Fifteen- Separation

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Update update update updateeeeee!


"So, Yoongi... I haven't had a chance to read over your file yet. Care to tell me what got you locked up in here with the death penalty?" Namjoon leaned casually against the bars of my cell, a lollipop in his mouth.

Uh oh.

The Godforsaken question.

The question that always made me break out into a fit of sweat and a clenched jaw. My throat went dry instantly at the question of my guard.

"Oh? Is someone ashamed of telling me?"

Yes. Yes I am.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "It's none of your fucking business, Namjoon."

He chuckled. "Well, technically it is. I'll find out either way what you did. I was giving you a chance to tell me your side of the story, but I'm done dealing with your shitty attitude."

Namjoon took the lollipop out of his mouth and tossed it on the ground with an angered expression on his face. He motioned for another guard to take his place as I watched the closest person I had to a friend beside Hoseok walk away from me.


A smile crept onto my lips as Hoseok burst out laughing in the middle of a story he was telling me. His laugh is contagious, and I was unable to help myself but chuckle along with him.

"A-A-And then-" Hoseok continued, his breathing heavy from his laughing fit. A few laughs spilled through his words. "He freaking threw his sandwich at him! A whole ass sandwich!" He burst out laughing again, clapping his hands loudly as he did so. The sounds echoed off the walls of my cell.

I chuckled as I smiled. "That's hilarious, Hoseok."

His smile faltered, his eyes dropping. "You alright, Yoongi?"

I scoffed. "I'm in a fucking prison cell waiting for my death. How the hell am I supposed to be 'alright'?" I made air quotes around the final word.

He sighed. "Yoongi..."

I held up a hand. "I don't want your pity anymore. I don't know why you keep coming here honestly if I'm going to fucking die. I don't want to be responsible for someone else's pain."

"Yoongi, please-"

I shook my head. "I don't want to hurt you too. You should really just stop trying to visit me and befriend me. If you're that desperate for friends, then obviously you're doing something wrong."

He recoiled at my words, a tear falling from his eye.

I'm so sorry, Hobi. I really, truly am.

"Now, I would appreciate it if you left my cell and left me the fuck alone."

I watched as he visibly swallowed before giving a small nod and climbing up from my cot on the ground. "Okay, um... I will see you for your execution then, 134340."

His words burned a whole through my heart, making it harder to breathe. I watched as he exited my cell, clearly upset and frustrated.

I had lost my two "friends" within a day.

I guess this is what death does to you.

It makes you more aware of others' feelings and how my actions can affect them. Hoseok might be upset now, but when I die, he'll hopefully be over it by then. Maybe he'll be pissed at me and be laughing over my dead body, who knows?

His bright smile continued to pop up in my mind, making me frown as I laid down, curling up into a ball.

"Damn, you're just pissing everybody off today, huh?" Namjoon's voice spoke from outside my cell.

I scoffed, closing my eyes to shut out the outside world. "Fuck off, Namjoon."


Angst angst angst angst angst. My best friend.

^^^^^ how most of the comments will probably look lmaoo

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