031||New Beginnings

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"You ready?" Kit asked as they exited the black limo, which Issac drove for them. Issac had a pair of dark shades covering his eyes, looking at himself in the view mirror. The Admirals had entrusted him with escorting the siblings to their parents graves.

It was just like any other small job he was given. Sometimes he was paid well and sometimes he wasn't as much as the first time. Yet, he liked having different things to happen every time he signed up for a job.

It was only a few miles away from Starfleet. There was actual grass that grew to ankle length on the ground and the scent of metal was nowhere. It was actually quite relaxing for the two.

Kit tugged up his baggy leather jacket, the fabric resting itself back his shoulders. He looked around the bleak morning, wondering what would happen if indeed did start to rain. He could definitely smell the airy brush of water across the graveyard.

He watched as sister somehow managed to budge out a small cherry blossom tree. Her hair had been a messy bunch of tangles and curls today, and he wasn't allowed to exactly ask her why. But he could only guess her and her new boyfriend had done something the night before.

"Hold on a sec," Brystal put a finger up, switching the cherry blossom tree, that had begun to bloom into her left arm as she looked at Issac, "Now don't forget to put a fresh bouquet of roses here every week, if not you, then make sure someone else does."

Issac visibly rolled his eyes behind his shades, "Yes, Brystal."

"Come on! We don't have a whole eternity to get there!" Kit groaned.

"Impatient much?" Brystal joked as she took a few steps to reach Kit.

"No. I just wonder why you take forever," Kit told her, sarcastically. It wasn't like he wanted to get this day over with already, but it was more of his ship leaving for a mission into the Emlien Nebula. A vast and unexplored nebula was what made him extremely happy and wanting to go on.

Brystal huffed her slight frustration at her impatient brother. Sometimes she swore she was just about to punch him in the mouth. But then again, she reminded herself that would be a stupid and childish act coming from her.

The two trudged through the slightly marshy grass dampened with morning dew. Tall graves from centuries and newer ones decorated the lawn. Aging and drying up flowers rested against the ground near graves.

The two spotted a figure standing in front of where Callius had shown them where their parents graves were. The figure stood alone, solemnly enjoying the silence of the world. Their dark scarfs that wrapped around their body, their robe crinkling as the figure bent down and placed a piece of jewelry on the ground before the grave.

The jewelry was decorated with blue crystalline beads that were threaded through golden ribbons. It looked almost ancient as it curled into the ground, making no sound against the marshy grass.

The figure heard the siblings footsteps, standing up, quickly. Brystal felt a sense if familiarity about the figure, the atmosphere around them was a feeling from long ago. But Brystal did have one person in mind who it could be.

The figure let down their hood, revealing the long threads of aging gray hair with strands brown creasing down. The woman was older than the two and than most people they knew. But Brystal knew who this was.

"If you don't mind, I came to pay my respects," Brystal Prime told the two, her eyes were filled with remorse and wanting them to understand. Kit stared at the woman, almost trying place how he knew or didn't know the woman.

Brystal stood there, trying hard to contain a smile within her. It had been too long ever since the first time she'd met her counterpart for the first time. Just seeing her now, brightened up her day a bit.

"Of course. It is only right you pay your respects," Brystal assured her, giving her a small smile that disappeared, quickly.

Brystal Prime turned back to the grave, muttering a few words under her breath. The words would catch in her throat a few times, but then it would turn back to words that were wove with sorrow. Brystal Prime sighed before, turning away once more.

"Cherry Blossoms. Ava would really love those...so would Christopher," Brystal Prime told Brystal.

"I know they would," Brystal exchanged a smile with her counterpart. She knew it wouldn't be everyday she saw the alternate universe version of herself. The one person who gave her slight wisdom into her future.

"Good Luck, Ms. Pike," Brystal Prime made her way past Brystal.

"Same to you," Brystal replied, her eyes turning to meet a confused.

His brain had been reeling and reeling backwards trying to  figure out who that woman was. Knowing she looked so familiar that is was probably going to bother him forever. Especially, when he'd get back on the U.S.S Interstellar.

Maybe it was something about the woman's hair that struck a memory. Maybe it was her eyes that he'd only caught a glimpse of. His brain was all over the place just trying to fit the woman's face somewhere on a puzzle piece.

His eyes glimpsing back to the headstones that were engraved with their parents names. The figure soon disappeared, leaving the two siblings to themselves.

"Do I know her?" Kit asked.

"Yeah....you know her well," Brystal hesitated before nodding, setting the pot that carried the cherry blossoms in onto the soaked ground.

 Callius had halted his goddaughter before she got on the ship. He knew that Christopher and Ava would want him to look after his goddaughter for them. He missed his dear friends with all his heart.

