Eleven- Impact

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So, Mother's Day is tomorrow, and my younger brother isn't home so my mom wanted me, my dad, my older brother, and myself to go to a Wine Bar, and then dinner.

My mom had two and a half glasses of wine, and a drink at dinner, and basically got drunk.

SO, like the child she is, she fucking spit water on me in the restaurant and then died laughing.


Here is an update. This one should... reveal some background information about Yoongi.


My feet lifted off the ground as I jumped over the fence. I could feel the barbs from the fence digging into my flesh and shredding it apart. That was the least of my concerns.

I jumped off so I was on the other side, feeling pain in my knees from the impact, despite landing on my feet.

The cool air made me shiver as I took in a deep breath, looking over my shoulder to see the flashlights through the trees. I sighed before I jogged off, trying to put as much distance between myself and them as possible.


I forced my last bit of energy into climbing the tall tree in front of me. I knew I couldn't keep running, so I decided to try and hide from them. I found a sturdy branch and sat down, legs on the branch while my back rested against the trunk of the tree. I closed my eyes and caught my breath.

My eyes opened again when I heard the voices, the shouting. I tried to calm my breathing down so they wouldn't hear me. I was praying that the darkness of the night sky was on my side for once as they got closer. Glints of light from the flashlights passed through my sight as they walked right by the tree I was at. My body tensed when one of them froze near my tree.

"Baro, the King wants us to return to the castle by midnight. We need to head back. There is a car waiting for us at the trail!"

I heard a grunt from one of the guards, I suppose it is Baro.

The sound of their footsteps retreating made me relax. I waited approximately two houts, although I lost track of time after a while.

I swung my legs over the branch and jumped off, praying for me to not break a limb. When I stood up from my crouched position, I came face to face with a man in a police uniform.

"Ah, well hello there, Min Yoongi." The man smiled wickedly at me.

I backed up until my back was against the trunk of the tree.

"W-W-Who are y-you?"

The man chuckled. "My name is Cha Sun-woo, but most people call me Baro."

"W-What do you want from m-me?"

The man, Baro, chuckled again. He reached to his back and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. "Well, Min Yoongi, I'm here because you're under arrest for the murder of both of your parents. I am here to take you to prison."

"I didn't murder them."

He shook his head, trying to step closer to me. "The evidence is there. And you ran, that's also proof that you murdered them."

"No! I didn't! I didn't murder them!" I was crying, watching as this strange man stepped closer and closer to me with the handcuffs that would restrain me.

I tried to run, but didn't get very far as I felt a hit in the back of my head that sent me collapsing into the muddy leaves of the forest floor.


The next morning I awoke in a prison cell. Baro had been promoted from police officer to prison guard after capturing me and bringing me in.

I had received no treatment for the cuts on my skin from the barbed wire, or the dried blood from the hit to my head.

The whole thing was hard to believe. Yesterday, I had been a free man.

Today, I wake up in a prison cell.

I sat up from my cot and saw words in red printed on the wall outside my cell.

Death Row.



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