Three- The Prince

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Yoongi POV

I stared at the man in front of me. He wore expensive clothing and was clearly an important person. He was quite attractive, with sharp cheekbones and jaw. His lips looked like a heart. He definitely had some muscle hidden underneath his clothes. I quirked an eyebrow, a smirk toying on my lips.

"Well well, who do we have here?"

The man cleared his throat, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned against the wall. "You don't know who I am, do you?"

"Clearly not, considering I just asked who you are."

He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "My name is Jung Hoseok. Does that help you at all?"

I shrugged. Of course I knew who he was. I could tell just by what he was wearing and how he spoke to the guards. "Nope. Doesn't ring a bell, sorry."

He took a step closer, leaning forward to make me feel intimidated. "I'm the Prince of Auralia, the future King. You see... I'm here because I received a report of brutality." His eyes traced my battered and bruised body. "You definitely seem to be beaten up." He leaned back, the look of intimidation disappearing. "Are you in any pain? I could bring you some pain medicine."

I shook my head. "It's nothing I'm not used to."

Hoseok POV

The prisoner looked tough, but he seemed to have a good heart. His eyes were soft, but troubled. He clearly meant well, but he probably had a rough life.

I scrunched my eyebrows at his statement. "What do you mean by that?"

He rolled his eyes. "It's not like you fucking care, Prince Hoseok. You don't have to punish Baro for beating me up. We have some nice chats from time to time, don't we Baro?"

"Yeah, sure, whatever." I chuckled at the sarcasm in the guard's voice.

"Okay, well, if everything is alright here, I have other business to attend to. Farewell, prisoner 134340."

I turned on my heel, leaving the cell, hearing it lock behind me. I walked to Baro, staring him directly in the eyes. I dug a finger through his bulletproof vest. "I do not believe in any sort of brutality as punishment, you understand me?" The guard nodded his head, swallowing hard. "I will be back to check on things frequently, but without warning. If I see any new marks on that prisoner, your ass is mine."

"Y-yes Prince." He bowed as I made my leave, feeling infuriated at the situation.


"Prince Hoseok! How lovely to see you."

I bowed, forcing a smile on my face. "Lovely as always, Eunha!" I kissed both of her cheeks while holding her hands. "I would love to talk, but I need to speak with my father about an issue."

She curtsied. "Of course. I look forward to seeing you again soon!"

I wandered deeper into the ballroom, my cheeks starting to burn from smiling widely for so long. My eyes trailed over the crowd of people, my lips forming a pout as I searched for the person I was looking for. My smile came back, this time without being forced, as my eyes landed on the male with light brown hair, and a black button up shirt making his chest muscles stand out.

I made my way through the people, being forced to stop and say hello every once in a while. I finally had him in my view again, and I picked up the pace, wanting to be near him as soon as possible.

"Father," I panted, bending at the waist.

"Hoseok, why are you so out of breath? That doesn't make us look good." His voice was gruff, but I was used to it.

"Yes Father, I apologize." I bowed slightly with my body before clearing my throat. "I came to discuss some business with you."

My father nodded impatiently.

"I had received a report from the prison and went to investigate. I believe the guard, Baro, is beating one of our inmates, sir."

The man scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Baro is our best prison guard. Who was the prisoner?"

"Prisoner 134340, sir."

There was a slight nod. "As I suspected. Prisoner 134340 is always causing trouble and wreaking havoc. If you ask me, he deserves to be beaten senseless."

My mouth fell open as I watched my father walk away, greeting other visitors.

"Close your mouth, you don't want to eat flies do you?" Taehyung bowed next to me.

"What is that prisoner's deal? Why does everybody hate him?"

Taehyung quirked up an eyebrow. "You mean the one you saw today? 134340?" I nodded, waiting for him to continue, but his laughter caught me off guard.

"W-Why are you laughing?"

Taehyung shook his head as he calmed down. "Let's just say that nobody is upset he is receiving the death penalty soon."

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