He'd lost many friends over his years in Starfleet. He lost Issac's father, Alastor Merlin, then came George Kirk, and now her parents. He even lost some of his best students like Mason and Kat through his years.

Callius looked at the two siblings, both weren't exactly ready to depart just yet. The look in their eyes as they looked at their shuttles that would lead them back onto their ships. That rare glimpse between the two siblings where they didn't know how to say goodbye.

Not to mention, he'd just watched Kit show an affectionate goodbye to his fiancé, Chapel. Callius had never been one to like such a public display of affection. While Brystal and Jim had been busily discussing how they should handle their relationship on the ship when they were on and off duty.

"Thought you could go unnoticed from not going to the ceremony," Callius a cheeky smile to crease his lips in a teasing manner.

"I know. We are such bad human beings," Kit chuckled just as Imara Merlin ran up to him, squeezing his waist tight, pulling him into a hug

"We are the worst ever of half-humans and half-super humans," Brystal corrected him. She was pulled into an embrace from Adeline, the woman who felt like an older sister to her. She was not used to the fact of her going to be a senator for Starfleet, it just seemed so out of Adeline's league.

Cauis, Issac, and Alejandro respectfully didn't indulge into the hugs that Imara and Adeline were giving. They gave the group some room while Lyris, who stood opposite of her husband, was giving a goodbye hug to Olivia,

"You finally have a boyfriend!" Adeline out her hands on Brystal's shoulders, "It's been a few years, you may be rusty, but girl...you've got this!"

"Addy!" Brsytal dramatically gasped.

"I know right?!?" Olivia chuckled.

Brystal held back an eye roll just by the twos teasing. She was so used to them teasing her and anything she did wrong just to annoy the hell out of her. But she knew that they were the best people she could to being sisters towards her.

"Be careful out there," Issac told her after Brsytal walked over and pulled him into a small embrace. Issac let down his stern look, and this time gave her a smile.

"Yeah, we don't need your shit or shenanigans coming back here everyday! That's goes for you too, Hale!" Cauis pointed at Olivia, who stifled back a laugh. His drama queen tone always sent giggles and chuckles bursting from Olivia's heart.

Brystal couldn't withhold her smile that wove its way onto her face. Cauis always seemed to have these sassy comments and moments everyday without even having to try. She'd miss that when she was gone.

Her heart now had a new beat of happiness and joy throughout her, a new aroma swarmed her with these friends. The people who'd been there forever for as long as she could remember. The ones who would allow her to preach her soul out and give her a shoulder to cry on.

Maybe that's where she could start her happy ending and her destiny. Not ending it with sadness and sorrow that would melt her away into the next chapter of her life, but instead carry on her parents love inside of her. Be the girl she knew they'd raised.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," Brystal told them, "And I know that sounds so cliché and-"

"Don't worry! I know you'll always be safe out there. With a crew and a boyfriend like that, I'm pretty sure you'll make it through anything," Lyris embraced Brystal for a few seconds.

"You beat your ass it's cliche," Cauis added.

"He didn't mean that," Alejandro cut in before a whole bickering started between the two. Olivia looked at Issac, who decided not to intervene.

"You're not going to-" Olivia began, but Issac responded, quickly.

"No. I don't think I will," Issac told her.

"Bye old man," Kit patted Callius's shoulders and walked off to his ship. Kit pointed at his two eyes and flashed them back at Jim as a warning, telling him 'don't hurt my little sister'.

 Leaving Callius complete off guard as Brystal surprised him with a hug. Callius eyes widened, not entirely expecting her to have done so.

The again these days were harder and messier than anyone wanted them to be. He hid the swell of joy that had jolted inside him, instead hugging her ack softly. He tried to appreciate the moment, not wanting to lose Chris and Ava's daughter, now his duty to protect her.

"Be good, Brystal," Callius pulled away, telling her with a serious expression.

"I always am," Brsytal reassured him, jokingly and truthfully.

"And keep an eye on-"

"Olivia, I know."

"And yourself, I was going to add," Callius told her.

"Yes, Admiral," Brystal mockingly saluted him as she followed behind Olivia onto her shuttle. Callius held back his urge to eye roll at her mockery.

Olivia's grin widened when she saw Callum on board the shuttle already. He was fixated on his datapad, measuring amounts and checking the status of the ship. He clearly hadn't noticed the two until they clipped their seatbelts on.

His head shook from being startled. His eyes frantically darting to the two of them. He muttered a curse under his breath for not noticing them or at least greeting them. He began composing himself, trying not to stutter or mumble.

Uhara chuckled at Callum's expression from her seat across from them. She greeted Olivia and Brystal with a smile, telling them that she knew that they were onboard. Unlike Callum had when he finally noticed the two.

