01||Best Friend Complications

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                                                                             *Spring, 2259*

"Ms. Olivia Hale, may you please come to the front of the room." Admiral Davis asked. A young woman with shirt brown hair looked up from her seat. Her red Starfleet uniform was almost too long for her. She walked up to the podium, feeling the eyes of others on her.

There was a hush in the once loud crowd of Starfleet delegates. Her heels clicked against the stairs, she half bit her her lip as she stepped onto the podium. She kept her posture firm and formality as she stared at the council of Starfleet officers.

"Olivia Maria Grace Hale," Olivia cringed at the sound of her name as the Admiral spoke, "You stand accused of thievery and going against regulation in the face of a mission of the Starfleet Galactic Federation. How do you plead?"

Olivia cleared her throat, searching the room, seeing all eyes fixated on her. She could tell from afar the disappointed look on Nyota's face, yet Brystal was nowhere to be found in the crowd. She stood taller, knowing she was shorter than mostly everyone here. Starfleet was beyond powerful, and by any means necessary they could definitely have sent her to prison or expelled, but she wasn't going to allow that to be a disadvantage for her.

"Well first, I didn't steal it was rather terms that I had to take a shuttle, one that just happened to be needed for my mission. Secondly, please do not call my whole name, I find it...rude." Olivia spoke up, her silky and confident British voice in contrast to the American admirals voice.

An utter sound of gasps came across the room at her statement with the council looking at her shocked. Olivia began to regret the idea speaking so boldly and confidently towards the council. She glanced at Pike, her friends stepfather, who rolled his eyes at her response.

"Miss Hale, I suggest you better hold your tongue in the future, the council silences you." The Admiral spoke up. For a moment, Olivia felt a twinge of fear come up her spine. She was supposed to be someone who hired her mother legacy, who had been an excellent ambassador and captain, rather than be like her father.

"Now," An Andorian Starfleet admiral spoke, "We will continue with the charges. You are only allowed to speak when you want to defend yourself.  Ms. Hale you are charged with the crimes of stealing a shuttle without further notice to your captain and crew mates. You are the daughter of Stella Hale and Harry Mudd.."

"Please don't say his name." Olivia mumbled.

"You have shown a crime your own con-man and criminal father would commit. Your actions will have you expelled from Starfleet and you will be sent pended to imprisonment at a prison." The Andorian Starfleet Admiral told her. Her heart dropped, she almost felt like she couldn't breathe by the sound of those words.

"Council, I apologize for my previous rude statement. It was out of bounds and I should've kept my mouth shut when you spoke. Starfleet is like a home to me ever since I was very young, always fascinated by how it works and space adventures. I knew from the moment I stepped on this building, I belonged. I longed to be apart of the powerful, peaceful Starfleet command, when I got the chance to be chief engineer under Captain Archer, i leaded. I've thought over council, but please you have to believe me that I...."

"Your honors, she's innocent!" A voice rang out across the room. Everyone turned around to witness Admiral Pikes daughter, Brystal Kznati-Pike had arrived. Olivia's mouth dropped open at the sight of her friend. Brystal walked down the stairs, quickly reaching the podium next to Olivia.

Brystal had her dark brown hair curled at her neck by her mahogany red lips. Her dark brown eyes shimmering in the sunlight of the windows. Her uniform for her fit like a glove over her long body. She stared at the council, shocked to even see her. She returned their gaze with a firm look in her eyes.

"I, Brystal Demitria Pike, declare that Olivia Maria-Jadwiga Hale is innocent." Brystal stated firmly.

"Pike?" The Andorian ambassador looked over to Admiral Pike. 

He coughed back disappointment, "My daughter."

"Please council address the accusations against Ms. Hale." Brystal stated.

"Your friend has been accused of thievery without getting permission form Captain Archer."

"And what you are told is a lie." Brystal stated, causing the room to gasp, all eyes fixated on her, "I am the second officer, one rank below the first officer and I gave her the permission to take the shuttle into enemy lines. I do not understand who wrote the report, but they definitely did not check my report, which Ms. Hales signature is written here."

Brystal handed a red suited Starfleet member her datapad, giving it to the leading council member. Brystal stood tall while Olivia just gawked at her in amazement, wondering if she had been there the whole time. The admiral studied the signature before waving his hand.

"The signature is definitely Ms. Hales."

"Then I suggest you take the accusations off her list and her punishment off. Good day, ladies and gentleman!" Brystal slightly raised her voice a bit. The judges hammer whacked against the wood of the desk.

"Meeting adjourned." The Andorian council member stated. Pike walked up to the two girls, grabbing Brystal fiercely by the shoulder, leaving the cane in the room. He walked them into an empty hallway, where he looked at them sternly.

"I want you both to tell me WHAT THE HELL you've done!" He asked them. Olivia looked at Brystal who swallowed nervously looking at her stepfather. A flicker of extreme disappointment in his eyes at his stepdaughter.

"I'll ask one more time, Olivia, Brystal, what happened..."

"During our mission on Scrolas, we were losing a battle against the Klingons and Olivia had the idea to sneak onto the ship. The Starfleet code, specifically states whoever is Captain, First Officer, or Second Officer that enables you to go on a ship or even give an order to an officer. I gave her permission to go onto the Klingon warbird, she won the battle for us, I'd rather have done it, but then I would've been reckless. Then I guess First Officer Lane didn't take into account I gave her the authority to go.  By all means, Officer Lane must've skipped the fact over purposefully or accidentally," Brystal told him.

