Author Ramblings

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Feel free to skip this and get right into the story (Chapter 1: ? ? ? – "Magic!" with a Side of Spirit Fingers). If you get confused about something, come back here. Maybe it'll answer something. If not, just let me know ^^.



"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says "I'm possible!" – Audrey Hepburn

I fell in love with this quote when searching for a title. Thought it fitting with magic involved.



Table of Contents:

Chapter Numbering

Schedule (There isn't any)

Why all the fandom mentions?

Polls on Wattpad


Betas (Currently none)

Omegaverse (Slight spoiler below?)

The Main OC (She went through a lot of iterations. Defs Spoilers below this.)



Trigger Warnings for those who need it will be at the bottom of the chapters. If I missed something, please let me know.



Chapter Numbering

First thing's first, please ignore the numbering provided by the site, I'm going to be doing my own thing. It's already off with this being the first thing. Chapters are going to be whole numbers, 1, 2, 3.

Little extra things that I could put in a different posting but they would fit between the chapters are going be labelled 1.01, 1.02.... The extras might not be posted in order, might be something I thought up later on. I'll do my best to put up a note at the bottom of the last chapter thing, so it can be easily found if the notification gets wonky. They may or may not have bearing on the story, but knowing how I like to write, there are probably bits and pieces that are relevant. Though do feel free to skip them.



There is no schedule for when I'm updating this. It's for fun and when I feel like writing and editing.

The closest thing to a schedule will be with the Wattpad posts. The chapters have to be split into parts because of their malfunctioning ability to post text. Those will go up weekly until the last part, and then I'll be posting the chapters across all the platforms so that the last bit comes out all at the same time.

(I'm not favouring Wattpad. I'm only using it because of their inline commenting system. I really enjoy reading people's reactions. I just want the end to be all posted at the same time if I have to split chapters up. Wattpad is riddled with bugs and bug out a little less when their "parts" are less than 2000, though I have found out that they randomly delete an entire "part" so if you got stuff saved on there, best back it up.)


Why all the fandom mentions?

Characters that would usually be filled in with throw-away OCs, I'm planning to just loosely pluck people from other fandoms. It gives me a name and a rough personality to work with rather than spend forever searching for a name to a boring cardboard cut out. There is absolutely no need to know who the characters are or the fandoms.


Polls on Wattpad

I figured I could use their inline commenting for people to vote for random things I get stuck on. Like "Where should they go next?" or "Any interest in hearing about _?" I figured some people might be interested in having a pick of things I weirdly get stuck on. I usually flip a coin or roll a die. Or make my friend do it so I wouldn't sit there flipping nonstop because I still can't decide. And if Wattpad doesn't randomly decide to delete that part, then I and anybody interested can look back and see how the story got where it got.

You can find them at the end of the story.



I've started a Chatting Red Panda Discord. I tend to like chatting when I'm writing or planning, so I figured this would mitigate my habit of spamming my friend who is in the opposite time zone as mine.

It's also so I can pick people's brains about food since I have that whole food thing my characters seem to have. The whole "They're always eating. If they aren't eating, they're looking for something to eat. And if they're not looking for food, they're thinking about food," thing. I dunno why they're like that, but at this point, I've stopped fighting it. It's probably revenge for all the shit I throw at them since I'm allergic to most foods. I spend way too much effort looking into foods I'll never eat so that I could write about them T^T.

I hope you're not hungry.

(Link below.)(I've put it in the comment. Wattpad isn't behaving.)



Currently, there are no betas for this story, I dunno if I wanna. I love my betas from Mosaic. They're a godsend and had the patience of saints. I don't know if I want to go through 9 rounds of editing per chapter again. It was really intense trying to get a chapter out a month back then, as a slow writer. But I also have Dyslexia and I get pretty damn artistic with my writing at times, having somebody to just read for comprehension is probably wise....


Omegaverse (Slight spoiler below?)

This isn't going to be filled with smut. I suck at writing it. I tried once and the characters decided that they wanted to splash around in an inch of water in the bathtub instead. I just wanted to world-build with the concept, and I love the cuddling.

It's going to take a bit for it to come into play. I'm making it where the Wizard World doesn't have ABO, but the MCU does. Takes a while for Gwen to realize the changes to her body.


The Main OC

(She went through a lot of iterations. Defs Spoilers below this.)

There's a lot to her and I like recycling characters so I can get to the writing faster. By now she's been through enough to be her own compared to Valeriy from my Mosaic fanfic. Though both still take after my dog more than I notice.

Gwen started off in a Harry Potter fanfic and kept her witchy-ness. (It's the first chapter 1 I've ever rewritten that I didn't hate with a passion. I tend to hate writing and the end products of my chapter 1s. Maybe what little bit I do have of this fanfic will see the light of day.)

Then Gwen the witch got aged up over a hundred years and reincarnated in the Naruto world. Got fused with a couple of other dead Naruto fanfic tries. (That one was written for a NaNoWriMo and then dropped... and then I recently picked up to rewrite because I haven't managed to shake my foot loose from the bear trap that is the Naruto Fanfics.)

Then she finally became the Gwen here, after getting deaged about 80 years from the Naruto one. A random side thought during one of the scenes about 40K words birthed probably the main skill the Gwen in this story, ImPossible, has, which works wonders when the other main character is a particularly fresh off the chair Bucky Barnes.... Her Animagus is also influenced by the Naruto Fanfic Gwen, post going into Naruto world.

And now that I'm reworking the Naruto Fanfic as Cracked Eggs... those two Gwens are likely, and probably has already, influenced each other.


Is what happens when I spend a few years trying to get back into writing and keep hitting a dead end with the stories I think up.




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