050|| Yalara

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The planet of Yalara was the most beautiful and exotic planet the crew of the enterprise had ever been on. The shades of bright pink, neon blue, and pale shades of yellow. It all seemed straight out of  a children's drawing. 

Pieces of rock and crystal stuck out from underneath the ground. The crystal shining in the sun like a little pathway was created from the series of lights into the massive city. Pine like trees that glimmered with the golden sunlight.

Tall glass building structures shot up towards the sky and created large skyscrapers. Honey laden flowers scents wafted through the air and into the opened window rooms. Keeping the clean air of the outside to allow the amazing world outside to the crew.

While, Leonard and Olivia decided to have some time together. The two had decided to play off their alone time in their shared room they were staying in for the last night on Yalara. Though Leonard had his face twisted with worry lines stretched across his face.

"It's dead, Via," Leonard told her, his voice stony.

"Leo. It's a plant," Olivia chuckled as she moved her chess piece on the board. She had watched as her boyfriend had examine the small green plant. It had come from his daughter, Joanna back on earth.

The plant was given the pet name of: Lulu. It was an odd name for a small plant that only thrived on artificial sunlight. Though it didn't come as a surprise to her that the plant had started to decay from it missing its lusty scarlet color.

She'd never seen Leonard act anyway to such a  simple object. But she knew there was probably a deeper reason to why he was acting this way. 

Leonard held up the plant, shaking his head in a dictorly way, "I  know that....it's just that I've had this for so long. I sort of expected it to at least survive Doomsday. It's basically been a McCoy heirloom now for-"

"Two and a half years?" Olivia asked, "Including the time Joanna had it?"

"Longer." Leonard responded, "Nearly three years. Sorry we came to play a quick game didn't we?"

"We did," Olivia nodded, gesturing to the set of Yahtzee set up in a small circle around the table. She'd already been setting up for the past few minutes. Having had this game ever since Callum bought it for their dorm to play when they needed a break.

She sat at the circular wooden table rimmed with a few delicately cut flowers around the edge. Her chair felt like a big cushion, a bit too comfortable to her liking. Feeling like she would just sink into the pale white cushions of the chair.

Neither was she used to all the fancy stuff. Nor did she quite enjoy Lyris's tales of her being plopped back to her planet, Vestrea and feeling like an outsider. She was perfectly fine from where she stood now as a person.

Leonard sat down in the chair across from her, "Alright......let's play."

"You sure?" Olivia asked, studying his expression.

"Of course I'm sure, Via. Do I look like I'm pulling a long face?" Leonard asked.

"Well.....yes," Olivia answered truthfully, "And I'm just being brutally honest."

Leonard shifted in his seat, grunting unable to keep his ironic quirk, "It's not so much that the damned thing decided to pass on. It's more of because it was the last Jo gave me before the whole khan incident. The last time I saw her."

"You know. She might just give you another plant the next time you see her," Olivia assured him, "I'm pretty sure the next one will be quite special."

Though, she did seem to have taken his words into thought. Knowing it was increasingly harder for him to see his daughter at points. She still was young  and went to school, but from how Leonard talked about her, it was like she meant the world to him.

It made Olivia want to meet Joanna so badly. She wanted to know the girl who always cared about plants and was a genius in math. But she felt it wasn't quite the time to ask him yet about her meeting Joanna one day.

"Nothing will beat Lulu," Leonard huffed, sourly. The two stopped shortly though to hear footsteps approaching the door which slid open.

"Hey, have you two seen, Bry?" Jim asked the two.

Olivia should've seen this coming. With Callum and Scotty fixing the ship together with Senator Adeline was a true joy for the two to work with the scientists.

"I think she went to the library. The last text I got on my datapad from her was 5 hours ago. I swear she's probably grinding down into learning more about the planet, Caera," Olivia replied.

"Didn't she visit that planet when she was six on a trip with Callius's bodyguard, Merlin?" Leonard inquired, seeming to remember about reading of the event somewhere in Brystal's profile.

Though, Olivia had heard both Issac's and Brystal's side of the story a few times. Even, Kit had his own memories on what had happened that fateful day. But even she knew that it was more than just a visit to the planet.

