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"Mr.Kashyap, What interested you, in this case, the most", "Are you doing this for popularity", "Do you have any personal grudges against the CM or his son", "Sir, Please answer us" Media went on throwing questions at the famous lawyer Arjun Kashyap but he silently got into his car and the driver drove away... Today is the final hearing of the case... He is scared for the first time in his long successful career as a criminal lawyer... He started remembering the time when he first saw her a year and a half ago...

"Arjun..... Make it fast yaar, you are always late for everywhere except for court, Mr. Sehgal is throwing the party in your honor, it won't be nice if we are late", shouted his best friend and partner of his law firm Raj Malhotra.....

Arjun smiled looking at the mirror, set his tie again, and walked downstairs, and soon both the best friends left for the venue... Mr.Sehgal welcomed Arjun with a hug and escorted them inside with great respect... Arjun saved his reputation and company by proving his innocence in a scandal he was accused of... Mr.Sehgal knew, if not for Arjun, none could have saved him, he went on all praises for Arjun in front of many big shots who made their presence at the party...

After a while, the old man excused and Arjun and Raj enjoyed themselves... Arjun being the responsible one stopped Raj from having more drinks but the latter is not ready to listen as he is on cloud nine to see his friend's success... Arjun smiled at his crazy bud and left him to enjoy. Also, he hated the attention he is getting from the female population... He knew he is attractive but always hated the advances from the girls... While walking to the washroom, he saw a man abusing a girl, his blood boiled in anger. He went and slapped the man and asked the girl if she is alright. She looked at him with her big doe eyes and he instantly felt a pang seeing tears and fear in her eyes. Her face is free from makeup but she still looked very pretty and innocent, her dress is slightly crumpled yet looked elegant. The man whom he slapped recognized him to be the infamous lawyer Mr.Arjun Kashyap.

"Sir..... you don't know who she is, and I'm not abusing her..... I caught her when she is trying to escape," the man he slapped said with anger in his voice.

"What do you mean by that and who are you ??" he asked with the same tone.

"I'm Inspector Shiv Khatri, I'm in charge of her, she is a criminal," he said shocking Arjun. He couldn't believe the innocent girl in front of him is a criminal.

"what's her crime," He asked with a straight tone...

"She murdered the Chief Minister's son, we are here for catching the person who helped her with the crime. We laid a trap, that's why we brought her out of Prison," The inspector told shocking Arjun.

"Now Can I take her," asked the inspector, and before Arjun could respond, He gripped her fragile hand harshly and she winced in pain. Arjun slapped the man again and pulled her gently towards him. By seeing his(Shiv Khatri) attire, the zarda(Indian chewing tobacco flavored with spices) in his mouth, and the looks he was giving to that girl said it all about his character, Arjun very well know these kinds of people, so he didn't think twice before slapping that man.

"You have no right to manhandle her even though she is a criminal, where the hell are the female constables ??", Arjun screamed at the inspector scaring him......

Soon the inspector called for female staff and they reached there ASAP... Arjun warned the inspector saying, he would sue him if he laid a hand on her again..... Shiv nodded at Arjun and is about to leave the place when Arjun walked to her while she kept looking down...

"What's your name ??", he asked her softly

She raised her head, looked at him with those big eyes, and...

"Sir, here are the files you have asked for", he is brought back to reality by his assistant's voice... He nodded and took the files getting busy with those...... Soon he reached the court and got down...He sighed looking at all the media since it's a high profile case. Police surrounded him and walked him inside saving him from the media attention...

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