Seventeen- Desire

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*waves* Ayo bitchnachos

I watched as Jin and Namjoon laughed together as Namjoon showed him around his sector of the prison, which was mostly just me and my cell.

I rolled my eyes as they started to get too touchy-feely, turning away from the nonsense that only made me feel pain.

The sound of another set of footsteps made us all pause and look towards the sound. They sounded rushed and erratic, making me stand back up from where I had sat down only a few moments prior, walking closer to see who the visitor is.

I released a breath I didn't know I had been holding when I saw the familiar prince uniform, accompanied with the face I had become so familiar with, except this time it was joined by tears.

Hoseok faced Namjoon and Jin and cleared his throat.

"Joon, um, you can be done with your shift early. I'll be here for the changeover. Go take Jin on a nice date."

Namjoon and Jin both smiled and bowed before exiting, not before Namjoon tossed him the keys to my cell.

I rolled my eyes, turning away from him as I heard my cell being unlocked.

"Hey Yoongi." His voice was soft, but rough, as if he had been crying a lot.

Stay strong. You're doing what's best for him.

I cleared my throat. "Your Majesty." I bent at the waist in a mock salute.

"Yoongi, you know I don't care about the formalities from you."

I shrugged, unable to meet his eyes. The air was think with silence and tension for a moment before I spoke. "What are you doing here?"

He sighed loudly and walked closer to where I was, following my motions, which included draping his arms through the bars of the cell.

"I just... I needed to see you again." He sounded sad.

You're doing good, Yoongi.


He turned his head to look at me, making me keep my head straight. I knew if I met his eyes, my desire for him would become too much and I couldn't let that happen.

"Yoongi, what happened between us?"

I scoffed. "I told you."

"You just said that you didn't want to hurt me or cause me pain."


This time he turned his whole body to face me. "Please, Yoongi, I'm not stupid."

"You sure about that?" I smirked as I stole a quick glance at him.

"If you don't want to hurt me, that means you care. You care about what happens to me when you're gone. That means you have a heart."

"So you came over here to tell me that I have a heart? Wow. Thanks a lot." I had to swallow the lump in my throat, forcing the pain down with it.

He gripped my shoulders, yanking me so I was facing him with my entire body. I tried to turn my head away, but his hands gripped my cheeks, turning it towards him.

"Yoongi, I came over here to tell you something else. Something more important."

"Which is...?"

He took in a sharp breath before closing his eyes. Once he opened them again after a few seconds he let out an exasperated chuckle. "I never thought I would say this in my life. I never saw the chance arising, but here I am."

I could feel his palms growing sweaty on my cheeks.

"Yoongi, I-I think I'm falling in love with you." Before I could react, he slammed his lips on mine, making me gasp. I wasted no time in responding, my hands gripping his waist. I turned us so he was against the bars of the cell, his hands migrating from my cheeks to my hair.

I opened my eyes widely as I pulled away, taking a few steps back. We were both panting, red cheeks and slightly-swollen lips.

"W-We can't." I breathed out, shaking my head.

"Yoongi, can't you say that you feel something towards me? I know you do, deep down."

"You are the king's son... you can't be with me. I am sentenced to die in a month." I could see the tears forming in his eyes as he walked closer to me.

I backed away until my back slammed into the cement wall. He continued coming my way until he was right in front of me. He wiped the skin underneath my eyes, making me notice the tears slipping from my eyes.

"Yoongi, we can figure something out."

I shook my head. "I-I-I can't screw y-your life up t-t-too."

He leaned forward so our foreheads were touching. "Yoongi, please. I-I have never felt this way about anyone."

I took in a shaky breath before releasing it. "I have never loved anyone as much as I love you, my Hoseokie." I saw him smile for a split second before I put my lips on his gently.

After only a few seconds, he pulled away, smiling softly. "We will figure something out, I promise."


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