028||Losing Control

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Brystal felt her legs buckle underneath her as she looked from the doorway. She grabbed the edges of the doorway to support her. Spock was talking to Scotty, her heart breaking knowing Jim was in that compartment filled with toxic gases.

Overwhelming amounts of pain filled her body. Her lungs gasped for that they didn't need. Her heart feeling as if it had been shattered like glass. It was unbearable to not even feel any pain she already felt. Her eye laying on Jim's weak body.

She couldn't will her body away from the sight. She didn't know how to handle another death again in such a short period of time. Tears wanting to flow down her cheeks, sadness causing her heart to shatter once again.

A knot formed in her stomach. Consumed with guilt and an overwhelmed heart.

It didn't take even an engineering genius long to figure out what had happened. Jim Kirk had sacrificed the greatest gift that was given to a man.

"The decontamination process is not complete. You'd flood the compartment. The doors locked, sir." Scotty said, blinking back tears.

"No....please....not Jim too," Brystal begged, tears bursting from her eyes. She was losing everybody she loved, everyone who cared about her. Her mother, her father, and now Jim would be gone forever. 

What would be next? Olivia? Callum? Uhara?

It was because of Kahn. A sudden anger burst through her body, her eyes showing  a fury she'd never felt. It was all because of him. It was all because of Khan. 

Brystal felt her rage bubble to her brain, "No. He won't get away this time." She detached her phaser from her belt. She broke into a run down the hallways, her rage taking over her body.

"Bri!" Olivia shouted through the hallways, running down endless corridors. She reached the engineering chamber where Uhara had ran to. Olivia turned the corner to find Uhara crying into Scotty's shoulder.

Olivia fell into a state of confusion before realizing what must've happened. Could it be? No, she had to put that dreaded thought aside.

Olivia walked over to where Scotty stood, holding Uhara. Olivia stared, seeing Spock sitting in front of the door, where a dead James T. Kirk lay. Olivia covered her mouth, overcome with sadness and shock.

She didn't know how to handle a death unlike how her parents did. Feeling guilt that she hadn't tried to stop Jim. That she couldn't save the person Brystal loved. She felt like a failure.

She felt silent tears fall down her cheek, pain swelling her heart. What if Brystal had seen this? Had brystal already seen Jim dying? Olivia turned to Uhara and Scoot, almost begging them. Willing her body away from the dead James T. Kirk.

"Where's Brystal?" Olivia asked them.

"She was here a minute ago...." Scotty trailed off realizing she wasn't there.

"Tell me where she is," Olivia begged, "I don't need her to feel anymore pain. I can't stand watching her break every time I look at her." A sudden beeping from Scotty's communicator, startled them all.

"Sir," Callum's voice said through the com, "Somebody's activated the transporter beam. Their postion they set it was the city's square." 

Callum sounded unsure and completely scared to what was happening. The whole crew had heard Brystal's plea to Khan and knew of her case.....but Callum must've not heard that part.

"No....." Olivia's eyes widened with realization, "Why do you always have to save the day?" Her heart practically breaking in two, as if something were being torn away from her forever.

"Brystal actiavted the transporter beam?" Uhara asked Scotty, who nodded.

"We can only assume that."

"She's going after Khan." Olivia said, feeling the others eyes on her, "No wonder why Ambassador Spock said she didn't handle his attacks well."

Khan felt a sharp pain erupt in his body as someone came crashing after him onto the ships rooftop. He looked to say an angered Brystal Pike, no gun, but a dagger piercing his left hip. Wind was whipping Brystal brown hair from every ship passing by.

Brystal looked at the criminal with hatred, her anger fueling her body. The blood must've started to work on her body, that should've been tired from running around the city after Khan. The stairs she had run down, the people she had passed through all lead to this moment.

He wasn't going to run away from all the crimes he committed. Not from killing her parents, innocent people, and Jim. He would suffer, and nothing was holding her back anymore. Nothing would allow to feel mercy for this vile man. Khan pulled the dagger out of his side, leaving small opened wound.

Khan cocked his head at her, "You can't defeat me." His words would've been true hours ago, but then again it wasn't. He was wrong and he knew he was.

"Don't be so sure," Brystal growled, breaking into a run after him. Ducking underneath one of his punches, sliding to the ground. She swung her legs around, sending him crashing down. She hid her excitement at the sight of the blood actually working.

Khan swung a punch, causing her to split her lip a bit, before she returned a punch to the chest. Khan punched her again, sending her to the floor. He left onto a ship heading underneath them, landing on his feet without tilting for strength.

"Coward!" She shouted after him, sucking back some maroon blood from her bloody lip. She jumped onto the ships hood, landing close behind him.

Make him pay. The voices in her head called to her as Khan stared at her, coldly. Yet, this time no fear was struck into her eyes, except a boiling anger growing through her body. Not even him making her bleed would stop her.

He swerved a punch at her, only for her hands to clasp around his wrist. She gripped his wrist digging her nails into his skin. Khan gritted his teeth, holding back pain. He kicked her gut, throwing her into her knees, groaning in pain.

"Is this your plan?" Khan asked, smiling coldly, "Do you really think you could defeat me?"

"Maybe you don't know what you've done. You killed so many innocent people. You killed my parents...." Brystal snarled, gritting her teeth hard, "And you killed Jim." 

