Twenty-Nine- Mystery

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*casually waves hi*

I decided to write an update in honor of my one year of being clean.

Hope y'all enjoy!😉


"You might think I'm crazy when I tell you this... Yoongi was in my bedroom last night. In the flesh. Like, as in, he hugged me, and I felt the bed sink down, and he kissed my shoulder. I could smell him. I could touch him."

Two pairs of eyebrows quirked up before laughter erupted in the air.

"We don't think you're crazy, Hoseok," Taehyung giggled.

Jungkook shook his head. "Definitely not."

I froze. "You both actually believe me?"

Jungkook nodded. "Who do you think was responsible for helping him get up and down the palace to your room?"

"And who do you think rang the warning bell?"

I gasped, a small smile forming on my lips. "You two are some real sneaky bastards, you know that?"

Taehyung giggled again. "Why do you think we snuck around and made out so much during our shifts without anyone noticing? Well, until you found us that one time." He blushed as he lowered his head. Jungkook reached over and pulled his head into his chest.

"God, how could I let him slip away?"

Jungkook shrugged. "You were probably in shock, honestly. I mean... You watched what you thought was him being decapitated. You watched his headless body be dragged into the bed of the truck and dragged away to be cremated."

I cringed. "Thanks for that image, Kook."

"Anytime, pal."

I chuckled slightly until something dawned on me. "Wait... I saw him be decapitated.... How the hell did that happen?"

Taehyung sighed. "Honestly? It was another prisoner who was made to look like Yoongi."

Jungkook chimed in before I had time to speak. "And before you freak out, just know that this prisoner was set to be executed next week. We just pushed it up, and then after the execution, Namjoon made it seem as if the prisoner had committed suicide in his cell."

I shook my head, unable to process so much information. "I-I-I can't... This is way too much."

Taehyung pulled away from Jungkook and reached out for me, giving me a tight hug. "I know this is a lot, Hobi, but trust me when I say that we did this all for you. Yoongi did all of this... for you."

"Why is everyone risking so much for me? Why do I deserve any of this?"

Yet another sigh came from Taehyung's lips. "Hoseok, do you really think so little of yourself?"

I looked down, not able to fathom how to answer that question.

"Hobi, you are so incredible. Truly. Every one of your friends knows how fucking amazing you are. Of course we would help you!" Taehyung cheered, giving my hand a squeeze.

I gave him a small smile before Jungkook cleared his throat.

"Plus... We know you don't deserve the treatment you receive."

I tilted my head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"I mean... uh..." Jungkook chewed on his inner lip for a second before taking a deep breath. "Look... I may not have been your employee for long, but I am very intuitive. I notice things. And I've noticed you shy away from your father if he gets angry, even if its not at you. I've seen you try to hide a bruise a few times. I noticed the excess makeup on your face one day to cover up a small scratch. Nobody deserves any of that kind of treatment."

My gaze travelled down towards my lap. I had to force the tears in, not wanting to appear weak. I large hand gave mine a squeeze, making me lose control.

I looked up at Taehyung with tears slipping down my cheeks as he rubbed a thumb on my hand.

I had the chance to run... to escape... Why the fuck did I not take it?



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