Why ?

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Original publish: 4-23-15

Emma's POV

I rushed to my flat and just cried into a pillow. I was never going to forgive Ange. Ever. Why would she go out with him ? She knew about us ! I didn't know what to do. Dan's face had been so sad, full with disappointment. He haven't been disappointed in me, he'd been disappointed in himself. Like if he had been the one to make the mistake.

Dan's POV
📱📱📱📱 (I'm sorry the was no laptop emoji)

Did I make a mistake ? Was it too rushed ? I was left alone at the table with two cups, as if someone had never shown up. I slowly got up and walked to the flat.

"Dan ! What happened ?" Phil asked once I closed the front door.

"W-what do you mean ?" I replied with a question.

"I've gotten more tweets in the past ten minutes than I have in the past ten weeks !" He exclaimed. I sadly walked to my room. The second I opened Twitter I was met with a bunch of tweets from fans and other youtubers. Most of them said

'Dan gets rejected big time !' One tweet caught my eye the most. It was a link to a video. I clicked it and two news reporter looking people showed up. One boy, one girl. The girl spoke :

"Welcome to YTnews. Your five minutes of daily YouTube news. So Nick, what do you have for us today ?" The girl turned to Nick.

"Well Becca ..." the girl blushed "today we have a love story between two famous icons. You may have heard about then, Dan Howell and Emma Woodman. They both have YouTube channel by the names Danisnotonfire and EmmaBear. Only a couple minutes ago they were spotted at ShakeAway near the London eye. All I can say is that they weren't far from shaking it away." He smiled. "Y-you see what I did there ?" His smile faded. "N-no ? O-ok, just roll the clip." He gave an awkward smile and the clip played. It was Emma and I. We leaned in when our lips were about to touch she pulled away. It was only a five second clip but it seemed like it played forever.

"Wow ! Is it just me or did it just get hot in here ?" Becca asked.

"Well anyway, in other news seems like a lot of youtubers are now writing bo-..." I shut the laptop slowly.

Emma's POV

-5 days later-

The thing about me is that I can hold a grudge no matter what. I haven't talked to Dan or phil in five days. All I've been doing is filming videos and staying indoors, and listen to music, basically doing what I did before I met them. I'd gotten noise complaints at least three times because of my music. I take out all my pain, anger, and feelings through music, that's basically what I do instead of cutting. I was laying on my bed watching youtube videos, no not Dan's. I clicked on the next video and there was an add that said

"Have you ever wanted to adopt but don't want kids forever ? Are you good with kids ? If so, visit your nearest orphanage and participate in our new program. You take a children out for lunch and then return them later. It's the next step for orphans." I thought

'What the heck ? It's helping a good cause.' Next thing I knew I was signing papers.

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