"I did what I did to keep my crew alive, but they took everything from me! I would do anything for them! Just like I would've done for your mother!"

"Liar!" Brystal yelled, "You would've kept her alive if you would've done that for her! You never cared! I will take you down for what you've done!" Her eyes lit up in a violent anger, running throughout her body.

"McCoy to Spock, I can't reach Brystal! I need Khan alive! Get that Son of a Bitch back onboard! I think he can save Jim!" Leonard's voice spoke through Spock's com.

Olivia, Uhara, and Scotty all looked at the com from the transporter beams coordinates. Scotty pulled his hand away from his console. Spock picked up the comm, pressing in a few other coordinates.

They had spent countless minutes trying to figure out how to reach Brystal or even find her coordinates. Though they had found where she was, her position kept changing. Hope was beginning to fade away from no luck. McCoys words just made that shattered hope spark a new hope. Hope was all that they needed.

Callum was seated at the desk of the transporter room, watching his screen. He watched the whole fight between Brystal and Khan. Watching as the emotions escalated inside his friend and watching as she grew much more vicious.

"Why can't we use Brystal's?" Olivia questioned Leonard.

"It's too risky. Her blood is already subjected to hers. Only it  could heal with her blood," Leonard explained.

"It's an assumption, but khans was added to him somewhere and not attached to him  and could work," Chapel interrupted Leonard.

"Can we beam them up?" Sulu asked through the comm.

"Negative." Spock shook his head.

"As they keep moving, I can't even get a transporting lock on them," Scotty told them.

"Movement complicates thing so much," Callum added as he looked at the screen of Brystal and Khan fighting, "Not even my blood transporter could work, it'd be too risky with them both having the same blood."

"There's got to some way we can," Olivia said, practically begging for a chance.

"We'll have to send someone down after them," Spock suggested to the four.

"Sending one person down could easily stop the fighting," Uhara agreed. Olivia almost gasped in realization back with the pain she still felt from Jim's death. Brystal always loved Jim, even if she never knew it. Brystal had lost everything in the last few days just right in front of her eyes, and it was all because of Khan's attacks.

There was no blaming her for going after Khan. He had killed innocent people, admirals, and tried to kill everyone onboard the Enterprise. He had taken mostly everything from Brystal, and now she was probably going to kill him.

"I'll go down." Olivia said.

"Lieutenant Hale, I suggest you stay here. It's better if I go," Spock tried to convince her.

"No. Brystal's my best friend. I was the first friend she ever made at Starfleet. If anybody can get her to her senses it's me," Olivia said.

"How do you expect to take me down?" Khans questioned, Brystal.

"Like you said. If I took your blood, I'd become something else," Brystal smiled, cunningly. She gritted her teeth, leaping into action, swinging her leg down onto his face. He staggered backward as a new cut appeared.

Cargo ships passed by their fighting brawl, causing wind to whip strands of hair in her eyes. Khan's slicked back hair, began falling onto his face from all the fighting and running. Seconds would only go by them instead of minutes.

Brystal took this time of Khan's weakness to her kick by kneeing him in the abdomen. She turned quickly, punching him in the side of his hips. She spun him around, and kicked him to the ground.

Khan grunted, kicking his left leg into her ankle, causing a sharp pain in her leg. She groaned out her pain, pulling her leg from crumbling beneath her.

The two didn't notice Olivia coming down from the Enterprise in a white swirling lights. She was holding a phaser ready to stun Khan. The swirling of white light stopped, and she extended her hand with the gun out towards the two. She was shocked to see Brystal winning against Khan.

Olivia's hair began whipping in the wind as she watched Khan and Brystal brawl. Brystal clenched her fists grabbing Khan's jacket, swinging a punch on his jaw. Olivia shot a stunning phaser shot on Khan, causing him to almost fumble to the floor.

"You're weak and you're helpless!" Brystal snarled at Khan, kicking him down onto the ships roof, leaving him sprawled on the floor, "This me destroying you!"

Brystal laid on top of him, punching him in the jaw dozen of times. Her lips bleeding coming down to her neck, as well as a scratch on her forehead. Olivia watched in horror as Brystal was leaving no choice to keep Khan alive.

"BRYSTAL STOP!" Olivia shouted, but Brystal didn't stop.

"WHY SHOULD I?" Brystal shouted back at her, "He killed my parents and Jim! He lives and they deserved to live!" She continued punching Khan, his body growing weaker and weaker. 

"STOP!" Olivia shouted again, attracting Brystals attention this time. Brystal's eyes softened looking at her friend, not showing the fury she was in towards Khan. 

"You can't let him die, Brystal!" Olivia told her, "Khan.....is our only chance at saving Jim. His blood........it can save him." Brystal's eyes lit up, causing her to stop punching Khan.

"He killed....Jim!" Brystal whsipered.

"Trust me!" Olivia pleaded, "I want him dead just as much as you! I want him pummeled and tortured! He killed your parents! People who were like a second type of parents to me! He killed Jim and I knew you loved him and I don't want you to lose another damn thing again! Let's just save Jim!"

Brystal fell silent. Her actions seemingly catching up to her now. She'd let Khan use her again.

Brystal nodded before turning back to Khan. He was trying to regain his consciousness from all her punching and wounds she'd given him. She kicked her leg into his face once more sending him to sleep. Brystal's eyes began to tear up from her recklessness and her foolishness.

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