Twenty-Five- Abandonment

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"Open up the gates!" One of the guards shouted, making me squint as I opened my eyes slowly. I saw a group of guards standing outside my cell, Namjoon sheepishly standing behind them.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I sat up. "W-What... What's going on?"

Namjoon's head shot up at the sound of my voice. He gave me a look of pity.

The group of guards entered my cell, walking over to me and yanking me off of my cot. "Hey! What the fuck is going on!?" I shouted louder than before, not happy about how tightly they gripped my arms.

"Shush!" The guard behind me snapped back as he slapped the back of my head.

I winced, my eyes glaring into Namjoon's eyes as I was practically dragged from my cell.

"Close the gates!"

The squeaky sound of the rusty gates closing made my head hurt, but that was the least of my worries.


They had moved me to maximum security. They decided that I was no longer allowed to have any interaction as I neared my execution date.

My cell was even smaller this time, and the cot was worse than before. This one had a gaping hole in it, leaving a spring stabbing me in the ribs whenever I tried to sleep.

I don't even see the person who brings me my food. All they do is open up a door that is large enough for their hands to slide the tray through.

I groaned as I just wanted to bang my head against the cement wall and put myself out of my misery.

But I couldn't.

I had Hobi to think about. Namjoon said he had a plan. Now all I had to do was wait for the plan to be executed, and pray that it worked.

I didn't even know what he was planning. I didn't want to know, at least not yet. The less people that know, the better.

Except maybe now that I'm excluded even more from the outside world, I wish I had been told the plan.


"Namjoon? Where are you?" I screamed, the pitch black making me unaware of my location.

I was panicking. It was a new place, a new setting. Change is something I hated. My anxiety made these changes especially difficult.


"Hey, shut your mouth in there!" The guard shouted.

I sighed when I remembered where I was. 

I was all alone in my cell. 

Normally I don't get lonely, but this was a new feeling. 

It felt like abandonment.

(And this is where I switched to writing at work so the formatting may be a little different)


I heard the buzzer sound, signaling that it was time for my meal. The small gate opened, and a tray was shoved through. I grunted as I stood up, grabbing the tray. 

I sat down on the hard cement floor, staring at the disgusting bread and water on my tray. Not only do they make you feel like the most secluded person in the world, but they also try to starve you to death. 

I picked up my cup of water, and I had to squint my eyes when I saw a small piece of paper folded underneath my cup. 

I hummed as I picked it up and unfolded it. I immediately searched for the sender's name, smiling when I saw the two letters: RM. 

Namjoon sent me his plan. 



Sorry for being so inactive. My senior year of college started last week and I've just not felt motivated to write as much. Whoops. 

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