back to life. She then looked at Y/N

Pneuma : Y/N ?

Y/N : Y-Yes ?!

Pneuma (smiling) : I'm happy to see you're getting used to your new Alpha powers.

Y/N : Really ? Does this mean I'm sp-

Pneuma : No you're not !

The outburst caused Y/N to jump and scream in a high pitched tone before standing like a statue. Pneuma sighed before looking at him again.

Pneuma : I'd suggest you go back to Imperium Prime. (look at Beerus) I need to give someone a lecture about "collateral damages"

Beerus screamed in fear before he was on his knees, begging Pneuma.


While he kept begigng, Whis looked at Y/N.

Whis : Well, it was nice seeing you again Y/N while it lasted.

Y/N : You too Whis.

Pneuma : oh, and Tristan ?

Tristan looked at Pneuma as she haved a smirk on her face.

Pneuma : I heard Irene saying she won't let you sleep for letting her down on your date.

It was Tristan's turn to panic, his wife is gonna punish him alongside his harem.

Pneuma : Now that it is done...

She then looked back at Beerus as he was still begging before him, Pneuma and Whis glowed and suddendly dissapeared, being teleported back to Pneuma's place.

Y/N : Well... that was...

Tristan : Something...

Y/N then opened a portal back to Imperium Prime.

Y/N : Wanna go back ?

Tristan : Sure.

They then went through the portal.

(What are your thoughts on it ? Qna coming next.)

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