Cat Call

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Original publish: 5-4-15

Emma's POV

"I should probably be heading to my flat." I said once I had finished my breakfast. Dan nodded but phil stood up.

"Want me to come with you ?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Sure, I guess." I replied. We walked over to my flat in silence.

"Why did you want to walk me here ?" I asked once oustide my door.

"Needed some time away from him. He's been ... different ever since we met you." Phil replied. I didn't want to be the downfall of their friendship.

"W-did I do something ?" I asked. He shook his head.

"No, you didn't do anything. He's just been more distant."

"Well ... I'm sorry .... I guess." I said. I have phil a hug. It felt as if he would be the one to look out for me if anything ever happened, although I doubt it. No one has ever been there for me, ever, and I don't think that'll be changing anytime soon. I let go and found myself looking into his electric blue eyes.

"See you later." He said walking away. I entered my flat and looked around. Everything seemed .... sad and dull. This didn't feel like my home, it just felt like someplace I sleep. I felt like I didn't belong in my own home. I would have gone back to Dan and Phil's place but I don't want to seem like I'm too clingy. I decided I should take a walk. I got my phone, new gummy bear earbuds {insert picture here} and stepped out the door. I walked out the building and turned up the music so I couldn't hear the honking and yelling of London.


At around 4 I realized that I hadn't rated since the morning. My insides kept begging for food and I headed home. I noticed a girl walking a couple feet in from of me. 5 guys were leaning against one of the building walls. When she passed them one of the guys cat calls her. She stopped in her tracks and stomped over to them, you could tell she was mad. I couldn't see much but she looked around my age. She stepped closer to the guy.

"You cat call me one more time ..." she threatened through her teeth. They guy whistled again, he shouldn't have.

"Come one, no harm done." He said while slowly tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Before he could bring his arm down to his side the girl grabbed his wrist in midair. She quickly pulled it and turned it, I heard a crack and the guy looked like he was about to cry. His 'friends' laughed at him.

"Are you going to cat call any girls again ?" The girl asked. He shook his head furiously.

"Good." I didn't want to get this girl mad by staring at her. I looked down and tried to rush past her. Notice I said 'tried'. When I was right behind her she turned around bumping into me. The girl was about to snap but then her expression softened. Her storm grey eyes stared back at me.

"Hey, I know you. Your EmmaBear, huh ?" She asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, you watch my videos ?" I asked.

"No, but my sister does, she's a major fan."

"Oh ...." I stood their waiting "aren't you going to ask me to sigh something ?" I asked.

"No, do you want to sign something ?" She asked confused.

"No, it's just that I'm use to people asking me to sign their shirts, phone cases, notebook, and even foreheads." I explained.

"Oh, well I'm not going to ask you to sigh my forehead. I'm Natalie, or Nat for short." She held out her hand. I shook it and she gave me a warm smile.

"You seen pretty cool. Wanna hang out sometime ?" She asked.

"Sure I guess." I replied.

"Cool, what's your number ?"

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