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Brystal turned the corner, making her way towards the council where she had been called to. Without her noticing another woman appeared out of the corner much older than her. Brystal was too busy to even see the woman who had appeared from behind her.

The woman took off her hood from her face, taking a breath of the cold metallic air. It was much more soothing than a tanning cloth wrapped around your face like the Skylers when they were out on business trips. She walked into the open after Brystal, knowing this could be the only time she could speak to her.

Her nerves peaked a bit when her lips finally felt the urge to move.

"Ms. Pike," The woman said, seizing Brystal in her spot. Brystal truned to face the woman who was wearing a tanning gray hood with a tanned collar. Brystal had never seen this woman around before nor had she ever recognized her face, but something did feel familiar about her.

Brystal looked at the woman, studying every inch of her. To her graying brown hair, to her brown eyes, and to her face. Then suddenly, the memories of what the Borg Queen had shown her came back to her, matching this woman's image she had seen in the memories.

The Borg Queen had showed her this woman through her memory transfer. She was in that ship, and had defeated the Borg Queen. Brystal's eyes widened, slightly in realization.

"I'm sorry. You look.....familiar," Brytsals began.

"I know I do," The woman answered, "I probably shouldn't even be doing this, Spock would talk the shit out of me for talking to you." The woman chuckled after thinking of the thought.

Brystal raised an eyebrow before remembering the story of Spock Prime. How he had accidentally traveled into the future. Brystal saw the woman's face fit like puzzle pieces fit into the jigsaw, she finally understood who this woman was.

"I'm sorry but are you..." Brystal began.

"I am you." The woman said. The two walked up closer to each other so they were only a few inches apart, making the conversation only heard between them.

"How?" Brystal's asked.

"Time travel by Spock's black hole he created," Brystal Prime answered, "Enjoying your time on the Enterprise?"

"To tell you the truth..........I've been asked by the council to switch ships. I'll be getting the paperwork and all that jazz," Brystal told her.

"I'm guessing you're not enjoying you position?" Brystal Prime asked.

"I am......I don't know," Brystal said, not finding any words that could help her.

"I was like you where I come from. How's Olivia?" Brystal Prime asked.

"Olivia's doing good. She's happy her fathers finally in jail," Brystal's answered.

"In my reality, her father, Mudd was never captured by Starfleet, instead he was haunted by androids of her mother," Brystal Prime said, "How's Sera?"

"Who's Sera?" Brystal asked.

"Your sister....." Brystal's Prime trailed off realizing before Brystal could, "In my universe you had a little sister name, Sera."

Brystal felt tears begin to burn her, her throat starting to go dry. The sound of her even having a sister in another universe and them never being born hurt her badly. 

"Why were the Borgs after me?" Brystal asked her.

"I....I made the mistake of trusting the Borgs, almost causing a war between the federation and them. But when I tried to end them, the black hole appeared," Brystal Prime explained, "I've caused so much pain for you already with our mother being kidnapped by the Borg, where I come from that never happened."

Brystal Primes voice was filled with remorse and regret that it made Brystal's feel her older selves pain much more. All those memories the Borg Queen she had shown her were just showing her alternate reality version of herself.

"Don't take this too seriously. Those were my mistakes not yours," Brystal Prime told her, putting a hand on her shoulder, "This isn't about what I did and that you should worry about making the same mistakes. This about your own destiny and not basing it off of what I did in the other universe."

"So what do I do? Do I choose to leave the Enterprise and join another ship, or do I stay on the Enterprise?" Brystal asked.

"I can't decide for you. We may be the same person from different universes, but only you can decide that destiny in this universe." 

Brystal thoughts raced for several minutes before she pierced it all together. Her whole life she felt out of place, a creep that didn't belong anywhere. But on the Enterprise something was different, like she had formed her own family on board. She belonged somewhere.

Jim found Brystal working over some paperwork while talking to Callius. The two seemed to have given each other a laugh by the looks on their faces. He had never seen a smile on Callius once in his life, how odd it was even to see him like that.

Brystal seemed to be typing down a report as she talked to Callius. Her head kept moving from the datapad to Callius then back to the datapad. Jim had to look for an opening where he could interrupt the two from the conversation.

He also took noticed that Callius was wearing his uniform while Brystal was not. She was wearing a black leather jacket and all shades of dark colors. He'd never seen her wear anything but the Starfleet uniform.

"No. Focus!" Jim told himself, he let himself get distracted by her prettiness.

He took his chance and started walking up to the two. What Bones had said made him feel uneasy with situation. But what did he feel more uneasy about? Was it that his second officer could be lying to his face about her species or was it because she might not know and only Amdiral Ava Pike does?

He had to know before he felt like he was being lied to. He neared the two, hearing pieces of their conversation become much more audible. Dodging past a few cadets as he made his way towards them.

"I just can't believe Aera's making a whole batch of jambalaya! She hasn't made anything bigger than a makeshift meal for years," Brystal chuckled.

"I tried to tell it her we weren't having to celebrate to big, but I should've known. She always goes full out," Callius smirked, his eyes  catching Kirk in the crowd. He directed his eyes back towards Brystal before Jim reached them.