"It was more of......a rescue," Olivia struggled to find a good word to use.

"Do you know which direction the library is?" Jim questioned, "I swear this place is bigger than Starfleet itself. How does Callius even get the privilege of running a place like this?"

"Don't know," Olivia shrugged, "He's Callius. He is the most trusted people at Starfleet. Other than Paris and......I mean Cauis is........but that's pretty much it."

"Makes you wonder," Leonard began, only to be playfully punched by Olivia.

"I think the library's on the 11th floor and I think take a right and left." Olivia answered, playfully glaring at Leonard.

"Thanks," Jim thanked before rushing off down the hall.

"Isn't there like a meeting at midnight?" Leonard asked.

Not many people had been filled on the event Callius and Paris were holding. It was some important mission by the looks of it. Though, Paris seemed to have been the one to have organized the situation. 

Olivia just felt glad that she got  break from fixing datapad for a few days. It was constantly trying form pulling strands of wires apart or fixing dozens of fractured screens. But she didn't think she'd ever find a job that didn't suit her as much.

"That's what I heard," Olivia replied, "Think that's why he asked."

"Or maybe Brystal's using his leather jacket," Leonard commented.

"That too," Olivia agreed.

"The Sailor says Brandy, You're a fine girl."  Adeline hummed with the music, pulling out a few colorfully bonded wires. Using one hand to strap her googles back down on her face, before lifting the up the torch  to start shriveling the plastic of the wires to stick together. 

Before setting the torch down quicker than before after she turned off the machine. She grappled a glass covered plastic machine, glaring in the bright white lights. Using full force to jab the case into the rim of the door she'd been working on. 

"But my life,

My lover, my lady,

Is the sea."

Pulling off her goggles, dropping them to the floor. She examined her work, taking in every detail of the machine. Looking at the passcode that would only need to be used by people who didn't go there.

"Darla, examine me, procedure 5," Adeline commanded.

"Yes, Mrs. Sanchez," A female voice came from the piece of machinery she just place.

A blue light shot out of the small machine, going over her body. Examining as it went up and down a few times. Then, just a few seconds later, the light disapperaeec and the machines voice returned to speak.

"Subject name: Adeline Sophia Merlin Sanchez. Height: 5'3, green eyes, and brown hair. Married to Senator Sanchez. Living relatives are: Davina Merlin and Issac Merlin."

"Spot on," Adeline practically snag out, clearly happy that the machine was working perfectly, "I don't think you need any fixing.....oh wait. Let's try your dictionary setting. What does this mean in English? la macchina funziona?"

"Machine is working."

"My god. This is perfect!" Adeline cheered before she turned on her heel looking around the corner to see that nobody was there.

But she knew exactly that the other two were probably working on the warp core. Immediately, she packed up her torch into a briefcase where she installed all her equipment. Then, she walked over to the turbolift, pressing in a few buttons before it plunged downward.

Already, she felt happy, just as giddy as she was as a little girl. Though her excitement always seemed to happen like this if she completed something. It was a good way of making her feel proud of herself.

"She could feel the ocean fall and rise,

She's its raging glory."

"Is Brystal wearing his leather jacket?" Callum's voice asked Scotty as they examined the warp core just as Adeline suspected.

Her eyes glanced everywhere, marveling at large pieces of machinery. Ultimately knowing that in another universe, maybe she could'v gotten to work on a  ship like this for years. But at the same time, she was glad she didn't.

She had the time of her life facing fires and creating new inventions with the Renegades. Somewhere she could experiment with her work, and somewhere she was appreciated. A place that always felt like home was Starfleet.

"I have no idea with them having almost the same fashion sense," Scotty shrugged, "She probably could be though."

"AWW!!" Adeline's voice came, completely adoring this, "Cute couple stuff! I wish I had this ship!"

"AUGHH!" Callum shrieked, completely having forgotten she was onboard the ship, "Don't do that."

"Sorry, if you spook easily." Adeline chuckled, but Scotty couldn't stop himself from huffing a chuckle.

"Shut up!" Callum's cheek were a slight tint of red.

"Besides what's going on with Blondie and Bry?" Adeline asked.

