041||Time Of Your Life

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Jason looked out on the balcony, seeing the crimson edges of waves of stars like fabric. Full of inky color into a blurring, yet colorful abyss. The party had grown louder, but Jason had lost his interest minutes ago.

He'd done these a thousand times, yet he always found himself out there on the same balcony. Like he was watching over his group to make sure no undetected ships pass by. Especially with Anya chasing them down.

He taped the side of his jacket's right pocket with his hand, hitting his data pad to blast music from his headphones. A sense of comfort and allowing him to escape his world. Escape everything that he hated. 

"Come as you are,

As you were,

As I want you to be 

As a friend, as a friend

As a known enemy."

Just like that he let his mind flood back with memories as far as back as 1988. When music still seemed good and new, compared to the aggressive electronic beats of this generation. It wasn't as smooth as a Beatles song or as hard core as Blondie.

Where he'd been cursed at by his mother when she caught himself making out on the back porch at night. Helping out with the family farm, even if he hated the work with a passion. Still at night the family would listen to records and sing along to anybody they played, knowing all the lyrics by heart.

Maybe it had just been last night when he sat on the roof, gazing at the stars. Where he could still smell the freshly cut grass and night dew. It all had been something so calming and relaxing in those perfect moments.

Something that actually felt so good and right, but he'd left it all behind. For what reason? He didn't even know himself anymore.

Smoking of course was damaging, then, but nobody really cared. He still had a small pack and would do one once a month just to take a trip down memory lane. Painful, but bittersweet in its own terms.

"You okay?" A slightly unfamiliar voice spoke up behind him.

Immediately, his first instinct was to pull off his headphones to actually not be distracted. His eyes and body glided over to see Brystal standing there. Here expression serious and calm much like she'd been hours ago.

"Yeah....just.....taking in the view," Jason quickly thought of.

"As my brother would say, that's probably not the reason you are gloomy staring off into space," Brystal commented.

"Well, your brothers a smartass then," Jason gave a small smile.

Brystal would've burst out laughing at the point. Kit always acted so overprotective and a smartass  towards her these days. Constantly messaging her and Christine to see if they were doing okay and if they were still alive.

That didn't mean he wasn't annoying sometimes.

"He can definitely be one,"Brystal shrugged, "So what are you actually doing?"

Jason sighed, "I honestly don't know anymore. I mean we are going to have to turn you in when the ships finally fixed up.....but maybe we can known each other or talk about something?"

Brystal raised her eyebrows intrigued, "Who goes first? You? Me?"

"I'll go first....what music do you like? You seem to have a very diverse taste in music, most people I know these days don't know who Journey is."

Brystal chuckled, resting her elbows against the railing. Looking amongst the stars that Jason had been gazing towards. Finding them quite perfect compared to the drunk people and loud music behind them.

"Honestly....I'm a big Radiohead person. My Chemical Romance, Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Green Day, Halestorm, Linkin Park.....my mother loved ABBA, so I know most lyrics by heart. So that's how I have my Journey knowledge, thanks to her. Taylor Swift-"

"I'm sorry, who?" Jason cocked an eyebrow, confused by the name, "I'm still living in the 80s and 90s era of music. Frida's mentioned her, she's good....right?"

"Definitely. Most of her songs just straight up crush your soul and make you feel the same way, like she opened you up and created a song," Brystal gave a small breathy chuckle.

"Have a favorite Nirvana song since you mentioned them?" Jason inquired.

"Uh...." Brystal bit her lip, trying to think, "Something In The Way wins by a hair from their cover of The Man Who Sold The World."

"Agreeable," Jason nodded.

"I'll have to look into this Taylor Swift though," Jason gazed at the stars before commenting, "Pretty girls such as yourself don't seem to dangerous."

"That's what people say, but they don't know who I am," Brystal said, dryly, "Here's my question.....what was the reason you made a deal with Arik?"

"I....its stupid why I did," Jason sighed.

"I'm not going to judge you for any reason. I knew Elsa was tricked by him when he said he could find her a better life that allowed her to be with a girl since her parents were racists and homophobics," Brystal spoke, kindly, "Which was really shitty for her because she's an amazing woman."

"I.....I did it because he told me that I could escape the life I had....it was all because my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and that really fucked me up. I got scared of having a life without the most incredible woman in the world I knew, if you know what I mean."

"I know what you mean. My mother was capture by The Borg Queen when I was nine and wouldn't be seen or heard from for years until I found her when I was 24. Not too long after that I lost her....again. Life just likes to smack us in the face when we think we should finally have that happy ending."

