Thirty-Four- Escape

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"Are you ready, Kook?" Namjoon asked, raising an eyebrow in my direction. He was bent over the row of fireworks that were designated to him.

I smirked. "Of course, Joon. Let it rip!" I lit the wick, watching as the entire line up of fireworks erupted into the sky. Various colors and designs lit up the dark night sky.

"Hell yeah boys!" I shouted, barely hearing my voice over the loud fireworks. Namjoon chuckled as he high-fived me, turning his head back to the sky.

In the far distance, I could see the ladder that I had strategically placed earlier. I saw the silhouette begin to climb up the ladder, making me breath a sigh relief.

Namjoon tapped me on the shoulder. "We need to go!" He screamed, making me groan. I wish we could watch our handiwork up close, but we had to do it from a distance to ensure our safety. Yoongi made us promise to make it out of here safely, and we can't let him down.

We collected all of our remaining items, running towards the forest that fenced the castle in on one side. Namjoon was a few yards ahead of me, since he was closer to the woods than I was.

I turned my head to see the silhouette climbing into the window, making me smile. I couldn't help but think about how I would go to these lengths for my Taehyung. I faced the front, only for my smile to falter as a pair of hands gripped my arms tight, making me unable to move.


It felt like deja vu, only this time it was louder. I was jolted awake from the fireworks outside. I saw my window open, making me flinch.

I settled down when I saw the familiar face poke his head into my room. He made eye contact with me as he climbed through the window. I immediately crawled out of bed, rushing towards him. I engulfed him in a hug, unable to hold back my tears as I sobbed into his black shirt.

"I-I missed y-you s-so much." I cried, lifting my head back so I could see his face close to mine.

He chuckled. "I can see that."

I slapped his chest, making him laugh once more.

His smile faltered as he wiped away my tears. "Hobi, this is probably the last time I can visit you unless you come with me. We can leave right now, back the way I came."

I sucked in a sharp breath before meeting his eyes. "You know, Yoongi... After you left the last time, I have thought about what it would've been like to actually go with you. How our lives would be, and how we would be." My hands cupped his cheeks while I spoke. "I don't want to regret it again."

I watched as his face lit up. "Does that mean...?"

I giggled. "I'm going with you."

He wasted no time in picking me up and spinning me around. He set me down on the ground, pecking my lips several times before I heard loud knocking on my door.

Yoongi pulled me towards the window. "That's our cue. We have to go now."

I nodded, running over to my nightstand, grabbing my phone and charger, along with the only picture I have of my mother, before running back to my love. He kissed my cheek before he stepped onto the ladder.

He helped me down, making sure I wouldn't fall. Once our feet touched the ground, he gripped my hand and we took off running towards the forest that lined the side of the castle.

Once we were far enough away, I turned back, seeing the smoke clearing from the fireworks, the majority of lights in the castle were on from the commotion.

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist, and a pair of lips kissed my shoulder. "How do you feel, Hobi?"

I took in a deep breath, letting it out through my mouth before I answered. "I feel... free."



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