Forty-Seven- Reunion

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"I've finally found you, my son."

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat as I took another step closer to Yoongi, who lay frozen in shock on the dirt.

"How did you find me?"

The male shrugged, taking a blade out of his pocket and running his finger along the metal. "Let's not talk about such things. We're finally reunited."

"No! We're not. I never want to be associated with you, ever again."

"Surely you don't mean such harsh words," my father spoke slowly.

Yoongi raised his head, making eye contact with me. He had a look in his eyes that I couldn't quite identify. Fear? Nervousness? Confusion? I couldn't be sure.

"I'm staying away from you. With my friends and Yoongi." I said, crossing my arms. My eyes continued to scan the perimeter, coming up empty on Jungkook.

My father took the final step needed to get to Yoongi, making me clench my jaw.

"You don't get to fucking touch him." I said as I gritted my teeth.

My father chuckled, tilting his head. "Oh, is that so?" He bent down so he leaned over Yoongi's shaking body. I saw the cold metal brushing against his pale skin.

"No! Please, stop." I shouted, tears stinging my eyes.

My father glanced up with an expectant look.

I sighed. "Let me replace Yoongi. Take me instead."

"No!" Yoongi shouted, too little too late, as his small frame was picked up by my father and shoved away. This bought the older male time to walk towards my shivering body. Suddenly, the outdoors and the sunshine didn't seem so nice without Yoongi by my side.

"You made a brave decision, my son." He said as the metal of the nice grazed the skin of my neck. I winced when I could feel a small trickle of blood leaving my body.

Yoongi stood up behind my father, threatening to attack, only for me to shake my head in disagreement.

"Father? Can I-Can I ask you something before... well, before it happens?"

The male hummed, the knife pressing slightly more against my skin.

"Why was I never enough for you?"

The air grew silent as my words sunk in. I could feel the pressure easing up slightly until the blade was no longer against my neck.

My father sighed. "Your mother... well, she wasn't the queen."

My eyes grew wide as my eyebrows furrowed together.

"I had an affair with one of the cooks in the kitchen. Your birth mother... well... she died giving birth to you. I told the Queen that you were my nephew. When the Queen found out about the affair, a few years after you were born, she left."

"And what the hell does this have to do with you hating me so much?"

"You killed her!" He screamed, lurching forward, knife aimed at my stomach. I ducked

Okay i know this is an intense moment but with the word "ducked" i legit typed "fucked" about ten times before it was typed correctly.

Okay... carry on!

To avoid the contact of the knife. My father grunted as I reached up, grabbing the blade out of his sweaty palms and jamming it into his stomach. I repeatedly stabbed the man who I called my father several times until I grew tired.

I stopped, watching as his body collapsed on the dirt, and the bloody knife fell from my hands. I was panting, and covered in blood. I was frozen in place, unable to process anything until tears stung my eyes.

"Oh... my... God..." I breathed out. "I killed him. I'm a murderer. Oh my God, what have I done?" I cried, falling to my knees in a puddle of my father's blood.

I felt Yoongi lifting me up, bridle style, and just holding me in his arms as my tears and the blood stained his shirt.

"Holy shit, what happened?" Jungkook ran over and asked in shock.

I could feel Yoongi glaring at him, not saying anything as he rocked me carefully.

"I... killed... him..." I mumbled, the words almost sounding far away, like they weren't from my own lips.

"Where the fuck were you, huh?" Yoongi growled at Jungkook, setting me down carefully on some clean grass, as he marched over to the other male.

Jungkook grabbed his hair in shock. "I-I-I had to pee, and... I went a little further into tbe trees than I thought... I-I got distracted, oh my God, I caused this."

As Jungkook finished speaking, the rest of the group, minus Namjoon and Jin who were still in town, arrived, looks of shock on their faces.

Yoongi's expression softened.

"No," I said, standing up and facing my new family. "We don't need to go placing blame. I was the one who held the knife. I was the one who am covered in my father's blood. I am the one who murdered the King. That was all me." Yoongi's arm wrapped around my waist as I spoke.

"If I was here, I would've protected you." Jungkook began. "I failed to do my job and I almost cost you your life. This is my fault." Jungkook let out a sob as he buried his face in his hands. Taehyung, still in shock, slowly crept over and hugged his boyfriend, despite the younger male not hugging back.

Aunt May cleared her throat, glancing up at the sky. "Well, we can discuss all of this later. For now, we should head inside before it gets dark. Namjoon and Jin should be arriving soon." She gave me a soft smile before waving the group towards her cottage.



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