surge the tenrec

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name: surge

species: tenrec

age: unkown

apperance:Surge is an anthropomorphic tenrec of average height. She possesses mostly bright green fur with a patch of black fur on her face and eyelids and angular blue-green eyes. She has a peach muzzle with a medium-long black nose, upturned sideburns on each side of her head, peach-skinned arms, and several spiky quills that she keeps in a ponytail by a black hairband with six silver studs on top of her head, leaving her quills turned forward. She also has a tuft for a tail, sharp teeth, and tall, vertical, flat ears on top of her head.

For attire, she wears two silver earrings on each of her ears, a black shirt with torn-off sleeves, white gloves that possess visible lining with black cuffs that possess six silver studs, a silver ring on each of her index and ring fingers, and yellow, baggy pants with black stripes down the sides that are held up by a black belt with a round, silver belt buckle. Her shoes have yellow flares with double spikes to make them appear that give them a ripped appearance while the back of the shoes is white. Two white straps can be found on the yellow section of the shoes, which also have black toes, black soles with two metal plates embedded, and silver studs on the edges.

personality:Surge possesses Sonic's indomitable and free spirit, albeit in a twisted and sinister way. A roguish speedster, she is arrogant, cocky, and hot-tempered. Loving to brag, she takes great pride in her skills and abilities. She is also fearless and bold, never showing any form of worry or concern, even in stressful situations. When push comes to shove, however, she tends to give in to anger, causing her to become a more volatile force.

Believing force to be the easy solution to anything, Surge is convinced that she can defeat any opponent and overcome any obstacle getting in her way with pure strength and speed. She is likewise brutal, somewhat bloodthirsty, and majorly aggressive, expressing great eagerness to fight and cause chaos and destruction, persistently demanding to go on missions, and even grabbing Dr.starlineby the collar and threatening him when she does not get her way. She prefers open conflict over covert plans, no matter how effective the latter might be. Notably, she would willingly abandon a plan focusing on stealth in favor of an open assault, assured that she would be able to defeat any attention she would attract, even when within enemy lines. She is likewise fiercely independent and irreverent to authority, much like Sonic, meaning she prefers to do things her own way. As such, she is perfectly willing to abandon a well-thought-out plan in favor of following her own whims and doing her own thing. Unlike Sonic, however, she is unconcerned with how her rogue actions affect others, regardless of the damage or the risks they end up losing to others. That said, she is willing to listen to others' ideas when she admits that she does not really have any plan to go about with, which makes her more open to Kit's suggestions.

Like Sonic, Surge shows a great deal of attitude when facing off against foes, namely by taunting and mocking her opponents. However, this is out of mean-spirited arrogance and maliciousness instead of carefree playfulness like Sonic. She is likewise brash, careless, and impatient, qualities that term from her explosive temperament and sense of superiority, unlike Sonic, whose same qualities stem from his positive attitude and confidence. As such, she is prone to facing everything head-on, making her extremely reckless and dependent on support from Kit (despite what she may believe). Her temperament is most likely influenced by the psychological trauma caused by too much exposure to hypnosis. She also hates having lies told to her and will seek out terrible retribution against those who have wronged her, although this is more out of personal vengeance than a sense of justice.

Despite her punkish attitude and simple view of things, Surge does have her moments of insight. Despite her programming, she was able to deduce that her own thoughts did not add up to her own understandings and that Starline had something to do with them by realizing that he was in the center of them all. For all her roughness, she also has a slightly vulnerable side to her: upon discovering that her current persona is fabricated, she despaired and would even shed tears of sadness. However, this sadness would soon pave way for anger and hatred at everyone and drive her to destroy everything, convinced that if she cannot have a past, then others will not get to have a future, showing herself to be very spiteful. When the Dynamo Cage caused her to hallucinate Starline talking down to her, she became scared and cried over reliving the trauma Starline caused her, only to stop after being comforted by Kitsunami. Surge also has developed a tendency to doubt herself when plans don't go her way. Surge has come to the conclusion that the world has abandoned her, or that nothing good had happened in her life since she ended up serving Dr. Starline, which has intensified her goal to destroy everything in her path as a part of her revenge on Sonic. She fears the world will never stop trying to hurt her and Kit. Furthermore, Surge is also quite petty, zapping Sonic at the end of her first fight with him just to get the last hit.

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