The Blood Red Path: History of Retribution.

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Their to-and-fro like time and the tides,

In all the eons past, only retribution resides.

Sisters born, then sisterhood died, 

All for the want of love sublime.

Hatred, sacrifice, lie after lie, 

They endure as mortals pray and die. 

The Moon and Nature uncaring and cold, 

Seducing the weak, and deceiving the bold, 

Promising their faithful, blessings untold. 

Wolves counted like sheep for the number in each fold.

The old healer mocks them, having seen through their deceit. 

Unafraid she reveals the truth, having knelt at both their feet. 

She killed her Wild for one and her mate for the other, 

Now she reveals her worry to the next Sacred Mother.

Giving this warning with the last breath she hath.

Retribution is a blood red path. 

Consider this and always remember, 

It's filled with passion's embers, 

Fury's gore, and temper's thorns, 

And the deaths of many neither Goddess mourns.

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