Jaosn's smile faded, knowing he'd overheard news of Ava Pike's death. Many Recreations were heartbroken over the news of a friend and fearless leader. She wasn't easy woman people could just forget.

Yet, Brystal talked about Ava like she'd known her all her life. Had laughed with her and enjoyed even the simplest moments with her. Like the exact same way Jason pictured his mom wa sthe same as Brystal did.

"Yeah, it sucks sometimes. But sometimes they turn out for the better," Jason added.

"True," Brystal agreed, "I'm still not going to forgive you for hitting me with your metal arm to knock me out."

"I wasn't planning on you not just being friendly without the tension," Jason told her.

"Silas!!" Frida jeered as she pulled him out onto the dance floor. Though he'd developed a deep conversation with another woman, he didn't want to ignore his friend. Frida seemed quite happy and energetic like usual.

Silas's face betrayed him, shining a slight smile towards Frida. The hype and smell of alcohol in the air was stronger than the music. Something the group had done quite often compared to most scavengers.

She was wearing her second choice of dress, the other being a light blue dressed with a v neck on her back. This one was much more comfortable and flexible for fighting compared to the other one. Maroon suited her charming eyes and smile perfectly.

"What?!?" Silas chuckled.

"You aren't dancing!  Your goofing off with a girl!!" Frida exclaimed.

"It's called socializing! Unlike you are doing!!" Silas smiled, cockily.

"It's called having fun!" Frida shot back, humming a bit with the song.

"Sure!" Silas playfully rolled his eyes, "You must be really high tonight!"

"I can't get drunk! Ever!!" Frida shouted, smiling even wider, "Have you seen Jason and Brystal bonding? She's going to punch him sooner or later!

Silas suddenly felt his communicator buzz in his jacket pocket. His eyes immediately widening in slight panic as it continued. His mind had begone to go off on some very stupid ideas of what it could be, but he knew exactly who was trying to ring him up.

It could only be Viper, he told himself. Man, was that  guy more impatient than Arik was himself. It had begun to increasingly annoy him every time he had to answer a call.

He looked around him, watching out for any people he could possibly bump into. Almost being blinded by various pink and purple lights springing off the walls. Anything even just by moving an inch could cause chaos.

His eyes flickered over to Frida, who was swaying to the beat of the loud music. Her curled hair falling down to her shoulders like loose fabric. A smile stretched across her face, not a care in the world.

"I need to-I need a drink!" Silas muttered before restating his previous saying.

He dodged Frida, pushing past other dancers. His hand fumbling into his coat pocket until it clasped around the communicator. Eventually, he miraculously caught sight of the entrance out of the party.

Running past a food vendor and sharply turning a corner into the alley way. He inhaled a sharp breath, looking around the corner to see if anyone had followed him. To his relief he was all alone in the alleyway.

Without another hesitation, he opened the communicator, "Silas, here."

"Hello, Mr. Silas," A woman's voice instead filled the communicator instead of a gruff voice. 

The hairs on his back stood up, "Anya. How the hell did you get this number?!?"

"I have my ways. You should know that you only have a few minutes before I can lock onto your location or you can be smart give the Hybrid to me."

"You'll never get Pike," Silas snarled, "We found her first. She's our bounty. I will rip you limb from limb if you put a hand on our prize."

"You gave the poor pet a name?" Anya taunted.

"She's Ava's daughter!! She saved your ass back on Vontyr! Why would you want to kill her off like you've done to three Hybrids already?!?"

"She's a hybrid! Why take her to Arik if you know he's going to do the same experiments on us to her? Why show her sympathy if you are going to hurt more than I could ever hurt her alone?" 

Anya had a a way of pointing out facts he'd missed. Purposely pushing his buttons to get more angered reactions while she'd sit  on her ship, calm and relaxed. She really had been a star student.

"Well I'm not the one trying to kill her!" Silas shot back.

"What difference is there? You serve a master who wants to her and killing her could end all his tortures. Don't you want him to lose just this once?"

"Killing someone isn't going to help your cause!" Silas retaliated, "Where has that ever gotten you before?"

"It's gotten me closer than you ever could," Anya spoke.

It was all before Silas saw triangle shaped ships blast out of warp speed.  Staring down at the planet, frantic screams could be heard from people around the corner. Silas could only imagine that Anya was smiling menacingly at him.

Frida and Jason, who had grabbed Brsytal's arm, raced outside to see the ships. Frida's drink dropped to the floor, breaking into a million shards. Brystal looked mortified and amazed at the size of the ships at the same time.

Silas felt the tug of guilt and hatred towards Anya as he spat into the communicator, "You bastard! Daughter of a Whore."

"Save it for later," Anya threatened as she ended the conversation.

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