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Original publish: 4-21-15

Emma's POV

It wasn't until I got to my flat that I noticed what actually happened.

'When Dan and I were face to face I blushed. Usually when you blush it's because you like someone. That means I, l-like him ... No ! No ! No ! I can't like him !' Even though my mind and heart were racing the second my head touched the pillow I fell asleep. I usually don't have bad dreams but this time I did. It was more like a flashback.

I was sitting at Shake Away with him. Not Dan, him. (Not a PPG reference) I sat there holding his hand looking into his eyes, I was head over heels so was he at least that's how it looked like. His smile faded and he took a deep breath. When he spoke his voice was sweet and kind.

"I have a secret." He said. I sat there with all ears.

"You can tell me anything." I said with my old dreamy sigh.

"This has been going on for a while now." I nodded "I-I'm cheating on you." Those four words had scared me for life. I let go of his hand and stood up slowly. I got my drink from the table.

"W-what ?" I said with tears in my eyes, my voice chocking me.

"Who ?" I asked. He stayed quiet.

"She said it was better for you to hear it from me." He said. I swallowed and threw my drink at him. I ran as fast as I could to my flat. Crying because of pain, sadness, anger, and a broken heart. That made me scared. Made me scared of loving. I never wanted to get hurt again. I never want to get hurt again. I'm not going to get hurt again, ever again. I woke up with tears on my pillow. I checked my phone and had a couple text from Dan. They said:

'Hey. Did you get home ?'

'Are you ok ?'

'I'm being this annoying bc I feel bad for last night.' They were from half an hour ago, so I've been asleep for probably about half an hour. I also had some missed calls. Most of them were from Ange.

'Is she still my friend ?'

'We've been friends for over three years. I've done many bad things to her. Should one little problem ruin our friendship ?' Just then I heard a knock on the door. I quickly dried my eyes, turned my pillow and got up to open the door. When I opened Ange was standing there with her camera and tripod in hand. I looked her dead in the eyes.

"Why ?" I asked

"C-can we just put this behind us and move on, please ?" She pleaded

'Should I forgive her ? Well she didn't show up to something that I will never repeat. I know our friendship will never be the same.' I took a deep breath.

"To be honest ..." I looked down at my feet to think about what I was going to say. I looked back up.

"Our friendship will never be the same. You didn't show up to one of the biggest events of my life. B-but I can try to forget about it." I said with a sigh. She gave me a hug and whispered

"Thank you." She let go and entered my flat. She say herself down on my bed and put the camera in place. She looked at me with a huge smile.

"Come on ! It's time to film a 'Ange and Em' video." I put on a fake smile and nodded I got our panda hoodies from under the bed. {insert picture here}


Ange left once we finished the video.

"Bye !" She said with a wave. I waved back then shut the door behind me. I put my back to the door and slid down to the floor.

'When did my life get so weird ?' I looked around the room, I didn't know what I was looking for. I spotted my laptop, that's what I was looking for. I took and deep breath and got up for the laptop. I plopped myself on my bed and started looking through tumbler. I eventually fell asleep.

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