"Well, Olivia texted me and asked if I'd seen Bry. But I haven't seen her since this morning," Callum told her.

"And you?" Adeline asked Scotty.

"Same as his. The lassie is probably doing some research," Scotty answered.

"Knowing her. Of course she is," Adeline smiled.

Callum started taking off his yellow gloves, placing them on a table beside him. His eyes seemed to droop from exhaustion. He gave off the definition of a hard worker, who really should try and get more sleep.

"How was the upstairs going?" Scotty asked her.

"Quite alright. Only thing I had to fix was a few control panels in consoles on the bridge and I have installed another security check device."

"Did Jim approve of it?"

"Well.......Brystal gave me conformation, but I think that's all the conformation I needed," Adeline nervously laughed.

"What do you have on Arik Soong?" Brystal asked the  computer of the library.

"You have already been given every file and book over Arik Soong. Please select another title or name," The computer responded back to her. Brystal groaned, slouching back into her glass seat.

Her black leather jacket crumpling with her in her slouch. Her desk was crowded with series of files, books and anything that's carried information. She crossed her arms over her body as she returned to look at the computer.

After digging her hands, absentmindedly through now tangled strands of hair. She was a mess and she honestly felt that way. Callius was expecting her to remember everything about what happened that day or what had at least been accounted from files.

"How about Caera?" Brystal ventured.

"You have ever section of the libraries accounts on the planet, Caera. Please select another-" The computer began, but the words her cut off by another groan from Brystal.

She buried her hands in her face, completely frustrated with the computer. Cauis's promises on the computer having every single document became questionable for her. His promises weren't living up to the promise he'd made her.

"How about anything...........that Starfleet has on Stardate 9.18.2240?" Brystal huffed, "Any record from any officer that day?"

"There is two files," The computer answered.

"Which are?" Brystal asked.

"One is a survey of what happened by Mason Graham and the other one is a survey of the people who are key figures on that planet written by Katherine Grohl."

Brystal bit her bottom lip, holding back the pain, "Yes......those files should do."

She looked back down at the crowded desk of books and datapads. Feeling like she was missing an important puzzle piece. Though, she knew that even Kit had given her all the information that had witnessed that day.

Everything was fine. She had every file, every survey, and every account on what had happened on her trip to Caera. Where for a split second she met the woman her mother gave her as a middle name.

Though looking at the desk made her think of how clean Callum's desk was. He would've freaked if even a speck of dust ruined his clean space, even though he worked on stuff that caused his clothes to be covered in all sorts of stuff. But she knew that she could at least be better at being the definition of tidying.

She sighed, cleaning her space up and moving pieces of paper she'd taken notes on to the side. Stacking up various datapads and books, making sure nothing toppled over. Looking over the spot before looking at the new files that were sent from the computer.

"Busy?" A voice said behind her just as she stood up.

Brystal turned as a smile formed on her face, "I was actually just leaving. Cauis promised dozens of files, but it feels like he lied."

"I think if he lied you wouldn't have been asking a computer for two hours on files, books, and surveys on Caera," Jim smirked.

"Fair point." Brystal surrendered, "So anything fun you did in the past two hours?"

"Not much. Not trying to fall asleep to Spock's lecture on how Cauis's choice of a planet like spaceport being it on thing and not on a planet. Saying how that would show favoritism and all that other shit."

"Are you just trying to prove my point wrong of Cauis not being right?"

"Maybe contradicting it, but-" Jim explained in a smiling playful manner that made Brystal roll her eyes.

"But you are," Brystal put shortly.

"Yes, I was," Jim replied.

"See? It wasn't that hard to say was it?" Brystal teased.

"You done for today? You need to relax before the meeting," Jim told her.

"Yeah......I was pretty much done. The computer might as well be annoyed from me sling for too many files," Brystal answered, "And the next time I see Paris, I need to make sure she never does a midnight meeting again."

A/N: back into the swing of things venue after just a few days! I couldn't help myself! I'm so excited to wrote this act and continue their journeyed in the next book: SKYFALL!!!!!

And I pulled a Star Wars move and wrote the books out of order, so here's the order!! And the series official name is To The Stars and Beyond:






Toodles for now!

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