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"We are being pursued by a D-4 class Klingon vessel," Spock announced, swerving the ship into the planets ruins. The sound of another engine roaring after them. The ship plunged headfirst into the ruins of this planet.

"I thought this planet was abandoned!" Brystal yelled to them over the loud engine.

"It must be a random patrol!?!" Uhara yelled back. The ship blasted past sheets of metal and buildings left in rubble. The Klingon ship began firing after them, Jim looks back at Brystal and the two officers with an order.

"Hold on!" He shouted. Brystal hit a button to her left side, sending a seat belt over her chest. She gripped the ends of her seat, her head jolting back. She gritted her teeth, feeling the pressure wear off as soon as Jim dodged another firing shot.

"This ship has no offensive capabilities." Spock told Jim.

"Give me all six fuel cans!" Jim ordered.

"Yes, captain," Spock responded with flicking a button, sending them faster into the planets ruined surface. The ship was now abuzz with red lights blinking over their heads. Brystal's almost felt like she had been choke seconds ago from the violent thrust Jim had made.

"Damnit!" Jim cursed, seeing that the Klingons were still hot on their trail.

"They're closing in on us fast!" Uhara shouted to everyone. Jim looked at a small opening through a broken crack in the middle of a sheet of metal. He cocked his head to the others and Brystal realized the plan he had.

"All right there! We can lose them there!" Jim shouted, jolting the ship towards the crack.

"Are you crazy?!?" Brystal shouted.

"Does anybody say yes to that?" Jim asked, cocking a small smile. The smile could've sent a smile stretching across her face, but she felt more of rolling her eyes.

"If you are suggesting we utilize the passage between the approaching structures, the ship will not fit!" Spock told Jim, as his head was jolted back.

"We'll fit!" Jim shouted.

"We will not fit!" Spock yelled back.

"We'll fit! Well fit!" Jim maneuvered his controls to the side, sending the ship diagonally into the structure. Brystals head was jolted back again with her eyes closed, grimacing at any screech the ship made.

Her mind was cursing and screaming at Jim, yet she wants herself. At least, she still had some self control.

The ship seemed to bounce as the metal seemed to almost enclose the ship inside. Metal screeching, sparks being sprayed off the ship. The ship flew outside the hole, Jim swung the controls, sending Brystal's head back. She looked up to see they had made it through the hole, sighing her relief.

"Told you we'd fit!" Jim smiled at Spock.

"I'm not sure that qualifies," Spock commented, returning to his control panel.

"Any sign of them?" Jim asked Uhara.

"No. Which worries me." Uhara told Jim. Brystal's had a bad feeling much like Uhara when she heard those words. Klingons were tricky to capture or to even stop. She knew how good Klingons were at hiding and then reappearing.

"We lost them." Jim said.

"Or they're jamming our signals," Brystal retorted back.

"Or we lost them." Jim shot back. Suddenly, shining lights shined on their ship. Brystal squinted, and could feel the worried looks from the other two officers.

She would've said 'told you so' to Jim, but that was practically childish of her. She felt the ship begin to hover down, just as the Klingons weapons came out. She wasn't going to die due to a bit of reckless

"They're ordering us to land. Captain, they're gonna wanna know why we're here. And they are going to torture us, question us, and they're going to kill us." Uhara walked up to Jim.

"Then we'll come out shooting." Jim said, receiving a visible eye roll from Brystal. 

"We're outnumbered, outgunned. There's no way we survive if we attack first. You brought me here because I speak Klingon. Let me speak Klingon." Uhara told Jim.

Brystal hid behind the cover of her seat, watching Uhara talk to the Klingons. Brystal felt unsure of Uhara's decision to talk to the enemy. Mostly, she was worried the Klingons would attack Uhara.

Uhara had been the second friend she had ever made at Starfleet, just a little of a year after meeting, Olivia. How could she bare a world without the smiles and laughs they shared? Or even without Uhara being there to comfort her? Life would change in the blink of an eye if she lost anyone else.

She couldn't  bare to lose Uhara after the death of her parents. The pain she still felt, like her heart was now tattooed in an unbearable pain. Watching them die in front of her, their blood growing cold. Losing a friend could easily just make her want to end her life. Because losing people just wasn't made she was made for.

"Here," Jim said, handing her a small phaser, "You okay?" He sat down next to her, inches away from the door. They could start attacking the Klingons or the Klingons could attack Uhara first. Either way they'd be ready for any attack, it would be easy for them to get out of the ship like it was a surprise.

"That's strange of you to ask, now. I mean you seemed busy with this manhunt," Brystal spoke. She clearly wasn't taking kindly to his turn on the situation that was happening.

"Look, I know you want him dead too," Jim said, softly.

"Want him dead? It's more than that! I would want to watch him suffer the same pain I felt when he killed my parents, but I'd rather have him locked up for his crimes than killing him myself. That's just not...me," Brystal whispered, realizing she had told him anything she would do to John Harrison, "Everything I ever wanted for a long time is gone because of him."