"Is this true?," he asked turning to look at Olivia.

"Yes, sir. We're so sorry for what happened today with the council, we're just reckless-"

"Bullshit." Pike interrupted, turning to face Brystal, "I don't want to see you two again until later tomorrow. But you," He firmly pointed at Brystal, "We're going to have a talk."

A Starfleet officer handed him back his cane, they both walked down the hallway. A rush of officers came in, and her father greeted a few young men back.

Brystal watched her father disappear in the crowd of people. There hadn't been a time where she didn't have a memory of her father. She had always been close with him even during her years of Starfleet, but it showed he worried about her. She was his only daughter, and Starfleet was one of the most dangerous things anyone could do.

"I'm sorry what happened. I-" Olivia began.

"No. It's not me you should be worried about. Uhara seemed a little pissed upon hearing what happened. You should stay away from her for a bit." Brystal interrupted her, "The council should really stop using your fathers name."

"I hate my father as much as Starfleet does. He once was thief, a spy for Starfleet and then he backstabbed us. He left me and my mum. I just never use his last name. He's a war criminal who's still active, glad he only causes trouble and I'm not sent on those missions." Olivia sighed, the two began to walk down the corridor.

"So........What are you doing tonight?" Olivia asked with a small smile.

"Nothing much. I plan on stopping at the Anton bar since my father usually knows I'm there."

"Is Richard going to be there?" Olivia asked, meaning Brystals recent friend she'd made.

"No. He and I are not on good terms. He's been hating my ass for two whole months."

"Sorry, I forgot."

"Just meet me at 6 tonight." Brystal assured her.


Rain splattered the gray lit windows as thunder cracked in the dark clouded sky. A little house in the southeast of where Starfleet Academy stood. A series of shouting had broken out inside the house as two siblings screamed at each other, their father was on a mission in space on a starship, never to known that his children were fighting.

Brystal (14 years old) sat on the maroon red couch. Her face swarmed in hot tears, her dark brown hair dripped over her face, and her hands hiding her face. Her black leather jacket covered a vintage Paramore shirt from the 21st century.

Kit Pike (16 years old) sighed angrily as he circled around the couch. He was furious at his younger sister, wondering when she'd ever grow up. Just when she'd stop thinking about their Mom and worrying about dad and him everyday. His black shirt scrunched back down as he let his hands fall to his sides. 

"Brystal stop crying! You're 14 years old for godsakes! It's not that big of a deal!" Kit yelled at her her.

"Then maybe you should've listened to Dad when he said you should be looking after me while he's on a mission. But instead you've started drinking and leaving me home so you can hang out with friends!" Brystal retorted.

"Oh Grow up!" Kit shouted.

"You grow up!" Brystal shot back.

"Besides why do you care you don't even have friends." Kit pointed out. Brystal's heart felt as if somebody had cut a piece of flesh out of her body as the words struck her. "You can't stop worrying bout me or  Dad!"

Brystal found these words to make her brother sound heartless, like he never cared about anything. Maybe he never cared about mom's disappearance when the Borgs attacked her ship. She tried to tell herself those words weren't true, but her anger seemed to take over her body.

Like the world she loved was ripping apart below her. A world turning to bruises and scars she'd earned over the years. No. That world had been gone for so many years. Her childhood that she loved was nothing, but in ruins from her mother's disappearance.

"None of this had to happen! But you can't even do anything, but worry!" Her brother shouted at her.

"No!" Brystal shouted, practically jumping up from the couch. She walked up until she was only a few inches away from her brothers face, showing only the few inches that made her brother taller than her. Her eyes were lit up in an angry fury that Kit had never seen before.

"None of this had to happen when you shut me out when Mom disappeared!" Brystal said through tears, "We could've been brother and sister through that time. But Ive already run out of those chances and your running out of time to even make up that time you spent hurting on your own and going to a Starfleet camp!"

"All those times I asked if you were okay! I've lost track of how many times I tried getting you to talk to me! To open up and show you it wasn't just you who was feeling this way. I reached out when you were hurting, trying to help every single time! You froze me out completely!" Brystal shouted at Kit in his face.

"I just wanted a friend!" Brystal screamed at him before marching up the stairs into her room. She slammed the door not caring what Kit would have to say. She laid her back against the door, letting tears out, quietly.

Her room wasn't necessarily messy neither was it super clean. Thousands of books were either stacked on shelves or scattered across the edge of her bed. An old music player with CDs stacked up with many band names from the late 20th and 21st century. The room was painted in dark shades of blue fitting the thundering skies outside.

An old 20th century song began playing quietly, but audible enough for Brystal to hear. She flopped on her bed, sending a few books to the floor as she did. The singers voice from the CD began to sing lyrics that Brystal allowed in her ears to block out anything that Kit would come up and say.

I don't care if it hurts

I want a perfect body

I want a perfect soul

Brystal didn't know what do, all she could do was cry silently. Never care what Kit would say to her ever again. She could live with this pain for all she cared.

I want you to notice 

When I'm not around

Your so fucking special

"I wish I was special." Brystal whispered, singing with the song, in a world where only her pain started screaming at her.


A/N: Hope you liked the first chapter! And liked Radioheads song: Creep being in this chapter!

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