"Admiral." Jim nodded his head to Callius before turning to Brystal, "Commander."

"Captain Kirk," Callius nodded back, Brystal made slight eye contact with Jim before turning her head back to her datapad to type something.

"Do you mind if I talk to my second officer?" Jim asked Callius, politely. He had an urge to grit his teeth from the frustration that bubbled in his mind.

"I don't mind," Callius said, he took that as his cue to leave, "Until then, Brystal."

"Same to you, Callius," Brystal smiled before turning her attention to Jim. Callius walked off, leaving the two alone.

Jim opened his mouth before Brystal interrupted, "I can tell you're stressed about something. Your tense and it shows you're having a hard time relaxing with what you're about to say."

"Was it that obvious?"

"Too obvious. What do you want captain?"

"I came to talk to you about your recovery," Jim started.

"Did Leonard complain about me? Well tell him I'm sorry that I have an opinion," Brystal huffed.

"No. That's not the point." Jim said, cutting her off from her thoughts.

"Then what is?" Brsytal asked, she typed a few things on her datapad. Jim snatched the datapad away from her and ste it on the table by them.

Brystal met his eyes,  taken aback from him snatching her datapad from her. She was slightly angered, but kept her face calmed towards her captain. Something in her mind told her that this may help her with deciding if she was staying in the Enterprise or not.

"It's about how quickly you recovered. That would've taken anybody weeks to recover," Jim said.

"But it's probably because of my half-species if I may remind you," Brystal waved what he said off like it was nothing.

"That's exactly it your half-species. What are you exactly half of?" Jim asked, grabbing her wrist so she wouldn't try to leave.

"Since when was that your concern?" Brystal ask.

"It's been my concern since Bones found no DNA match to any species." Jim said.

"I don't know what I am part of. My mother never told me!" Brystal half snarled, trying to rip her wrist away from him, "She had a dark past that's all she ever said. She never wanted her children to go through that same pain. If she doesn't want me to know, then I'm fine with going on her word."

"You're not ever going to ask her what you are of?" Jim asked.

"I just got her back! I don't need my relationship with her to subside!" Brystal said, holding back a few tears, "You just don't understand how that is for me!!"

There was a silence that broke in between them. Eye contact was locked between them, staring at each other, the space between them was almost their bodies pressed against each other. Brystal felt her heart pound in her chest as she held back a burst of anger and pain. But, Jim took that as his own advancement on her.

He regretted almost shouting at her, and probably deserved to have been thrown down by a punch like Mudd was by Brystal. He'd now seen Brystal damaged both ways. Physically and emotionally.

Brsytal angrily walked away. Clearly upset by him.

Callum didn't know what it was. He couldn't stop himself from wondering, questioning everything he was seeing. His eyes betraying him.

The blasting of electronic beats probably was it. Maybe it was even his scotch on the rocks that made his mind drift. Or it was the whole atmosphere that the Anton bar gave to him.

He sat up a bit in his seat, trying hard not to slouch over. His cup curled in his hand, swishing around the brownish colored liquid that thunked against the glass from the ice cubes. His mind was set on the two figures ahead of him at the counter. 

He honestly didn't like seeing Jim and Brsytal around each other after what Uhara told him when they were in the academy. The womanizer, lady's man, and charmer that he was. How he had tried his charms on Uhara, but obviously that didn't work. 

But for some reason he didn't see that side of Kirk. He was seeing the side of a softer man who just wanted to apologize for something. Callum sunk back into his chair, seeing Uhara and Olivia had caught notice of the two, both of them looking about ready to punch Jim if someth8ng had happened.

"I'm asking you guys to not blame me for what I'm about to say," Callum told the two.

Uhara and Olivia's eyes flickered back over to Callum, studying his demeanor, wanting to know what he meant. The two girls were both dressed in dress with long silver pieces of earrings. Their drinks were lightly set on their table.

"Which is?" Uhara inquired.

"I'm kind of shipping them," Callum replied, his cheeks heating up with embarrassment. He closed his eyes, waiting for some kind of shocked attack from either of the two.

"You what?"

"I said I ship them! I mean look at them!" Callum pointed back at Brystal and Jim. He wasn't a good lip reader, but he could tell Brystal accepted whatever apology Kirk wanted her to accept. Both seemed actually at peace with each other as they raised their glasses a bit.

Callum was almost shocked to see Olivia's reaction. Her mouth was agape, her whole body seemed loser. She seemed like she was in denial and not wanting to agree with Callum.

Uhara had almost the same expression for a second or two before residing back to her 'almost' calm demeanor, "I....." A smartass remark from her fell flat, leaving her speechless. 

"I think I'm starting to ship them too," Olivia told him, "And if you're right.......I bet ten credits they will get together.

A/N: I'm happy with the views this has gotten. I'm working on revamping this Act One (Different Girl) and I'm currently working on Act Two (Let Down) set during Star Trek: Into Darkness. The only thing I can say is to brace yourselves for what will happen in Act Two. I can only say is I'm excited to build up my characters. Only thing I can tell you about Act Two is prepare yourselves for another Radiohead song that is also depressing and as beautiful as Creep.

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