BESSA : Starvation of Plenty

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To look at flesh and ink carrying the sheen of His work


Overwhelming Her with a hunger that isn't for food


Immodestly clothed in pants and shirt of coarse fab


Skin heating, flushing after the caress of His hard stare


The distance between Them evaporates 

as the bond burns inferno-like


He retreats from Her, Their Wilds peek out 

from the cocoon of skin


He is proud of the temptation He is, 

weakening Her Resolve


She begins Her interrogation again, always asking about her.


Her question trembles Her hands, His confession is Silence,


The weight of His admission echoes in Her sandal-shod steps.


The green in Her voice matching the green 

of His eyes around her neck


So many moments with her drawn out 

of His pained memories


He loved her for so long, He loves Her now, 

both live in the same space within His heart 


Still starving, forgiveness-denying jealousy is consuming 

who She was before Him



Her family's silver knives were taken from Her hands

Because of the justified blood SHE shed in these northern lands.

Always keep your weapons close,  was the teaching of Her Father,

So with Her blades gone, she has found a living weapon in another.

An Eastern female who seeks combat with the sister of her Far North mate,

Trained by a female Alpha who was allowed to live despite her ordained fate.

Sometimes I think the Moon lied to us, apostasy in whispered breath,

Spoken to One from across the sea by one who fights on Her left.

In training every day, bodies battered, their blood is shed,

Neither whimpering nor crying, they lay on the floor and laugh instead.

Request refused. A Luna Made crushing the hand of a Luna being made, 

the Wilds shifting under their skins, eyes that don't look away.

"When you can fight better with these than your knives."

One on One... She would love to fight her, Her Nature decides.


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