"Good to see you finally made it, guys," Callum told them.

"You knew we would," Olivia rolled her eyes.

Jim and Brystal both exchanged glances as they entered the turbolift, trying their best to act professional. Both them agreed not to show public affections towards each other in front of the crew and to keep it professional. Which would be hard for Jim to control his urges.

He couldn't help, but feel she was slightly taking  after Spock and Uhara's relationship, the two who were always neat looking and professional. But he did have to agree because they'd both agreed on doing things with their relationship privately. Nothing much for the crew to continually gossip about for hours.

The two stood in silence, not exactly knowing what to say at that exact moment. Both looking dignified in their well pressed suits and civil as always. Though Brystal couldn't help but fidget with creases of buttons on her datapad that were at her fingertips.

"Commander, I'd like you to keep some things in mind.....and please take note," Jim told her, holding back a sneaky grin. Brystal caught the sight, raising an eyebrow playfully.

"Alright, Captain," Brystal replied.

"How's your schedule on Thursday?"

"Minus the early shift at 7:30 for a maintenance check and a life support check at 12:30, I'm mostly free," Brystal caught on to where he was going with this, "Jim, am I hearing you correctly?"

"Hearing you correctly on what?" Jim teased.

"A date?" Brystal inquired.

"I mean if you're free for just a small dinner," Jim continued.

"Captain.....Jim," Brystal corrected herself with a smile, "I'm free during dinner break unless some issue comes up, but hopefully not, so....it's a yes."

The doors of the turbolift opened up to the bridge. The two turning their attention back to their duties and other than relationship topics. Stepping onto the bridge as Ensign Chekov caught sight of the two.

"Captain in the bridge!" Chekov announced to the crew on the bridge.

Jim acknowledged Chekov's announcement, nodding at the young ensign. He caught sight of Sulu in the captains chair which made it hard for him to smile or smirk.

"It's hard to get out of it once you've had a taste, isn't that right, Sulu?" Jim inquired to his Lieutenant.

"Captain does have a nice ring to it. The chairs all yours, sir," Sulu replied, quickly getting up from the chair.

"I can agree on that," Brystal told Sulu, making sure she got reports from Olivia and Callum's on their sections. 

Jim went over and flicked open the com that was implanted on the chair, "Mister Scott. How's our core?"

"Purring like a kitten, captain. She's ready for a long journey," Scotty's voice answered back.

"Excellent. What does Lieutenant Commander Stewart report on life support systems?" Jim asked Brystal, pulling his hand away from the com.

"He reports that everything is functioning sufficiently," Brystal reported to him. Jim almost found himself smiling idiotically because of how he was excited to begin this mission. Even after hearing Callius had gotten the rest of Starfleet to allow them to.

It felt just yesterday he was ranting and babbling on about how great the five year mission was going to be. Spock and Brystal listening, intently, but Spock was obviously not the one smiling and making him feel even more confident. Brystal was the one smiling at his excitement and confidence,  while Spock looked emotionless and solemn as always.

Jim went up the few stairs, patting the grumpy and much more pessimistic looking, Leonard, "Come on, Bones! It's gonna be fun!"

Leonard held back a snarl and frown from the captain, then spoke behind gritted teeth, "Five years in space. God help me."

Brystal almost felt like letting out a giggle at that. But she kept that giggle from escaping her lips, just knowing Olivia would be trying to get Leonard to at least like the trip. But Leonard always found a way to counteract anything good she said about the five year mission.

Brsytal absorbed the bridge, holding close to good memories to push the bad ones out. She needed to focus and protect everybody she knew on the ship, just like Callius had taught her. Protect the people you love and the fear of losing them makes you want to fight with all you can give.

"Spock," Jim called over his first officer from his discussion with Uhara. Brsytal couldn't help, but notice that Uhara seemed much more happy that she was back on the ship.

"Captain," Spock acknowledged the captain.

"Where shall we go?" Jim asked, his eyes quickly glancing at Brystal then back at Spock.

Spock thought for moment before answering, "As a mission of this duration has never been attempted. I defer to your goo judgement, captain." Spock turned back towards Uhara just as Jim looked to Brystal

"What about you Commander?" Jim addressed her by her title.

"I'll have to agree with Spock's judgement," Brystal told him, giving him a small smile.

Jim exchanged the smile back, "Take us out, Sulu." 

With that, stars swirled around the ship into hues of purple and pink. Sending them into the farther reaches of space.

(Literally Jim and Brystal in the beginning of act two) A/N: That's the end of act two! Thanks for sticking around. Hope you like the twist with Brystal's half-species. Act three is really inspired by Guardians of the Galaxy movies, so prepare yourselves. Lots of people from Titanium will be in it, but more of mentioned.

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