Her gaze was still on Uhara. She gripped the gun, tightly seeing the Klingon take a step closer to Uhara. Spock noticed this, putting his hand, softly on her shoulder. It was almost like a signal that meant 'stay calm and quiet.'

But Spock had began to notice and take keen attention to Brystal and Jim. These light and unpredictable moments erupted in some sort of blind chemistry. The way the captain acted around her.

He could see why now that Lieutenant Commander Stewart and Lieutenant Hale had talked, annoyed by this. Claiming they'd like to see the captain and Brystal admit feelings. They must have some sort of blind love.

The Klingon suddenly, grabbed Uhara's throat, causing her to gag. Brystal rushed outside, rushing past Jim and Spock. She breathed in the brisk, dusty air of the planets ruins. She pulled her phaser out shooting a Klingon, next to the one holding Uhara's throat. The Klingon fell as a smoky hole in his chest plate armor appeared.

The Klingon dropped Uhara, who grabbed his knife, stabbing him in the abdomen. She pushed past the Klingon running to the others aid. Jim, Spock, and the other two officers began shooting towards the Klingons. Uhara took shelter behind a small building with Brystal.

"You okay?!?" Brystal shouted to her, firing her gun, hitting a Klingon square on his forehead.

"Yeah!" Uhara shouted back, shooting her phaser at another Klingon. Uhara looked fine, minus the fact she was almost choked to death. Brystal held back her relief, shooting at another Klingon. They were definitely outnumbered and outgunned, but it was better to know Uhara was safe.

Callius had taught her well enough how to fight when your outgunned and outnumbered. Ever since she begged for lessons from him, being trained to as far back as she could remember. She had to keep that training in mind when she fired her next shot.

 A series of shooting broke out among everyone, then the sound of a spiraling machine gun caught her attention. Brystal spun her head around to see a man all dressed in black, shooting at the Klingons. He spun around hitting his large gun against a Klingon, sending the Klingon off the edge of the metal platform.

She watched as he flung a dagger at a Klingons head, spearing him to a wall. Brystal was a little bit amazed by how skilled he was, but also it made her hate him more. Watching him kill others, just like he killed her parents.

John Harrison. Brystal gritted her teeth, knowing that this was the criminal they were after. She blasted her phaser, quickly sending Klingons fumbling down. Jim was knocked down by a Klingon, only for that Klingon to be shot by John Harrison's fire.

She found herself aiming her phaser at Khan's head, her anger seemingly taking control. She frantically dropped her gun, only for her other hand to grab it. Her emotions almost took control, she could've done something wrong.

Brystal's spotted a Klingon, who was aiming at Uhara. But Uhara was looking over at Jim, willing to rush to his aid. Brystal ran towards the Klingon, tackling him down. She pinned the Klingon to the ground before blasting a fiery shot into his head.

She was fueling her body with rage.

She looked around wildly, only to be hit with a firing gunshot, barely even piercing her body. She got off the ground, quickly, shooting  violently in any direction. Taking cover by Jim and Uhara, breathing heavily, Spock picked up a large gun.

John Harrison moved towards them, empty handed, no gun in his hand. There was no weapon in his reach, until he picked up a large gun, next to a dead Klingon. He pulled off the metallic gray hood form his head, his greasy hair, falling in front of his eyes. The gun now tightly in his hands, Brystal stood up, quickly grabbing her gun.

"Stand down!"Spock ordered as Harrison grew closer. 

"How many torpedoes?" Harrison asked.

"Stand down!" Brystal ordered after Spock. Harrison blasted his gun twice, sending both their guns to the floor. Brystals eyes lit up in fear as he halted at the four, holding his gun at their faces.

"The torpedos. The weapons you threatened me with. How many?" Harrison asked behind gritted teeth.

"Seventy two." Spock responded. Harrison looked at Spock, eyes slightly widened. He cascaded his gun to the side, receiving confused looks from everyone.

"I surrender." Harrison said. Spock picked up his gun, aiming it at Khan, ready to shot. Jim stood up, walking up to khan, until he was inches from his face. Jim's face looked more angered rather than calm looking into Khans eyes.

"On behalf of Christopher Pike, my friend. I accept your surrender." Jim siad, before swinging a punch onto Harrison's jaw. Harrison barely flinched at the movement, causing a little ounce of worry in Brystal, but then an anger burned in her, wanting her to punch Harrison too.

Jim punched him again and agian, still Harrison didn't flinch. No bruise, no scar, no trace of injury was left on his face. Just like he had never been hit so many times by Jim. Brystal watched as Jim's energy begin to sink after hitting Harrison with any punch of his fury.

"Captain!" Uhara shouted, halting Jim's punching. Brystal felt her anger take control of her kind, causing her to walk up towards Harrison. She clenched her fists harder before swinging a hard punch onto Harrison.

Suddenly, Harrison flinched at her attack, almost falling to the ground. Harrison and Brystal looked at each other in shock at her punch. Brystal felt her heart seem to slow as she stared at him. How come he acted like her punch actually hurt him.

The two made eye contact, eyes staring hard into each other. Brystal couldn't help, but wonder how she was able to do that. Instead, Harrison hid a smirk that came from realizing who she was.

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